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This paper will mainly focus on the material culture surrounding the administration of the Lord’s Supper in the Reformed churches of the Dutch Republic. After a brief survey of the ecclesiastical setting for the service and the practical... more
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      Liturgical StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMaterial culture of religion
Beginning with Giorgio Agamben’s alignment of ethics and potentiality, this essay questions the ethical dimension of gesture in the field of dance as an eminently potentiality-bound art form. This draws on Daniel Sibony’s concept of law... more
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      ChristianityCultural StudiesEmotionAmerican Studies
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
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      Medieval HistoryMoral TheologyByzantine HistoryByzantine Liturgy
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      Intellectual HistoryReligious EducationPastoral TheologyLiturgical History
Accounts of Eucharistic origins have usually been driven by concern to establish the genealogy of later liturgical practices, and reflect broader narratives of early Christian history as either smooth transition or radical fall from... more
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      New TestamentLiturgyRitualEarly Christianity
Pentecostalism, found over the past century in the dramatic surge of “Spirit-filled Christians” across the globe, is an astounding phenomenon of religious innovation. Pentecostal believers across categories of race, class, and education... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsSociologySociology of Religion
In the following article we will examine at length some of the dynamics by which R. Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad—the renowned Ben Ish Hai (1834–1909) - integrated Kabbalah into daily life, and the complex way that he combined the teachings... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsNew Religious MovementsHistory
A brief note published in Antiquity 75 (2001): 509-10
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLiturgyLate Antique Archaeology
The article was written at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Theology, under the aegis of project NEWCONT (New Contexts for Old Texts: Unorthodox Texts and Monastic Manuscript Culture in 4th- and 5th-Cent. Egypt), funded by the European... more
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      GnosticismLiturgical StudiesPatristicsCoptic Studies
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesGregorian ReformScholastic Philosophy
No myth might be understood differently than as a vital cultural power. Thus no researcher can collect and analyse myths out of context. They must notice the influence of myth on social life, morality, law and also religious life with its... more
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      Liturgical HistoryLiturgical Theology
This article was published in 1999 and summarises some of the ideas that were expanded in the later monograph The Architecture and Liturgy of the Bema in Fourth- to-Sixth-Century Syrian Churches.
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLiturgical StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologySyrian Studies
The author of the Elenchos attributes to Alcibiades of Apamea, an Elchasaite who had arrived in Rome around 220 c.e., the preaching of a baptism for the remission of sin, and of ablutions for those that had been bitten by a rabid dog, the... more
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      Liturgical StudiesBaptismLiturgical HistoryHippolytus of Rome
Calvinism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1548-1648 offers an in-depth history of the Reformed Churches in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in its first hundred years. It analyses church polity, liturgy, the practices of Calvinist... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPolish HistoryReformation HistoryReformation Studies
Essays from Antiphon
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      Liturgical StudiesCatholic TheologyLiturgical HistoryLiturgical Theology
in: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 30 (1981) 239-248.
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      Byzantine LiturgyLiturgical HistoryHistory of LiturgyKoptologie
he author of the book of Hebrews (hereater Auctor ad Hebraeos) is widely recognized as a talented theologian. his is largely because he, like the authors of Matthew and Romans, knows how to draw abundantly on Holy Scripture and is skilled... more
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      Liturgical StudiesNew TestamentLiturgyBiblical Studies
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      Liturgical HistoryEzra Fleischer
Stiftung und Stiftungsvollzug sind zweierlei. Eine Stiftungsurkunde allein bewirkt noch keine Stiftung. Für Aussagen über die mittelalterliche Stiftungswirklichkeit gelten daher Nekrologien und Anniversar-, auch Seelgerät-oder... more
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      LiturgySocial and Cultural HistoryLiturgical HistoryCloisters
The article presents a set of euchological texts in honor of St. Jerome: from the first mentions in the Sacramentary of Gelasius to the renewed Roman Missal of Paul vi. It outlines how the fundamental sacramentaries and missals of the... more
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      Translation StudiesSecond Vatican CouncilLiturgical HistorySt Jerome
In response to criticisms about the use of "Ordinary Time" as a title for a liturgical season, this essay: 1) offers a historical overview of the weeks immediately following Epiphany and Pentecost; 2) summarizes the theological consensus... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgical HistoryHistory of Liturgy
Crucifixion, maiestas Domini, rite of Mass, liturgical kiss, Indutus planeta
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      Liturgical StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church History
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyByzantine LiturgyLiturgical History
A triangulum Eredete, gyakorlata és szimbolikája a római liturgiában Triangel ist die Bezeichnung für den bei den Trauermetten der Kartage gebraucheten dreieckigen Leuchter, sowie für die bis zur Reform der Ostervigil 1951/55 auf einem... more
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      Church MusicLiturgyLiturgical HistoryCatholic Liturgy
In Early Judaism: New Insights and Scholarship, ed. Frederick Greenspan (2018) When Jews hold in their hands a Jewish prayer book today, no matter of what movement, they are participating in a form of worship about which the Bible tells... more
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      Liturgical HistoryLate Antique LiturgyWorshipJewish Liturgy
The Mass Commentary Dominus Vobiscum: Its Textual Transmission and the Question of Authorship This essay is based on the research for my M.A. thesis of the same title supervised by the late Roger E. Reynolds in 1977. The Dominus Vobiscum... more
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      Liturgical HistoryCatholic LiturgyAlcuin of YorkCarolingian Church
Aborda el proceso de conformación del Cabildo de la catedral de Puebla a lo largo del siglo XVI, analizando las representaciones y connotaciones simbólicas adjudicadas a los actos litúrgicos, particularmente el Oficio divino, como forma... more
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      Liturgical History16th century MexicoCathedral chaptersCatedrales
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      Reformation StudiesIconoclasmLiturgical History
In his famous work, The Civilisation of Manners, Norbert Elias regarder the Church purely as an agent in the process of implanting the practices of the court among the lower social groups. Entirely enveloped in the state and possessing a... more
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      French HistoryLiturgical StudiesHistory of Roman Catholicism19th Century (History)
This paper argues that the origin of the Seven Sacraments in Orthodoxy has been incorrectly catalogued in the past. Secondly, the real source for adoption of said sacraments derives from lesser known Greek sources and proto-Scholastic... more
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      Liturgical StudiesHistory of SacramentsSacramentologyDuns Scotus
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      Liturgical HistoryHistory of musicMusical Sources Studies
Historians have never properly dealt with the Twelve Great Feasts (the Dodekaortion) of the Eastern Orthodox Church. While some feasts have received much attention, others have been almost totally ignored, making an understanding of... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyOrthodox TheologyEastern Christianity
Book chapter in S. Hamilton and A. Spicer, Defining the holy : sacred space in medieval and early modern Europe / edited by Andrew Spicer and Sarah Hamilton, Alderschot, 2006. This article analyses the different aspects of the use of... more
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      Liturgical HistoryMedieval Devotional CultureSaint-Omer
Fragments of the Liturgy of St Marc in Vienna
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgical HistoryEarly Christian Papyri and Inscriptions
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgical HistoryLate Antique Liturgy
The liturgical services of the Orthodox Church are one of the most important elements in the spiritual life of each of its members. They are understood as both communal prayer, complemented by individual prayer, and specific rites and... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyPractical theologyByzantine Liturgy
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      Historical AnthropologyVisual AnthropologyTheologyLiturgical Studies
On the Song of Songs by Hippolytus is the earliest surviving Christian interpretation of the Song of Solomon covering the first three chapters to 3:7. Hippolytus wrote the commentary as a mystagogy, an oral instruction in the mysteries of... more
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      GnosticismTranslation StudiesTheologyNew Testament
For nearly a century the concept of the twelfth-century renaissance has been integral to our understanding of the medieval Latin West. At the heart of any notion of renaissance is a Rome of the mind's eye. This collection places Rome into... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of the MediterraneanLiturgical History
"The tenth-century Palestinian codex Sinai Gr. 957 contains one of the oldest redactions of the Constantinopolitan nuptial rites of Engagement and Marriage. In addition to copying the marriage practices of the tradition of the Byzantine... more
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      Liturgical StudiesMedieval Church HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine Liturgy
This chapter argues that the sensory, corporeal, and spatial practices of desert ascetics transmuted into a technique of Christian imperialism in the later Roman Empire. It is divided into two sections: ‘Fortress of the Ascetic Body’ and... more
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      Theodoret of CyrrhusSpatial TheoryLiturgical HistoryEarly Christian Architecture
Il Movimento liturgico cattolico, nato nell’Ottocento con il proposito di ricollocare la liturgia al centro della pietà dei fedeli, si è sviluppato nel corso del Novecento articolando motivazioni e obiettivi del proprio impegno. In questo... more
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    • Liturgical History
Si cerca di operare una prima messa a punto dell'uso delle espressioni "riforma della riforma" e "nuovo movimento liturgico" nella pubblicistica e nella sitografia del tradizionalismo cattolico contemporaneo. Accesso on line... more
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    • Liturgical History
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      Liturgical StudiesEarly Modern HistoryLiturgyReformation History
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      LiturgyContemporary HistoryChurch HistoryLiturgical History