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      ReadingBook ClubsLiterature Discussion GroupsDiscussion in classrooms
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      Multicultural EducationLiterature Circles21st Century Skills
This paper analyzed three middle grade novels and a short story from two cultures using the journey motif as the vehicle for the analysis. The three novels are Bud Not Buddy and The Watsons Go to Birmingham both by Paul Curtis (1995,... more
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      EducaciónLiterature CirclesGraphic Organizers
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      Children's readingComics StudiesVisual LiteracyChildren's and Young Adult Literature
This article discusses the qualitative portion of a larger mixed method intervention study that examined the effects of literature circles (peer-led small group discussion of an assigned reading) on the reading achievement of college... more
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      Developmental EducationStruggling ReadersLiterature CirclesPost-Secondary Education
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      LiteracyInquiry Based LearningClassroom Discourse AnalysisClassroom Interaction
In this third volume of It’s All About Thinking, the authors focus their expertise on teaching and learning in the middle years, translating principles into practices and exploring questions such as: How can we help students develop... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationTeacher Education
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      Russian LiteratureSociology of LiteratureThe Russian Silver Age20th Century Russian Literature
The objectives of this research were: (1) to know the role of Literature Circles in the composition process by looking at the transparencies of the synopsis as the final product; and (2) to find out the participants’ perspectives upon... more
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      Corpus Linguistics & Language PedagogyCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisReflective TeachingTeaching Academic Writing
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of literature circles on the reading achievement of college reading students using a mixed method approach. A literature circle is defined in this study as students who form a group,... more
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      Reading ComprehensionLiterature CirclesReading Strategy Instruction, Struggling Readers, Action ResearchLiteracy Instruction
The JSC is seeking manuscript reviewers with expertise in a variety of areas in education. Reviewers' contribution will help ensure that the articles published are of the highest quality. To facilitate the process, an electronic copy of... more
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    • Literature Circles
This paper explores how literature circles were introduced in the EFL lessons of a group of 3rd year ESO students. Literature circles are school book clubs in which the students form small groups in order to discuss a text. They were... more
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      TESOLReading ComprehensionEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)EFL teaching
Volume 49 February 2015 Current research suggests that emotional investment is essential for helping students critically engage in learning in the English language arts classroom. Yet, scholarship on the role of emotion in literary... more
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      Reader ResponseCritical Discourse AnalysisAffect/EmotionEnglish Education
You can find full text at
ERIC Number: ED564041
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      ReadingLiterature CirclesSocial SkillsReading Circles
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      Online ReadingLiterature Circles
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      Critical ThinkingEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Literature CirclesReading Circles
Drawing on and reexamining theories on gender and literacy, derived from research performed between 1974 and 2002, this qualitative study explored tbe gender assumptions and expectations of Language Arts teachers in a graduate level... more
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      Gender StudiesTeacher EducationSecondary EducationReader-Response Theory
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      Critical ThinkingLiterature CirclesReading CirclesGILE
The article proposes a typology of literary associations in the Silver Age, based on three formal (functional) criteria: degree of socialization, degree of formalization and degree of officialization. The result is a tripartite typology... more
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      Russian LiteratureSociology of LiteratureThe Russian Silver Age20th Century Russian Literature
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      Russian LiteratureSociology of LiteratureThe Russian Silver Age20th Century Russian Literature
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      CollaborationTESOLExtensive ReadingEducational Neuroscience
Critical literature circles (CLCs) have received considerable attention for the development of critical thinking as a form of higher-order thinking (HOTS) skill in EFL classrooms. Previous research reports the importance of small group... more
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      Critical Thinking SkillsLiterature CirclesEFL ClassroomsHigher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
Purpose: This paper explores alternative literacy instruction with incarcerated youth, adds to the body of existing literature documenting the literacy of those incarcerated, and investigates the construction of book clubs through a... more
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      Case Study ResearchQualitative ResearchIncarcerated AdolescentsCritical Literacy
This article describes a mixed-methods study that examines the effects of literature circles (peer-led small group discussion of an assigned reading) on the reading achievement of college students taking developmental reading courses. The... more
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      Reader ResponseReading ComprehensionPostsecondary EducationTeaching Reading and Writing Skills
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      EducationLiteratureLearning and TeachingTeaching Methodology
As a science teacher, I regularly use outside reading assignments (e.g., news articles) to help develop my students’ understanding of topics addressed in my anatomy class. However, I have found that in simply reading texts, students often... more
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      Science EducationAnatomyLiterature Circles
The “fascination with geometric forms,” Miranda B. Hickman observes, “provided many modern writers with a language through which to imagine and articulate their ideals”. This paper investigates Wallace Stevens’ reworking of W. B. Yeats’s... more
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      William Butler YeatsW. B. YeatsIrish PoetryTwentieth Century American Poetry
Circle-square crop configurations in the Texas Panhandle (images courtesy of Google Earth). Scholars during the Medieval Period believed that there was something "divine" or "perfect" about the circle. The farmers of today in the Texas... more
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      ArtArt TheoryContemporary ArtIrrigation
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      English Language ArtsMulticultural LiteratureLiterature Circles
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      CollaborationTESOLCollaborative Learning (Education)Language and Culture
This study aimed to determine the perceptions of teacher candidates and to use the literature circles method to help them to develop a positive attitude towards the profession. Given that the study of literature circles in the national... more
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      Literature CirclesReading Skills
English educators at all levels have endeavored to understand difference in their classrooms both in terms of the content that they teach and in terms of the social and cultural identities of students in their classrooms. However,... more
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      Reader ResponseDialogic PedagogyMulticultural LiteratureLiterature Circles
This research focuses on teaching for thinking and educating for critical consciousness in third level students through the medium of modern literature. The objective of this research is education as the practice of freedom; a means by... more
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      SociologyCritical ThinkingConsciousnessCritical Consciousness
The emphasis on the reading-writing connection in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom is in accordance with the praxis of Cooperative Learning (CL) (Haiyan & Rilong, 2016), which stresses the role of learner-centered reading... more
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      Creative WritingPsychologyCooperative LearningLiterature Circles
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of literature circles on the reading achievement of college reading students using a mixed method approach. A literature circle is defined in this study as students who form a group,... more
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      PsychologyReading ComprehensionLiterature CirclesLiteracy Instruction
The emphasis on the reading-writing connection in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom is in accordance with the praxis of Cooperative Learning (CL) (Haiyan & Rilong, 2016), which stresses the role of learner-centered reading... more
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      Creative WritingCooperative LearningLiterature CirclesTeaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)
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      Literary TheoryHistory and theory of literary genresLiterature Circles
This was an essay Joshua Caton and I were invited to write for the Ohio Resource Center's magazine Adolescent Literacies in Perspective. In brief, we make an argument based on our teaching experiences for shifting our focus to the... more
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      LiteratureHuman RightsNew literacy studiesNew Literacies
As university partners, we collaborated with teachers, administrators, and families at the CFI for five years to gather data about the nature of inquiry-based learning. We found that inquiry was central to the curriculum, but it also... more
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      LiteracyInquiry Based LearningClassroom Discourse AnalysisClassroom Interaction
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    • Literature Circles
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageCritical ThinkingCollaborationTESOL
This study aimed to examine the effect of literature circles on fourth grade primary students’ reading habits and comprehension skills and collected the opinions of students and teachers about the method. In this study, quantitative... more
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesReading ComprehensionLiterature Circles
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      SociologyTESOLOnline ReadingLiterature Circles
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of literature circles on the reading achievement of college reading students using a mixed method approach. A literature circle is defined in this study as students who form a group,... more
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      Reading ComprehensionLiterature CirclesLiteracy InstructionSociocultural Perspectives on Literacy
Using the skills learned in literature circles, student begin to apply their thinking independently when preparing for student-led literature discussion.
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    • Literature Circles
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      English Language ArtsMulticultural LiteratureTeaching MethodsLiterature Circles
This collaborative classroom research study examines how fifth grade students researched and improved their own literature circle discussions by listening to, analyzing, and discussing audiotapes of their book club meetings.
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      LiteracyEthnographyInquiry Based LearningDialogue