Literature And Language Teaching
Recent papers in Literature And Language Teaching
The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about how resources of language are talked about, used and necessitated in classroom interaction based on literary texts. The specific focus is the use of lexical and grammatical... more
Los cuentos de Grimm nacieron en el seno de la literatura germánica; los de Andersen, en el de la escandinava. Sin perder de vista su cuna en sus tradiciones respectivas de la Europa Septentrional, desde hace ya bastantes años esos... more
RESUMO Discutem-se relações entre literatura e escola, visando a subsidiar a consideração crítica de concepções e práticas atinentes ao tema na educação infantil, nos anos iniciais e finais do ensino fundamental e no ensino médio.... more
Teaching English Language Variation in the Global Classroom offers researchers and teachers methods for instructing students on the diversity of the English language on a global scale. A complement to Devereaux and Palmer's Teaching... more
In the last few decades literary education has been going through a period of crisis due to young people moving away from the traditional literary form (that is, written and printed), the development of more and more innovative... more
The goal of this research paper was to prove that scaffolding activities used during the reading of literature would lead to improved student performance and increase overall enjoyment of the reading experience. The approach involved... more
Sareko literatur testuak erabiltzen dira, eskolan lau trebetasunak lantzeko. Beraz, testuak digitalizatuta daude, eta ariketak moldagarriak dira, irakaslearen gustura. Testuak dira euskarazkoak, ala itzuliak autore ezagunen obretatik.... more
Articles on primary school Shakespeare, digital resources for teaching Shakespeare, Shakespeare in Vietnam and more.
“Kurzgeschichten im DaF-Unterricht”
This article explores the possibilities provided by self-directed learning by means of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Afrikaans literature teaching. The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement provides a basis on which... more
It is a given that our media-saturated world is overflowing with images of war and trauma, from the daily news cycle to films and books and TV. Susan Sontag claims, rightly so, that such a proliferation of representations of atrocity... more
The main purpose of this paper is to explain the advantages of using literature as a resource in second and foreign language classrooms. To this end, the benefits of integrating literature in language classrooms is first presented... more
Arada Bir… Şiirler. Yabancı Dil Olarak Almanca. A1-C1 Düzeyi
Resumo: O artigo aborda teoricamente o papel social da literatura, se oportunizada sua apreciação estética; defende que, assim, a experiência com o texto literário torna-se concreta e a mediação do professor permite ao educando... more
An example of performing a close reading of a poem, using MS Word review boxes and various color fonts.
Araştırmada, ortaöğretim Türk dili ve edebiyatı öğretimi -öğretim programları, öğrenci ürünleri ve öğretmen görüşleri açılarından- uluslararası ölçütlere göre değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada üç farklı çalışma grubu kullanılmıştır. 1.... more
L’efficacia dell’uso dell’input filmico per la didattica della lingua e della cultura italiane L2/LS è attestata da numerosi studi. Il presente articolo intende estendere questa riflessione all’impiego delle sequenze cinematografiche per... more
Building on the writing skills students developed in English 102: Analysis and Argument, English 103 introduces students to a range of works within at least two literary genres. In addition to a minimum of one play, novel, or novella,... more
This paper constitutes a relatively new area that has emerged from the relation between writing skills and literature. Admittedly, it is often believed that literature is rich in linguistic knowledge and has been proved as a good source... more
Ο Φάκελος Υλικού σε 45 Κριτήρια Αξιολόγησης είναι ένα μοναδικό εργαλείο διδασκαλίας και μάθησης σχετικά με τη Συνεξέταση Γλώσσας και Λογοτεχνίας, που απευθύνεται σε όλους τους εκπαιδευτικούς που διδάσκουν Γλώσσα στο Λύκειο και, κυρίως, σε... more
Der folgende Artikel setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, was Graphic Novels sind und warum sie sich insbesondere für den Fremdspracheunterricht auf niedrigeren Sprachniveaus eignen. Neben einem kurzen theoretischen Überblick über die... more
William Golding's canonical young adult novel, Lord of the Flies, deals primarily with young people forced to survive together, and the powerful effects of groupthink, paranoia, and lack of leadership. The story revolves around a group of... more
The main focus of this thesis is on the importance of teaching literature and the presentation of theoretical views that demonstrate why and how this type of teaching can be improved. The presentation of the methods and examples of... more
Instructors and theoreticians have always searched for new ways of teaching language to students better. One of them is to benefit from literature in the language classroom. The literature of the target language is regarded as a... more
This paper discusses two pairs of approaches used in teaching literature in the ESL classroom: Reader-centered Approach versus Language-based Approach and Thematic Approach versus Cultural Model Approach. There are similarities between... more
Literary education and language education are connected by a relationship of mutual exchange. On the one hand, without the mastery of appropriate language skills it is impossible to grasp the complexity of literary works. On the other,... more
A obra reúne ensaios de pesquisadores que discutem variadas reflexões sobre leitura e literatura endereçada a crianças e jovens, articulando questões teóricas e práticas. Nossa expectativa é que E-book seja recebido como um presente e... more
This chapter starts from college teachers’ frequent recognition that pedagogic materials, in ‘language through literature’ as in many other fields, often work best when designed with a particular group (or at least kind) of student in... more
This paper constitutes a relatively new area that has emerged from the relation between writing skills and literature. Admittedly, it is often believed that literature is rich in linguistic knowledge and has been proved as a good source... more
Capítulo 1 Coleção “Literatura Comentada”: leitura e poesia Capítulo 2 Literaturas e infâncias: pesquisa (d) e pós-graduação como espaço político Capítulo 3 Notas para uma história da revista Contexto (1992-2011): contribuições para a... more
The teaching of English as a foreign language has always been uneasy work. In addition to the inappropriate teaching practice, the lack of contextual language exposure characterizes one of the hindrances in the English teaching and... more
Das didaktisch-pädagogische Konzept der Lernerzentrierung und Handlungsorientierung sollte in der fremdsprachlichen Literaturdidaktik und in der Auslandsgermanistik mehr Beachtung finden. In diesem Aufsatz werden die Meinungen von... more
The Hybrid edition of the Innovation in Language Learning International Conference will take place on 11-12 November 2021. The objective of the Conference is to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of... more
Within the last few decades literature has been broadly recognized in many disciplines as a major way of knowing, a distinct narrative mode of under standing that can contribute to a keen and critical mind. By stimulating attention to... more
This paper examines the role and the position of the English Literature component in the current Malaysian English curriculum. A brief historical overview of the role and the position of English literature in the Malaysian curriculum will... more
The study is directed to improve students' comprehension of poems using the Two Stay-Two Stray strategy. The subject of this study is 23 students of the sixth semester of English department of FKIP at Islamic University of Malang. This... more
Partendo dalla volontà di situare la trattazione di un classico della letteratura inglese in un’attività didattica stimolante e collaborativa, è nato questo webquest, dove gli studenti sono chiamati ad affrontare Amleto utilizzando... more
Die türkisch-deutsche Migrationslyrik im kreativen DaF-Unterricht
The present paper aims at highlighting the importance of studying literature in the Algerian English language classroom. It sheds light on some of the competences that can be developed through literary modules namely: communicative and... more