Literary reading on paper and screen

53 papers
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Literary reading on paper and screen refers to the comparative study of reading experiences, comprehension, and engagement when consuming texts in physical formats versus digital formats. This field examines the cognitive, emotional, and aesthetic implications of different media on the interpretation and appreciation of literature.
As Mauro Carbone states, screens are ambiguous objects. In this paper I want to deal with a particular kind of ambivalence in literary reading by focusing on the potential effects of the transition from reading on paper to reading on... more
Bu araştırmanın amacı, sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının okumaya ilişkin algılarının incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi İlköğretim Bölümü Sınıf Öğretmenliği Programı’nda öğrenim gören 56... more
Classical hermeneutics, firmly rooted in the interpretation of cultural artifacts, stands at the precipice of a transformative paradigm shift as interactive digital networks pervade our existence. This essay probes the fundamental... more
Literatronic is an adaptive hypermedia system for hypertext fiction. Its adaptive features are based on an algorithm that simulates a Hamiltonian cycle on a weighted graph. The algorithm maximizes narrative continuity and minimizes the... more
Resumo: Neste texto, percorrendo um itinerário reflexivo sinalizado pelas legendas que percorrem a obra de alguns destacados autores portugueses, analisa-se a forma diversificada como a leitura de um texto se desenvolve, dissolvendo a voz... more
This paper defends the idea that literary works can be vehicles of what has been called experiential knowledge; that is, literary works can offer knowledge of what it is like to have a particular kind of experience. After reviewing some... more
El presente estudio examinó la comprensión de textos expositivos y narrativos en pantalla y su relación con las funciones ejecutiva, los hábitos lectores y el soporte preferido (papel o pantallas) para lectura de estudio o recreativa, en... more
With e‑readers, smartphones, notebooks, and tablets, new reading media have emerged whose haptics, spatiality, visuality, and materiality differ fundamentally from those of the traditional book. Electronic reading devices are... more
The purpose of this research is to determinate the opinions of 8 th grade students about reading on screen. The research has been conducted in accordance with the descriptive scanning model. The study group of this research consist of 30... more
New developments in multimedia and hypermedia technology have raised important questions for the conduct and dissemination of sociological research. Attention has traditionally focused on uses of new media for teaching, but their... more
The Education Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and distributed free of charge according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The Asian Institute of... more
Digital texts have for decades been a challenge for reading research, creating a range of questions about reading and a need for new theories and concepts. In this paper, we focus on materialities of texts and suggest an embodied,... more
Bilgi veya enformasyon çağı olarak adlandırılan günümüzde okuma becerisi kitap, defter vb. materyallerin dışında bilgisayar, cep telefonu, tepegöz, sunu, reklam panoları vb. araçlar için de kullanılır hâle gelmiştir. Ekran okuma olarak... more
Helping professionals are at risk of experiencing adverse health and psychological problems when working in roles where they are continually exposed to the emotional distress of others. The term compassion fatigue was coined to describe... more
Students’ preference for the medium of academic reading texts has been diversified in the modern era. Some students’ preference for attaining information and knowledge has been confined only to print media, some are found to be attracted... more
Neste primeiro número do 21º volume da Revista Anuário de Literatura, mais uma vez, o leitor irá se deparar com um profícuo e heterogêneo encontro de estudos. Reunidos, certamente, em virtude da nossa missão primeira, a difusão do... more
In the current media ecosystem, reading increasingly passes through the web and the screens of electronic devices. Contextually, we are witnessing a re- gression of traditional reading and the emergence of new reading practices. The loss... more
Research on Experimental Documents (RED) is the moniker for a small, interdisciplinary research group at Xerox PARC. We are eight researchers involved in the creation of new genres based on emerging media and technologies. We employ... more
Screen reading has become a way of reading that individuals often use as tablet computers and smart phones have come into daily life. In this regard, students often use screen reading in their daily lives as well as in the classroom... more
This paper presents a Heideggerian phenomenological analysis of screens. In a world and an epoch where screens pervade a great many aspects of human experience, we submit that phenomenology, much in a traditional methodological form, can... more
Este estudio se realizó en un contexto en el que hay una baja presencia de dispositivos de lectura digital, partiendo de la premisa de que el uso de dispositivos de lectura electrónica implica una relación instrumental con un objeto... more
araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, nitel araştırmalarda sıklıkla kullanılan içerik analizi yöntemi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucuna göre Kırıkkale... more
The present study examined two common mechanisms that are used to explain why reading on an electronic screen versus paper result in different reading outcomes: The Cognitive Map Mechanism and the Medium Materiality Mechanism. A... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, okunan bir metnin yazılı olduğu ortam özelliğinin (kâğıt türü ve tablet ekranı), öğrencilerin okuma hızı ve okuduğunu anlama düzeyi üzerinde etkisini belirlemektir. Araştırmada nicel araştırma tekniğinden... more
Contemporary digital art projects are often dominated by an emphasis on the technology. What is striking is the uncritical approach taken towards the use of much of this technology in contemporary art projects. There is also the idea that... more
Мета статті – простежити концепцію творення образу «нових людей» в ідеологічній повісті «Семен Жук і його родичі» Олександра Кониського, проаналізувати мотиви їхнього екзистенційного вибору. Дослідницька методика. У розвідці поєднано... more
Il lettore 'distratto'. Leggere e comprendere nell'epoca degli schermi digitali" di Andrea Nardi Dott. Andrea Nardi, Lei è autore del libro Il lettore 'distratto'. Leggere e comprendere nell'epoca degli schermi digitali, edito da Firenze... more
Negli ultimi anni la questione relativa alle implicazioni cognitive ed educative della digital reading è tornata in auge in ambito accademico a seguito di una serie di fattori concomitanti: i) l'uso crescente di libri di testo digitali... more
У статті аналізується семантична категорія родів дієслівної дії в українській і сербській мовах. У плані змісту даної категорії виділено чотири комплекси значень: фазове, детермінативне, кратне та градуальне. У плані вираження виділяються... more
Resumo: O artigo trata da possibilidade de se analisar e compreender a leitura de literatura em meio digital a partir de um viés que tem a fenomenologia da leitura literária como base de reflexão, situando o corpo, nosso veículo de ser e... more
This chapter explores the effects of literariness on readers' psychological and social understandings within and beyond literary texts. Literariness is introduced as (a) a function of specific textual features that create linguistic... more
Resumo: No poema Fuga da morte, Paul Celan nos apresenta situações vivenciadas por ele mesmo em um campo de concentração nazista, o que insere o poema no contexto da Literatura de testemunho; trata-se de um poema imbuído de alta carga... more
Потреба задовольнити міжнародну наукову спільноту термінографічною інформацією, необхідність розбудови міждисциплінарних досліджень, що з’являються на межі взаємодії функціонально-прикладного бібліографознавства й прикладного... more
The aim of this project has been to explore the possibility of applying Phenomenology and Classical Indian Theories to cinema with the hope that their systematic application would generate new insights in a deeper understanding of cinema.... more
Рецензія на монографію: Соболь В. Українське бароко. Тексти і контексти. – Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2015. – 382 с.Review of the monograph: Sobol V. Ukrainian baroque. Texts and Contexts.– Warszawa: Wydawnictwa... more
The paper first examines some of the ways in which identification of human/machinic intelligence with subjectivity as a philosophical construct has often been contingent on a cultural disjunction involving objective and subjective... more
Los datos provenientes del procesamiento cognitivo así como del conocimiento declarativo de los lectores encuentran coincidencia en este estudio.
While numerous literary researchers, readers, authors, and philosophers have tried to articulate the peculiar feeling of intimacy they have sensed in literary reading, new angles can still be brought to bear on this issue. This paper... more
La pandemia di Covid-19 ha reso ancora più urgente la questione di come formare i lettori del 21° secolo, per prepararli ad affrontare uno scenario mediale di economia dell’attenzione, disinformazione, infodemia e post-verità. Il... more
The aim of the paper is to develop the concept of perceptual relation and to apply it to digital environments. First, the meaning of perceptual relation is phenomenologically analyzed and defined as the interaction between the whole and... more presente artigo tem por objetivo propor uma leitura de sobrevoo de alguns elementos da obra de Mário de Sá-Carneiro, buscando apontar, primeiramente, como a sua dimensão mítica, cultivada... more
In interdisciplinary or discipline-specific writing courses centering on literature, students and teachers may find themselves engaged in an uneasy commerce between two very different academic cultures. Much contemporary composition... more
This paper applies an embodied perspective to the study of reading and has a twofold aim: (i) to discuss how reading is best understood in terms of cultural-cognitive performance that involves living bodies who actively engage with... more
Resumo: Neste texto, percorrendo um itinerário reflexivo sinalizado pelas legendas que percorrem a obra de alguns destacados autores portugueses, analisa-se a forma diversificada como a leitura de um texto se desenvolve, dissolvendo a voz... more
Presently, designers of interactive narratives and video games have only a slender understanding of the aesthetic experiences their audiences and users seek. Using schema theory, this study articulates the two varieties of aesthetic... more