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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesLiterary Criticism
Higher Education institutions face specific challenges preparing graduates to live and work in transdisciplinary and transcultural environments. It is imperative for these institutions to provide their students with the skill sets that... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationCultural LiteracyLiterary and Cultural TheoryLiterary studies
Icon uplifts the object or person identified as the exemplar of a particular generation, a stylistic epoch, and a feeling about a particular set of social experiences. The icon being identified is something which all people can recognize... more
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    • Literary and Cultural Studies
Where there is power, there is resistance" -Michel Foucault.
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      Indian English FictionLiterary Theory and CriticismRadical Politics in Live Art, Political and social sciences, philosophyLiterary and Cultural Studies
Bir edebiyat araştırması ise diğer sosyal bilimsel araştırmaların geçerliliği denenmiş aşamalarını takip eder. Ancak bu türden bir araştırma edebiyatın doğası, araçları ve malzemesi itibariyle kendine özgü yöntemleri de olan bir süreçtir.... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesLiterary studies
Like other existing and growing beer or wine culture, lambanog drinking culture in the Philippines mirrors an enduring social tradition that Filipinos practice and is even acculturated by foreign visitors. Moreover, this communal practice... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary and Cultural Studies
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      Audience StudiesLiterary and Cultural Studies
What is the point of describing a space to someone who already is – or has been – in it? Well, it seems that the Byzantine ekphrasis was an outstanding means of communication because of its social role and its masterly achievements:... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesEkphrasisLiterary and Cultural Studies
Affix in Hausa morphology has a long-standing tradition as it received a good deal of scholarly academic treatments from the early works of Hausa grammar. Morphologically, Hausa being one of those affixing languages, its traditional... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsMorphologyHausa morphologyLiterary and Cultural Studies
In the present dissertation, we will be looking at the profile and identitary path of Bloom, the (non) hero of Uma Viagem à Índia, a twenty-first century counterepic text, written and published in 2010 by the portuguese author Gonçalo M.... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteraturePortuguese StudiesLiterary Theory
This Cambridge Companion serves as an authoritative guide to Augustine’s Confessions—a literary classic and one of the most important theological/philosophical works of Late Antiquity. Bringing together new essays by leading scholars, the... more
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      ChristianityHistoryWorld LiteraturesPhilosophy
Writings on the metropolis generally foreground illimitability, stressing thereby that the urban ultimately remains both illegible and unintelligible. Instead, the purpose of this interdisciplinary study is to demonstrate that mentality... more
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      British LiteratureCultural StudiesCultural GeographyUrban Geography
Soap ("wants to keep his hands clean"), Barry "the Baptist" (drowns people in water), Doug "The Head" (a Jew who is 'not' a Jew), Boris, the "bullet-dodger". These are just some of the characters that come out of Guy Ritchie's earlier and... more
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      Film StudiesLiterary and Cultural Studies
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      RitualPerformanceIndiaLiterary and Cultural Studies
Денди е значим персонаж за европейската литература от XIX и XX век, но българските художествени интерпретации на този образ са твърде малко, макар неговата поява да поставя важни въпроси като тези за модерната идентичност и за... more
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      Modernism (Literature)Bulgarian LiteratureEveryday Life StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
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      Arabic LiteratureWorking ClassesNarrativeArabic
"White trash" is a liminal figure that dramatizes the intersection of race and class. Contemporary British novelists like Irvine Welsh, Niall Griffiths and John King use this originally US-American stereotype to interrogate the... more
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      British LiteratureScottish LiteratureCultural StudiesRace and Racism
Ces quelques pages constituent un écho, plus ou moins lointain, de la conférence que j'ai eu l'honneur de prononcer le 2 octobre 2019 à Bielle, lors de l'atelier "Les cultures politiques dans la péninsule Ibérique et au Maghreb (viii e-xv... more
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      Medieval HistoryLiterary and Cultural Studies
The essay examines the different institutional levels at which a cultural turn is discussed in Germany today: Culture Studies (Kulturwissenschaften) can be used as a new term for the humanities or as the name of a new discipline,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesLiteratureKulturgeschichte
In the dream theory and literature of the Enlightenment the supernatural dream was gradually replaced by the natural one – and therefore also the supernatural by the natural nightmare. This offered the new option of nightmares with... more
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      Cultural StudiesRomanticismLiterary CriticismEnlightenment
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      Critical Social TheoryPopulismAesthetics and PoliticsPhilosophy of Humour
Partindo da leitura de três contos de H. P. Lovecraft – "Ar frio" (1926/1928), "Sonhos na Casa da Bruxa" (1932/1933) e "O assombro nas trevas" (1935/1936) – procurou-se tecer algumas considerações a respeito da representação do... more
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      American CatholicismStereotypes and PrejudiceGothic LiteratureGothic Studies
Icon uplifts the object or person identified as the exemplar of a particular generation, a stylistic epoch, and a feeling about a particular set of social experiences. The icon being identified is something which all people can recognize... more
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    • Literary and Cultural Studies
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    • Literary and Cultural Studies
The remains of Francesco Petrarch rested for centuries in the ark placed in the small village of Arquà, next to the humble tombs of local people. Foreign travellers lingered in front of the ancient monument with awe and respect, as it... more
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      Community HistoryLiterary TourismCult of the deadThe Grand Tour
RESUMEN: En vísperas de la conmemoración de la revuelta o guerra de las Germanías (1519-22) y la de las Comunidades (1520-22) en España, contamos con sólidos estudios históricos, pero con escaso análisis sobre su incidencia en el plano... more
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      Renaissance HumanismHispanic StudiesHistoria de la ArquitecturaLiterary and Cultural Studies
The volume Literary Activism, edited by Amit Chaudhuri, assembles the papers presented by academics, novelists, poets, translators, and publishers at the eponymous symposium held in December 2014 in Calcutta. The authors outline three... more
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      World LiteraturesPublishingTranslation StudiesHistory of Science
Literary culture of the Greco-Roman Egypt does not apprehend itself only through literary papyri, but also through documentary papyri. This is especially true of the Late antique period which accentuated the taste for a pervasive and... more
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      Late AntiquityGreek PapyrologyLiterary and Cultural StudiesDocumentality
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyAmerican StudiesAfrican American Literature
The Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice offers three 1-month residential scholarships for literary studies.

Application deadline: 30 June 2018
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      German LiteratureLiteratureItalian Literature20th Century Italian Literature
This book participates in the ongoing debate about the alleged “death of theory” and the current post-theoretical condition, arguing that the “finitude” of theoretical projects does not mean “end”, but rather contingency and... more
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      Critical TheoryComparative LiteratureLiterary CriticismTextual Criticism
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      Intellectual HistoryInterdisciplinarityHermeneuticsPoetics
Türkiye ile Ukrayna’nın tarih boyunca tarihî, coğrafî ve kültürel yakınlıkları olmuştur. İki ülke arasındaki ilişkiler inişli çıkışlı bir seyir izlemesine rağmen genellikle olumlu yönde ilerlemiştir. Atatürk dönemi ve Post-Sovyet dönemi... more
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    • Literary and Cultural Studies
Alvaro Barbieri – Massimo Bonafin, Gli archetipi e i testi: quasi un’introduzione................................................................................. Rita Caprini, Sul concetto di archetipo nel... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyComparative LiteratureFolklore
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to an academic conference “Along the Periphery of Literature: Memory and Uses”. It will be held from 4 to 5 November 2019 in the New conference room and Hall q of Sofia University St.... more
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      GlobalizationPostcolonial StudiesLiterary CriticismIdeology
During the last century the concept of " liminality " has gained increasing attention in many disciplines, from psychology to anthropology, from philosophy to literary and cultural studies. But the state that the word defines is much... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesPsychology
Wenn uns der Gedanke, im Glashaus zu leben, zunächst brisant erscheint, so vornehmlich wegen seiner reflexartigen Assoziation mit Transparenz. Im kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskurs hängt dieser Kurzschluss eng mit Walter Benjamins... more
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      Material CultureTransparencyLiterary and Cultural StudiesPhilip Johnson Glass House
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesLiterary Criticism
The essay examines the different institutional levels at which a cultural turn is discussed in Germany today: Culture Studies (Kulturwissenschaften) can be used as a new term for the humanities or as the name of a new discipline,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesComparative LiteratureMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Critical TheoryGerman LiteratureLiteraturePoetry
La proposta teorica, critica e performativa di questo lavoro è la smobilitazione delle demarcazioni dei confini geo-politici ed artistici con pratiche di border critica thinking. Il concetto occidentale di mappa è smontato per delineare... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesTranslation StudiesBorder StudiesChicana Feminist Theory
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      Sociology of CultureAestheticsArgentine LiteratureLiterary Theory and Criticism
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      Ancient Greek Tragedy and its ReceptionLiterary and Cultural Studies
In his article "Imperialist Nostalgia in Masters's To the Coral Strand" M. Fikret Arargüç discusses nostalgia as a resource of identity formation. Arargüç argues that imperialist nostalgia is no innocent emotional attachment to the past;... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPostcolonial Literature
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      Science FictionRussell HobanSpeculative FictionKim Stanley Robinson
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesLiterary Criticism
The two-day symposium investigated the entanglements between literature and institutions, offering examples and case studies from a broad range of historical and cultural contexts.
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      Media and Cultural StudiesCanonization ProcessesLiterary and Cultural Studies
RESUMO O artigo discute alguns casos de ambiguidade em sentenças comparativas quando da presença nessas construções de expressões modais. A presença do modal parece fazer referência ao grau máximo ou ao grau mínimo do predicado.... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesModalityFormal SemanticsCritical Literacy