Literary Theory
Recent papers in Literary Theory
The article is an introductory paper to a Special Issue in Moderna Språk that collects eight contributions focusing on demythologizations of cultural politics. Using Deleuzian concepts of minorization and delirium, the paper attempts to... more
Constat d'expérience courante, l'origine culturelle des personnes se marque fréquemment dans la facture linguistique de leurs noms. Ceux-ci apparaissent en e et comme des indicateurs d'appartenance, dotés, toutefois, d'une abilité... more
This essay proposes a historically material theory of resonance in experience and literature. Working against contemporary techno-deterministic assessments of sound, I argue for a historical, rather than individual, modality of listening... more
To cite: Wilkins, A. 2017. Rescaling the local: Multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49 (2), 171-185 For the past six years successive UK governments in... more
Written by Joshua Lam (b. France, 1859(b. France, -d. 1941 Henri Bergson was a French philosopher of wide repute, whose ideas influenced writers and thinkers well beyond the purview of philosophy, including literature, visual art,... more
The subject of semiotics is not to answer the questions such as what does the text says, who says the text, or what are the possible external— societal, individual, and historical—effects on the text. Instead, it is mainly interested in... more
Our time is characterized by a crisis of representational practice, fuelled by unprecedented technological and economic changes on a global level. Narrative, therefore, takes a wide variety of forms. This course examines the aesthetics... more
This book recalibrates literature’s political role for the 21st century by excavating the deep history of storytelling as a civic agency. From Aristotle to Arendt and from the novella to the video story, short narrative forms hence become... more
Al sito Riviste, al titolo «Le forme e la storia», si può prendere visione del Codice etico della rivista e degli Indici dei fascicoli pubblicati, completati, a partire dal n. 1-2019, dagli abstract in italiano e... more
Despite John's distinctive and theological character, however, it still renders an independent memory of Jesus of Nazareth deserving full consideration in any effectively critical quest for the historical Jesus. The question is how do to... more
Cet ouvrage présente une réflexion pluridisciplinaire sur l'éthique féministe du care. Élaborée par Carol Gilligan dans In a Different Voice en 1982, cette « éthique de la sollicitude » a été très prisée dans les années 1980. Plus... more
Re-framing the concepts of utopia and allegory in the twenty-first century.
This essay investigates postdramatic theatre techniques as a political act by looking at its socio-political ancestry as a theatre making process.
What we know today as literature began as oral tales told in small hunter-gatherer bands. Several lines of evidence indicate that storytelling has long been an integral part of human experience. Our species, Homo sapiens, emerged around... more
Procopius's Secret History has attracted the attention of a generation of social historians. Yet, the significant, albeit subtler ways, in which gender colors Procopius’s most significant work, the Wars, has received far less notice.... more
Storytelling pervades almost every aspect of the law. Many narrativistic legal elements, however, have in fact been little more than historically transitory. Given the precarious status of narrative at law, I argue we should focus instead... more
SP_AND_09_048-054. indd 48 12/3/09 5: 02: 13 PM lan Wade, David Buss, Daniel Goleman—all these writers must also have agents driving up prices in Miami and San Diego. But no one before Dutton has had anything like this kind of popular... more
Essay detailing some of Titian's most famous works, looking at self-expression through painting, memento mori, emotion, as well as topics of mortality and death. The focus of this paper is to shed light on aspects of symbolism found in... more
Quentin Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica, seguido de "La bola de billar" de I. Asimov. Santiago: Roneo, 2020. Traducción y notas de Meillassoux por Jean-Paul Grasset B. Prólogo de Jean-Paul Grasset B. y Mario Teodoro... more
SOMMARIO CARLO TIRINANZI DE MEDICI, Breve/lungo. Declinazioni letterarie di due radicali cognitivi 7 I. ESPLORAZIONI STORICO-TEORICHE IRÈNE KRISTEVA, Le fragment: l'opus hoc tenue par excellence 49 ADALGISA MINGATI, Forma breve e... more
The author studies a period that constitutes the height of the art critic Clement Greenberg’s engagement with the New Criticism. The essay offers a snapshot view of a larger transition that marks Greenberg’s shift from Marxist criticism... more
Considerations on the actuality of the notion of work in literary studies.
Este ensaio pretende reavaliar a crítica de Machado de Assis a O Primo Basílio, de Eça de Queirós. Nesta releitura, o ano de 1878 é considerado crucial na internacionalização do sistema literário lusófono. Assim, propõe-se a releitura da... more
This paper aims to concretize this notion of literary theories being in dialogue by exploring the intertwining of the Marxist theory, mainly depending on Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin’s theories, and Freudian psychoanalytic theory, based... more
Perché il teatro occupa una posizione centrale nella civiltà letteraria inglese? Come nasce il romanzo e quali forme specifiche assume nell’isola? Come evolve la poesia inglese da quando gli elisabettiani importano il sonetto dall’Italia?... more
Wíčazo Ša Review 28:1 (2008): 51-72
Resumen. El fenómeno Booktube se configu-ra en un claro ejemplo de la cultura parti-cipativa, donde los usuarios toman las rien-das de los medios para aportar sus propias ideas, en este caso referidas a la literatura. En este trabajo se... more
Menschliche Kulturen befinden sich in einem Prozess beständiger Umgestaltung und unterliegen mitunter radikalen Veränderungen. In diesem Band werden mit den Mitteln und Methoden der Geschichtsphilosophie, der Soziologie, der... more
An exploration of the areas of convergence between the symbolist perceptions and the theory of Dhvani developed in Indian classical poetics
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
La critica letteraria è una materia in cui “parole e cose” sono strettamente intrecciate le une alle altre, e in cui tra i componenti materiali dei testi e le categorie che li classificano esiste un intricato rapporto di individuazione... more
This paper uses Plato and Aristotle's concept of censorhip in discussing the novel titled The Last Duty by Isidore Okpewho. The novel upon reading has explicit profane expressions and other immoral acts which do not help in nurturing of... more
An introduction to Derrida's philosophy and deconstructive method -- with a focus as well on Derrida's precursors: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Saussure and Freud.
Realizzazione editoriale: Fregi e Majuscole, Torino Finito di stampare nel gennaio 2021 da Grafiche VD srl, Città di Castello (PG) isbn 978-88-290-0444-7 Riproduzione vietata ai sensi di legge (art. 171 della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633)
From the ancient times onwards, the definition and the concept of dreams have always been open to discussions and various interpretations. They have been defined as the messages we receive from the macrocosms(heavens or the forces warning... more
Introduction to Spatial Literary Studies, a special issue of *Reconstruction* 14.3 (2014).
"Guavas for Dummies, American Jíbaras, & Postnational Autonomy: When I Was Puerto Rican in the Hemispheric Turn" (2019) re-engages this text after I taught it in Puerto Rico four years. In this 2009 essay, Santiago’s memoir is said to... more
“Frankenstein and Ecocriticism,” in Andrew Smith, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Frankenstein (Cambridge UP, 2016), 143–57.
Using a broad, comparative approach, this study shows how the figure of the gift structures poetic discourse and does so from the age of Homer up through twenty-first century conceptual poetics. Beginning from a. new interpretation of... more
L’esperienza di Calvino comprende lo studio della fiaba e l’analisi critica di molti scrittori. L’articolo offre l’analisi dell’angolazione teorica e pratica di Calvino verso la fiaba, i classici cioè l’antologia scolastica e l’antologia... more
Caderno de resumos do XII Seminário Nacional de Literatura,
História e Memória e III Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa em
Letras no Contexto Latino-Americano
História e Memória e III Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa em
Letras no Contexto Latino-Americano
За науковою редакцією Т. І. Гундорової та Г. М. Сиваченко Упорядкування О. В. Брайка Макет Т. Г. Свербілової Збірник є наслідком зацікавлень українських вчених питаннями інтермедіальності і містить ряд статей, присвячених різним... more