Literary Linguistics
Recent papers in Literary Linguistics
Parallel corpora of literary texts cannot be composed of samples, full texts are preferable. They cannot be collected as synchronic corpora of present-day texts. It might be useful therefore to include the following kinds of data: •... more
Why is the comic-book superhero such a persistent topic of cultural representation? Citing Denis Dutton’s evolutionary aesthetic, we argue that comic-book superheroes persist because they offer a cultural means of negotiating the gap... more
In the paper two parallel corpora of literary texts are presented: ParRus (Russian-Finnish) and ParFin (Finnish-Russian).
Вводится понятие бистабильного текста-по аналогии с понятием бистабильных изображений в когнитивной психологии. Бистабильные тексты-это тексты, которые могут одновременно прочитываться в двух или нескольких не пересекающихся смысловых... more
This article analyzes the representation of linguistic variation in the Finnish translations of four Swedish coming-of-age stories depicting migrant or minority perspectives: Mikael Niemi’s 2000 Popular Music from Vittula, Jonas Hassen... more
This paper is a short literary analysis of Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur discussing various elements such as theme, character development, and other literary devices.
Media discourse is changing at an unprecedented rate. This book presents the most recent stylistic frameworks exploring different and changed forms of media. The volume collates recent and emerging research in the expanding field of media... more
Rohinton Mistry's “The Ghost of Firozsha Baag” as disruptive and cohesive influence in postcolonial Indian writing. Rohinton Mistry is an expatriate Parsi Indian writer who has lived in Canada for more than thirty years and who has... more
Stylistics, at its early stage of development, had gone through a number of controversies. The arguments as to whether it was a linguistic or literary phenomenon provided the platform for these controversies. Literary critics were... more
This paper examines narrative literature from various Philippine literary periods to identify and articulate a national philosophy of Philippine narrative literature.
Roland Barthes’s vast array of literary and cultural criticism offers contemporary exegetes a tempting buffet of postures and critical lenses. His sprawling corpus and challenging terminology render him difficult to categorize within the... more
Formarea normelor unice ale românei literare a presupus un proces istoric de dezvoltare a limbii, în strânsă legătură cu evoluția societății și contextul socio-politic al provinciilor istorice. Centralizarea politică s-a produs târziu,... more
Today we regard cryptology, the mathematical and technical science of ciphers and codes, and philology, the humanistic study of natural or human languages and documents, as separate domains of activity. But the contiguity, even intimacy... more
Abstract The linguistic study of African literary texts has become a fertile ground for researchers in both Applied Linguistics and Literary Studies. This study applies transitivity in analysing the narrative style adopted in a key... more
Jane Eyre has been deemed the masterpiece of Charlotte Brontë's autobiography as well as its narrative method has been widely recognized as the first-person point of view. All scenarios and simulated occurrences are flashbacked through... more
The stylistic analysis of an scene from the TV series Breaking Bad: I am the danger.
LIT Umschlagbild: Inschrift am Haupteingang der Kirche Notre Dame d'Ilige, Mayfouk/Libanon. Alter Sitz der maronitischen Patriarchen (Foto: Hans Hollerweger) Gedruckt mit Unterstützung von: ZECO -Zentrum zur Erforschung des Christlichen... more
Suspense and surprise, as common and crucial elements of interest realised in literary fiction, are analysed closely in a sample of short stories, so as to develop a detailed explanation of how these forms of interest are created in... more
The Finnish Literature Society (SKS) was founded in 1831 and has, from the very beginning, engaged in publishing operations. It nowadays publishes literature in the fields of ethnology and folkloristics, linguistics, literary research and... more
Glossary entry on Deictic Shift Theory for inclusion in the Glossaire du RéNaF after translation by Sylvie Patron
This paper aims at foregrounding the parallels in the styles of Ezenwa-Ohaeto's The Voice of the Night Masquerade and Niyi Osundare's The Word Is an Egg. Both writers draw a lot from their respective oral traditions, a phenomenon that is... more
This dissertation examines the 'progress' of Walter, the main character of
in the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, I'd like to thank Eibhlín Nic Dhonncha for her help and cheerfulness. I am indebted to Julie Stevens for her proof reading and dialogue. Tal Kaplinsky's coaching during this last year has been... more
Despite the increasing interest in textual structure and the specific use of linguistic means in narratives, the concept of Narration has so far not been an issue of theoretical concern within linguistics and has been rather used than... more
This dissertation, submitted in 2013 towards an MA in Literary Linguistics from the University of Nottingham, focuses on the application of the cognitive poetic framework of Text World Theory to the postmodernist short story ‘Matinée’ by... more
The deadline for submitting papers for the next issue of Palimpsest is 25 March 2022. Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip (Republic of... more
Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published in printed form and electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the... more
The chapter explores cross-overs through the border between Heaven and the created world as represented in Old English poetry in theological context of the period. Next to physical messengers, and signs and portents within this world,... more
This dissertation is a study of the lexical representation of gender in two contrastive Shakespearean plays to identify ways that gender is represented in Early Modern literary language. I ask if the lexical representation of binary... more
Text World Theory provides a framework for considering how we conceptualise video game worlds. Text World Theory uses the ‘worlds’ metaphor to describe how we visualise discourse in our minds. This dissertation explores the ways players... more
Proprietà letteraria riservata. I diritti di traduzione, memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale e parziale di questa pubblicazione, le fotocopie e altro) sono riservati per tutti i paesi
La "revolución cognitiva" propició el surgimiento de distintas líneas de abordaje a la literatura. Estas conforman campos teóricos de indagación paulatinamente más sistemáticos: estilística cognitiva, lingüística cognitiva literaria,... more
Als LinguistIn ist man nicht daran gewöhnt, die Schönheit der Sprache(n) zu beurteilen -im krassen Gegensatz zu Laien, die ihre Sympathien (oder Antipathien) für gewisse Sprachen oft und gerne mit ästhetischen Argumenten begründen ("ich... more
Ausgangspunkt des Beitrags bildet die These, dass es sich beim Epischen Präteritum (EP) und Historischen Präsens (HP) um zwei komplementäre Perspektivierungsstrukturen handelt, deren Funktionen in literarischen Texten nur vor dem... more
In this article the academic and literary genres of the writer Joan Hambidge is researched by means of a linguistic analysis in order to describe the lingual liminal space of her idiolect. To this end, two novels and a PhD thesis were... more
This article discusses ways that dramatic structure can be analyzed through the use of social titles in Shakespeare's plays. Freytag's (1863) pyramid of dramatic structure is based on patterns he found in Shakespearean and Greek tragedy;... more
Deixis is the semiotic term for particularized space and time in embodied existence. This ever-present deictic field is both ordinary and unexplainable: how is it that this space and this body exist in this moment? The elemental semiotic... more
The present study investigates the representation of non-standardised varieties of English in literary prose texts. This is achieved by creating and annotating a corpus of literary texts from Scotland, West Africa, and Southeast Asia. The... more