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Depuis quelques années, on peut noter une nouvelle focalisation des études littéraires sur les questions de spatialité. Cet intérêt s'inscrit dans la continuité d'un « spatial turn » qui a profondément bouleversé les sciences humaines... more
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      Literary GeographyUrban StudiesBelgiumCultural geography in relation to creative arts practice, literature, etc
Almost 30 years after the publication of Gianni Celati's Verso la foce the aim of our presentation is to develop the concept of the river Po as a “liquid chronotope” (Conte 2008, Bauman 2000, Bakhtin 1975) that works both on the... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyPhotographyPerformance Studies
My contribution today is titled Walking with buildings. The flâneur and the (im)mobilizing power of non-human narrators and aims to reflect on the contrasting encounter between the apparent immobility of buildings, as non-human inert... more
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      Cultural GeographyArchitectureComics StudiesLiterary Geography
To test her hypothesis about 'a kernel of universal human experience ' in Hamlet, Laura Bohannan (1966) shares the story with the Tiv people of southeastern Nigeria, where she was doing her anthropological fieldwork. Apart from the... more
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      Space and PlaceLiterary GeographyEcocriticismEdward Said
This short piece explores the social and situated practices of collectively negotiating speculative fiction over video conferencing software across different time zones. It builds on recent calls for a reinvigorated cultural sociology of... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyLiterary GeographyUtopian Studies
In fantasy literature, the setting is as important to the story as are character and plot. This article demonstrates how topofocal (place-focused) perspectives yield valuable insights into various fantasy texts. The examples include... more
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      Literary GeographyJ. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureEcocriticism
Fingal's Cave is one of at least twelve sea caves on the tiny Scottish island of Staffa.
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      RomanticismNineteenth Century StudiesSpace and PlaceIsland Studies
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural GeographyItalian (European History)Italian Studies
This article discusses how utopian and anti-utopian literatures offer alternate visions to find connecting links between the control of space, power and happiness. The focus is on three classics of utopian and dystopian literatures:... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographySocial GeographyDystopian Literature
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      GeographyLiteratureLiterary GeographyJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
John Burnside won the prestigious T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry in 2012. His work is renowned for its interest in ecology and yet it is not distracted from a post-industrial landscape that informs a philosophical lyrical mode. Such lyricism... more
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      Scottish LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary GeographyEcocriticism
Drawing on the expertise of leading researchers from around the globe, this pioneering collection of essays explores how geospatial technologies are revolutionizing the discipline of literary studies. The book offers the first intensive... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesLiteratureLiterary Geography
ABSTRACT This article investigates how Gabriele D’Annunzio’s The Triumph of Death brings together Nietzsche’s ideas and Wagner’s music and interweaves them with the motifs of literary Decadence and the author’s own particular sexual... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual History
Le rôle du jardin et du jardinage dans la vie et l'œuvre de Hermann Hesse
The role of garden and gardening in the life and work of Hermann Hesse
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      Landscape EcologyLiterary GeographyGarden HistoryHermann Hesse
Il saggio esamina l’interesse di Calvino per aspetti epistemologici e metodologici della geografia tra anni Sessanta e Ottanta. A partire dalle discussioni teoriche legate al progetto della rivista “Alì Babà”, viene poi indagato l’apporto... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyItalian Studies
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      Literary GeographyLiterature and GeographyGeocriticismFiction
The mind of Neil Gaiman works in mysterious ways, specifically when we consider how space is employed in his works. The seamless juxtaposition of real and imaginary places that tend to overlap, create various spaces that are not simply... more
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      Space and PlaceFantasy (Film Studies)Literary GeographyFantasy Literature
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLandscape EcologySociology
The novel 1984, George Orwell's nightmarish vision of totalitarianism published after the Second World War, remains relevant in the twenty-first century. Orwell's concerns regarding the abuse of power, the denial of self, and the... more
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      Cultural StudiesGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
A short position paper outlining some of the key features and concerns of this emergent interdisciplinary field. Published in issue 1 of Literary Geographies, a peer-reviewed, open access e-journal:... more
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      Cultural GeographyLiterary CriticismLiterary Geography
Lecture delivered at RUDESA (Radboud University / Duisburg-Essen Spring Academy): Grounding Transnational American Studies, Essen, March 20, 2015
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesLiterary Geography
The Routledge Handbook of Literature and Space provides a comprehensive critical overview of the latest advancements in the arena of spatial literary studies. Its primary questions move along the avenues opened up for... more
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      Literary GeographySpatiality (Cultural geography)Spatial TheoryLiterature and Urban Space
This book provides a political and geographical history of how boglands (or peat ‘bogs’) are represented in modern and contemporary Irish literature and culture from the 1880s to the present. Bogs are more than ubiquitous landforms in... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesLiterary GeographyGothic LiteratureEcocriticism
This study aims at using literary mapping as a part of the interpretation of literary texts rather than using it as a metaphor. Spatial and temporal structures of a plot and the internal logic of narrative highlight interrelations between... more
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      Literary GeographyTurkish StudiesUrban Studies: Constantinople/IstanbulHalit Ziya Uşaklıgil
The project of literary cartography is fraught with peril, as the urge to produce accurate maps confronts the specters of not only the impossible, but the undesirable. As with Borges’s fabulous geographers who developed a perfectly... more
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      Critical TheoryHomerMarxismDante Studies
This article demonstrates how we can gain critical insights into a fantasy world by reading its accompanying map, using Ben McSweeney's map from Brandon Sanderson's The Rithmatist as an example. An analysis of the map's topography,... more
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      Literary GeographyFantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyFantasy (Literature)
Al menos desde el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una sólida preocupación por el espacio ha venido a alterar decisivamente la epistemología no solo de las Humanidades, sino también de las Ciencias, trazando un puente entre ambas. El... more
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      Cultural StudiesWorld LiteraturesHumanitiesLiterary Geography
With numerous approaches to literary criticism, spatial analysis has often been trivialized. This position can be contested; however the status is verified by the scarcity of pertinent literature to be synthesized. Studies and articles... more
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      Literary GeographyFranz KafkaGeocriticismAlbert Camus
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      Literary GeographyLiterary Cartography
La comarca de Las Hurdes, situada al norte de la provincia de Cáceres (España), es uno de los rincones de Europa dotados de un mayor capital simbólico. Su historial cultural, su leyenda, da comienzo en tiempos de Lope de Vega y solo... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureLiterary GeographySpatiality (Cultural geography)
This article is part of the series that analyzes by employing research methods such as distant reading and geocriticism the archive created by a team of young Romanian academics for the cultural and research project ASTRA Data Mining. The... more
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      Data MiningNineteenth Century StudiesTransnationalismNarrative
ÖZET Sadece edebi değil; tarihî, sosyolojik, politik veya coğrafî özellikleriyle incelendiğinde edebi eserlerin pek çok farklı cephesi ortaya konulabilir. Özellikle kurgusal türlerde yazarın biyografisi ile anlatının kurgusal dünyası... more
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    • Literary Geography
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      GeographyHomerSpatial AnalysisDante Studies
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat serta hidayah kepada kita semua, sehingga berkat Karunia-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah Mata Kuliah Geografi Sosial Budaya. Makalah ini berisikan tentang... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyLiterary GeographyGeography Education
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat serta hidayah kepada kita semua, sehingga berkat Karunia-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah Mata Kuliah Asesment Pembelajaran. Makalah ini berisikan tentang... more
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      GeographyLiterary GeographyGeography EducationAsessment
Scholars have long examined the relationship between literature and space, place, or mapping, but formal methods or disciplines for such work have only recently come into being. Particularly after what has been called the “spatial turn”... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismSpace and PlaceLiterary Criticism
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      Human GeographyLiterary GeographySense of PlaceThe City in Literature and Culture
In the last 20 years, ecocriticism has developed from its early incarnation as the relatively under-theorised preserve of nature writing enthusiasts to its current vibrant state as a sophisticated array of ‘earth-centred’ approaches to... more
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      Literary GeographyEcocriticismEcocriticism and EcofeminismMaterial Ecocriticism
Despite its postmodern articulation, the spatial turn is productive for literary studies because, paradoxically revisiting Kant’s modern attempt to base the structure of knowledge on the presumably scientific character of geography and... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterary GeographyLiterary HistoryGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      GeographyPopular CultureLiterary Geography
In our thesis we examine the function of the geographic area of Epirus as a literary myth in Greek prose fiction after World War II and, particularly, in the prose fiction that mythologizes the Epirotic space as birthplace. We focus on... more
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      Literary GeographyModern Greek literatureLiterature and HistoryHistory and literature
Tesis de maestría académica en literatura latinoamericana, Universidad de Costa Rica (2016)
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      Literary CriticismLiterary GeographyLiterary TheoryJulio Cortázar
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLiterary GeographyGeography Education
Todos los artículos de esta revista han sido realizados por los alumnos de la asignatura del Grado de Filología Clásica de la Universitat de València Griego IV durante el curso 2020-2021, materia impartida por el profesor Ángel Narro, que... more
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyHistoriographyLiterary Geography
Thematic issue on travel writing seen in the perspective of Humanistic Geography
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      Creative WritingTravel WritingLiterary GeographyHumanistic Geography
This study examines the various representations of place by Irish writers who published English language novels between [1929][1930][1931][1932][1933][1934][1935][1936][1937][1938][1939]. The aim of the study was to explore the various... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographyIrish StudiesPerception
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyLiterary GeographyIdentity (Culture)
Di tanto in tanto, tra le discipline umanistiche, emerge un sapere privilegiato che all'improvviso sembra porsi alla testa della ricerca nei più disparati campi di studio. La linguistica ha ricoperto questo ruolo per un quarto di secolo... more
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      Digital HumanitiesItalian StudiesLiterary GeographyItalian Literature
Literary writing has operated as a space of inquiry unsettling the literal and figurative ground on which thinking takes place. From Hölderlin’s invocations to the ether, to Walter Benjamin’s characterization of Baudelaire’s poetry as... more
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      Literary GeographyPaul Celan
Nationalist consciousness is the shared sense of national communality of a group of people who uphold a common background despite cultural and linguistic differences. This they do by belonging to an entity much larger than their various... more
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      Literary GeographyTranscultural StudiesPostcolonial Theory and Literature, World Literatures, Feminist StudiesMemory and Trauma Studies