Divertor designs involving liquid lithium have been proposed as an alternative to solid designs and wall conditioning techniques. However, Li affinity with tritium poses a risk for the fuel cycle. This study investigates deuterium... more
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The processes of atmospheric corrosion of iron and steel and the properties of corrosion products (rusts) are modeled based on a quantitative evaluation of the chemical reactions pertaining to corrosion to elucidate the conditions with... more
This paper describes the concept and preliminary component testing of a gascooled, UN-fueled, pin-type reactor which uses He/Xe gas that goes directly into a recuperated Brayton system to produce electricity for nuclear electric... more
Heat transfer devices find applications in various aspects of life. Be it residential, commercial or industrial application, efficient heat transfer is a challenge to all. Other than geometric design considerations and wick selection, the... more
Ab~trlct-ln this paper the porous medium concept is adopted to build up a fundamental model for two-phase flows inside mini channels. The capillary force which appears important for those problems is rigorously included in the model by... more
This paper presents the results of CFD and thermal-hydraulics analyses of liquid sodium heat transfer in 19 UN fuel rod hexagonal bundles with scalloped walls. These bundles are arranged in three concentric rings in the core of the... more
Electricity production is a major problem for deep space exploration. The possibility of using radioisotope elements with a very long life as an energy source was investigated in the framework of an EU project “SpaceTRIPS”. For this, a... more
The paper presents experimental investigations on liquid metal (sodium and potassium) heat pipe operating and startup. Thus, is studied the wickless gravity assisted heat pipes, that presents a high non-uniformity of the temperature... more
co-designer of the Heat Pipe Test Facility (HPTF) and resident expert on data acquisition. Pete Meyer (Meyer's Design Shop), Steve Smith (Radiation Center), and Grant Laiblin (Willamette Hose & Fittings) contributed significantly to the... more
The open source and freely available fluid flow solver named caffa3d was adapted to simulate the performance of a medium-scale Hydrostatic Pressure Machine (HPM) with straight radial blades, which had been previously tested in a... more
Neutronic analysis of a conceptual heat pipe-cooled micronuclear reactor with 70 % enriched uranium nitride fuel is carried out by modeling the core and peripheral control drum movement to estimate the power distribution. The core... more
An advanced radiator concept for heat rejection in space is described which uses a two-phase working fluid to radiate waste heat. The development of new advanced materials and the large surface area per mass makes the Bubble Membrane... more
This study aimed to investigate the performance of an electromagnetic induction pump with rotating permanent magnets under different inlet pressure conditions. The tested cylindrical-type pump was placed in the test loop to test its... more
The research is aimed at investigating the influence of the cavitation process on the performance of the electromagnetic induction pump with rotating permanent magnets operating in the circulation loop, where low pump inlet pressure... more
Electricity production is a major problem for deep space exploration. The possibility of using radioisotope elements with a very long life as an energy source was investigated in the framework of an EU project “SpaceTRIPS”. For this, a... more
This paper discusses the results of theoretical and experimental investigation of magnetohydrodynamic generator with liquid metal working body. This electric machine is used to convert mechanical energy, supplied by thermoacoustic engine,... more
Thermoacoustic-to-MHD energy conversion is a potential key technology for energy production in deep Space, due to the absence of moving mechanical parts or electrical contacts. This technology has been developed by a team of scientists... more
Our research is inspired by the Space Thermoacoustic Radio-Isotopic Power System Project SpaceTRIPS for deep space applications: a radio-isotopic source produces heat, a thermoacoustic engine converts it into sound. The MHD generator... more
The paper presents experimental results on testing a travelling wave thermoacoustic (TAc) engine using argon gas coupled with a 200 W, low-power, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generator using liquid sodium. The project is a terrestrial test... more
The Kilopower Project was initiated by NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate/ Game Changing Development Program in fiscal year 2015 to demonstrate subsystem-level technology readiness of small space fission power in a relevant... more
A loop heat pipe (LHP) radiator trade study has been completed for radiators in the 300-550 K temperature range. Initially, a thorough component level study was completed to determine LHP operating properties over the temperature range,... more
Neutronic analysis of a conceptual heat pipe-cooled micronuclear reactor with 70 % enriched uranium nitride fuel is carried out by modeling the core and peripheral control drum movement to estimate the power distribution. The core... more
Liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic (LMMHD) generators can generate electricity from the movement of liquid metal in an external magnetic field, without any mechanical moving parts. They can be applied in scenarios that require a highly... more
Although Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) is not a new concept, it continues to be an example of innovation in the nuclear field. Recently, there has been strong interest in liquid lead (Pb) or liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) both... more
Electromagnetic (EM) pumps are a major component in the safe operation of liquid metal-cooled nuclear reactors and can also be used in any other application in which a conductive fluid is being pumped through a system. During the design... more
The following information is to be distributed for review as part of the Department of Energy's Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP) Critical Experiment Design (CED) process requirements. This Research Note is to serve as... more
Specimens of T91 9%Cr martenstttc steel were exposed to molten lead at 525°C under controlled oxygen partial pressure, for durations ranging from 6 hours to one month. At low oxygen concentration, a thin chromtum oxide layer is formed;... more
Although Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) is not a new concept, it continues to be an example of innovation in the nuclear field. Recently, there has been strong interest in liquid lead (Pb) or liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) both... more
This study investigated the corrosion behavior and underline mechanisms of low alloy steels with a minor addition of 0.4 wt% Cu, 0.2 wt% Ni, 0.1 wt% Sb and 0.05 wt% Co developed for a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system. Corrosion tests... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per y™***«^ sTrnÄ^^^ and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Proiecl
In this paper, an enhanced calculation method of a heat rejection system operating on the moon is presented. This was taken into consideration in the developed calculation method and in the propagation of heat fluxes with the radiation of... more
This paper presents the results of CFD and thermal-hydraulics analyses of liquid sodium heat transfer in 19 UN fuel rod hexagonal bundles with scalloped walls. These bundles are arranged in three concentric rings in the core of the... more
h i g h l i g h t s Developed low enrichment and natural circulation cooled SLIMM-1.2 SMR for generating 10-100 MW th. Neutronics analyses estimate operation life and temperature reactivity feedback. At 100 MW th , SLIMM-1.2 operates for... more
Pulsating heat pipe's (PHP) are one of the alternatives to conventional heat transfer technologies. First part of this paper, titled: thermohydrodynamic behavior of methanol charged closed loop pulsating heat pipe has given information... more
A transient analysis has been carried out in detail using the finite difference method for the roll heat pipe wish is firstly studied by Jalilvand [1] in photocopy machines. The objective of this study is to better understand this type of... more
Mild or low-carbon steel has an increasing utilization and is widely used for building construction, machinery parts, and pipelines, because it can be machined easily and has enhanced weldability as well as a low price. In any case, the... more
The present paper is conducted to develop a new structure of an electromagnetic pump capable of controlling the magnetic field in a rectangular channel. Common electromagnetic pumps do not create uniform velocity profiles in the... more
The Early Flight Fission-Test Facility (EFF-TF) was established by the Marshall Space Flight Center to provide a capability for performing hardware-directed activities to support multiple in-space nuclear reactor concepts by using a... more
The results of assessing five-year corrosion of low-carbon and conventional weathering steels exposed to the Panamanian tropical atmosphere is presented. Two different test sites, one in Panama City: 5 km from the shoreline of the Pacific... more
One conventional and three Ni-advanced weathering steels have been exposed for one year in two marine atmospheres of moderate aggressivity (30 and 75 mg Cl À /m 2 d). The rusts generated have been analysed by polarised light optical... more
Liquid /Fluid Sodium is very risky in nature[1]. It gets ignited thusly when introduced to air or water. They recall repressions for smothering administrators. Social wellbeing and affirmation are basic. In many impelled organizations and... more
Although Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) is not a new concept, it continues to be an example of innovation in the nuclear field. Recently, there has been strong interest in liquid lead (Pb) or liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) both... more
Liquid alloy systems have a high degree of thermal conductivity, far superior to ordinary nonmetallic liquids and inherent high densities and electrical conductivities. This results in the use of these materials for specific heat... more
Liquid /Fluid Sodium is very risky in nature[1]. It gets ignited thusly when introduced to air or water. They recall repressions for smothering administrators. Social wellbeing and affirmation are basic. In many impelled organizations and... more