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Objective. Zidovudine is an antiretroviral nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor that induces mitochondrial myopathy by interfering with the replication of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Because zidovudine inhibits thymidine... more
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      ImmunologySkeletal muscle biologyDrug interactionsMitochondrial DNA
Outbreaks of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella have caused significant economic losses to the salmon industry in the south of Chile. However, the precise ichthyotoxic mechanism by this paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) – producing... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyHarmful algal bloomsLipid peroxidationAlexandrium catenella
Peroxisomes play an essential role in cellular lipid metabolism as exemplified by the existence of a number of genetic diseases in humans caused by the impaired function of one of the peroxisomal enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. Key... more
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      Biological SciencesFatty acidsPhysical sciencesFatty Acid Oxidation
This study was designed to determine the predictive value of lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) levels for adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Oxidative modification of circulating lipids... more
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      CardiologyCADHPLCBlood Pressure
Percentage of viable sperms has good potential to reflect male fertilizing potential. In the present study, an attempt was made to find out the percentage of viable sperms in normal and abnormal ejaculates and influence of reactive oxygen... more
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      FertilityOxidative StressReactive Oxygen SpeciesYoung Adult
The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of phenylpropanoid glycoside, Teupolioside, biotechnologically produced by IRBN22 Ajuga reptans cell line, in rats subjected to experimental colitis. Colitis was induced in rats by... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryCell lineInflammatory Bowel DiseaseLipid peroxidation
The effects of various doses of sodium selenite (0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 mg/kg body weight, ip) were studied on the content of phospholipids, cholesterol, esterified fatty acids (EFA), gangliosides, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance... more
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      SeleniumLipid metabolismLipid peroxidationRats
Objective: To evaluate the effect of enteral nutrition (EN) supplemented with L-glutamine on glycolytic parameters, inflammation, immune function, and oxidative stress in moderately ill intensive care patients with sepsis. Methods: Thirty... more
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      NutritionINTENSIVE CAREGlutathioneSepsis
A large number of micropropagated Euphorbia millii shoots from temporary immersion bioreactor showed thick broad leaves that were translucent, wrinkled and/or curled and brittle, symptoms of hyperhydricity. The environment inside... more
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      AndrologyImmunologyNonparametric StatisticsAging
The mutual influences of wheat selenium (Se) and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) on plasma Se and indicators of increased oxidative stress were investigated in a randomized, double-blind study with 31 women (23.5 +/- 3.4 yr).... more
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      Oxidative StressNorwayCholesterolSelenium
Phyllanthus amarus is a medicinal herb used in traditional Indian medicine for liver disorders. Several researches also show that it acts primarily in the liver, but still it remains unknown that which of these ingredients has a... more
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      CytokinesAntioxidantsComputer SimulationMice
Oxidative stress is strictly correlated to the pathogenesis of many diseases, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, or adequately integrated, is currently considered to be a protective and preventive factor. This study aimed to... more
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      EngineeringOxidative StressDNA damageKeratinocytes
Background & aims: Inflammation and oxidative stress plays a critical role in cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome often occurs with these two variables. The aim of the study is to estimate variations on cardiovascular risk... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsMedicineAntioxidantsClinical Nutrition
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      GeneticsInflammationOxidative StressDNA damage
Environmental risks, particularly UV radiation, provide a challenge to the function of the skin barrier. Protective measures such as the use of antioxidant products represent a possible method of providing protection to the skin. This... more
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      Quality ControlAntioxidantsEnvironmental RiskUv Radiation
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Nervilia plicata (Orchidaceae) has long been used in the antidiabetic medicinal preparations of traditional healers of Wayanad (Kerala), but recuperative potential of the plant was remained undefined. We... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant BiologyEthnopharmacology
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the cardioprotective potential of Curcuma longa (Turmeric) in the ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) model of myocardial infarction (MI). Wistar rats were divided into three groups and received saline... more
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      Life SciencesAntioxidantsPhytotherapyBlood Pressure
Objective: Lung injury induced by one-lung ventilation is rare, but it is a condition that may result in high mortality. This study evaluates the effects of one-lung ventilation and occlusion time on collapsed and contralateral lungs.
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      SurgeryNonparametric StatisticsTreatmentPeroxidase
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      DogsP-glycoproteinLipid peroxidationDoxorubicin
Whether high-cholesterol diets (HCD) induce a high incidence of memory deficits in diabetes requires to be established; if so, whether they induce impairments of memory acquired in the pre-diabetic stage as well as in the diabetic stage... more
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      Life SciencesHippocampusLearning and MemoryBlood Glucose
The effect of modest supplementation of vitamin E (α-tocopherol) on lipid peroxidation product, malondialdehyde (MDA), and reduced glutathione (GSH), was investigated in type 2 diabetic Nigerian patients. Written and informed consent to... more
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      NutritionOxidative StressMedicineThe Internet
The generation of reactive oxygen species and other radicals, catalyzed by iron ions at the fiber surface, is thought to play an important role in asbestos-induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity, but a direct confirmation of this statement... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryOrganic ChemistryFree RadicalsScanning Electron Microscopy
Objective: The damage to cartilage collagen is a central event in the pathogenesis of cartilage aging and osteoarthritis (OA). We have previously developed an in vitro model of cartilage degradation which shows that chondrocyte-dependent... more
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      Extracellular MatrixOsteoarthritisCollagenvitamin C
Spice bioactive compounds, capsaicin and curcumin, were both individually and in combination examined for antilithogenic potential during experimental induction of cholesterol gallstones in mice. Cholesterol gallstones were induced by... more
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      DietBiological SciencesAntioxidantsLiver
It was reported that lipid peroxidation (LPO) products increase in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and increased LPO products reduce many antioxidants. Lipid hydroperoxides (LOOHs) are byproduct of LPO. Paraoxonase (PON), arylesterase... more
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      Rheumatoid ArthritisOxidative StressEnzymeLipid peroxidation
Objective: To evaluate in vitro IGF-I treatment during warming of storage-cooled boar semen and its effect on seminal quality parameters and metabolism in spermatic cells. Design: Semen samples (n = 7) warmed after stored at 15°C for 24... more
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      PhysiologyCryopreservationTemperatureGlutathione Peroxidase
The aim of the present study was to show the abilities of captopril as a thiol ACEi (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor), on mitochondria toxicity due to paraquat. Mitochondrial isolation from rat liver was divided into 4 groups.... more
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      Oxidative StressAntioxidantsGlutathioneCatalase
The effects of the administration of 50 mg of guggulipid or placebo capsules twice daily for 24 weeks were compared as adjuncts to a fruit- and vegetable-enriched prudent diet in the management of 61 patients with hypercholesterolemia (31... more
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      Oxidative StressAntioxidantsCholesterolHypercholesterolemia
The British Petroleum (BP) oil spill has raised several ecological and health concerns. As the first response, BP used a chemical dispersant, Corexit-9500, to disperse the crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico to limit shoreline contamination... more
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      Life SciencesMitochondriaLipidsCell line
Abstract:  The pancreas is highly susceptible to the oxidative stress induced by ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury leading to the generation of acute pancreatitis. Melatonin has been shown to be useful in the prevention of the damage by... more
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      PancreatitisApoptosisBiological SciencesCaspases
Curcumin, a polyphenol derived from turmeric (Curcuma longa) possesses diverse pharmacological properties including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative activities. Endometriosis is a gyneocological disorder characterized... more
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      Extracellular MatrixWestern blottingMiceCurcumin
Background and Aims. Oxidative stress is considered an important factor in the development of diabetic complications that causes a variety of changes such as oxidative modification of membrane lipids, nucleic acids and cellular proteins.... more
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      Oxidative StressApolipoproteinsBlood GlucoseLipid peroxidation
and sharing with colleagues.
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      PhysiologyZoologySkeletal muscle biologyPrincipal Component Analysis
Fusarium circinatum is the causal agent of pitch canker disease affecting Pinus spp. and Pseudotsuga menziesii worldwide. Under strict quarantine measures, alternative approaches for disease control are necessary. Phosphite (Phi) salts... more
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      Plant BiologyFluorescenceBiologyCarotenoids
Background: Major depression is characterized by a decreased antioxidant status, an induction of the inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative (IO&NS) pathways and inflammatoryneurodegenerative (I&ND) pathways. This study examines two... more
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      EpidemiologyDepressionChronic Fatigue SyndromeComorbidity
Background: Thymus algeriensis Boiss. et Reut. (Lamiaceae), popularly known as "mougecha" or "mazoukcha" is prolific in Mediterranean regions, mostly in North Africa, and is used in folk medicine to treat of stomach diseases. Methods: In... more
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      KidneyLiverCatalaseGlutathione Peroxidase
Streszczenie. Celem doświadczenia było zbadanie potencjalnych skutków stresu oksydacyjnego w surowicy, mięśniach piersiowych i nóg kurcząt brojlerów Ross 308, utrzymywanych w dwóch systemach odchowu w okresie letniej wysokiej temperatury... more
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      KidneyLiverCopperDrinking Water
Pentane, a product of lipid peroxidation, has been detected in situations involving ischemic injury. Such injury may be limited if lipid peroxidation can be controlled by antioxidants. The role of lipid peroxidation in chronic heart... more
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      Free RadicalsHeart FailureEnalaprilReactive Oxygen Species
Aflatoxins (AF) are among the most potent naturally occurring carcinogens and aflatoxin-B1 (AFB 1 ) is classified as a group-1 carcinogen. Since the ingestion of aflatoxins-contaminated food is associated with several liver diseases, the... more
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      Genetic ToxicologyOxidative StressDNA damageGene expression
It has been demonstrated that high concentrations of monosodium glutamate in the central nervous system induce neuronal necrosis and damage in retina and circumventricular organs. In this model, the monosodium glutamate is used to induce... more
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      Kidney diseasesCentral Nervous SystemEnzymeLipid peroxidation
Hydroponics experiments were conducted to study the effects of Pb on mined ecotype (ME) and non-mined ecotype (NME) of Elsholtzia argyi from Pb/Cu mining and the non-contaminated agricultural areas, respectively. The results showed that... more
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      EngineeringPhotosynthesisChinaTransmission Electron Microscopy
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Ginger rhizomes are used traditionally for management of different gastrointestinal disturbances. Several studies proved that the rhizome possesses diverse biological activities such as cytotoxic,... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyEthnopharmacologyPharmacognosy
The anti-in ammatory and antioxidant activities of the aerial part of Helichrysum italicum extracts have been established in various in-vivo and in-vitro experimental models. The results obtained on the acute oedemas induced by... more
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      PharmacyImmunologyWaterComplementary and Alternative Medicine
A¯atoxin B 1 , a metabolite of Aspergillus¯avus is a potent hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic mycotoxin. Lipid peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage are the principal manifestations of a¯atoxin B 1 -induced toxicity which could be... more
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      Medicinal PlantsFlavonoidsLiver diseasesLiver
Introduction: Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy is known to increase oxygen concentration in tissues leading to induction of an adaptive increase in antioxidants, stimulation of angiogenesis, improvement of white blood cell action, and... more
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      Oxidative StressApoptosisHyperbaric Oxygen TherapyNitric oxide
During these last years, oxidative stress has been implicated in various pathological situations. The difficulty is to choose a convenient marker to appreciate its importance in vivo because of analytical problems of specificity and... more
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      Mass SpectrometryOxidative StressBiological SciencesGas Chromatography
Background: Statins are the most commonly prescribed drugs to reduce cardiometabolic risk. Besides the wellknown efficacy of such compounds in both preventing and treating cardiometabolic disorders, some patients experience statin-induced... more
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      CardiologyMedicineProspective studiesPlacebos
The antioxidant activity of a methanolic extract of Bombax ceiba was evaluated using several antioxidant assays, in terms of its: (i) ability to scavenge DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) and hydroxyl free radicals; (ii) action... more
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      Analytical ChemistryFree RadicalsComplementary and Alternative MedicineKinetics