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The current political climate provides fertile ground for toxic narratives that turn immigrants into convenient scapegoats. But such communities also present an enormous opportunity, and more can be done to capitalise fully on their... more
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      Political ParticipationHealth CareLinguistic diversityInclusive Education
Information that is shared between organizations contain confidential information about an individual. The idea of Privacy Preservation is to protect the sensitive information from various attacks that breach the privacy of an individual.... more
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      Linguistic diversityLinguistic Diversity (Languages And Linguistics)GeneralizationPrivacy Preserving Data Mining
A survey of the multiple participants involved in linguistic planning of the Berber language, both in North Africa and in the diaspora: speakers, cultural associations, notable individuals, States, universities, institutions (HCA in... more
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      MulticulturalismLanguage Planning and PolicyLanguage and IdeologyEndangered Languages
Introducció: Llengües, paraules, cultures Sovint s' afirma que les llengües reflecteixen la cultura de la comunitat que les parla. L'estudi del vocabulari de qualsevolllengua ens pot ajudar a precisar aquesta idea, a defmir amb més... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeLinguistic diversityLanguage DiversityEtimology
Il berbero e una lingua che difficilmente si puo definire “minore”, tanto in termini assoluti (15-20 milioni di parlanti) quanto in termini relativi (probabilmente in Marocco i berberofoni sono superiori al numero degli arabofoni). E’... more
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      MulticulturalismLanguage Planning and PolicyLanguage and IdeologyEndangered Languages
The Latino population is the fastest growing group in the United States; thus, it is imperative that social workers and other mental health practitioners be knowledgeable about the current literature on how to effectively serve this... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPsychologyClinical Psychology
The optimal language for literature and educational materials is not the same for all Zay areas. The data gathered during the current study points to Zay as optimal for the islands on Lake Ziway and Oromo as optimal for the lakeshores.... more
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      MulticulturalismLanguages and LinguisticsSemitic languagesMultilingualism
English: A socio-ecological system offers a framework in which to situate research on language learning in a community. This article discusses the ecological turn of linguistics and psychology of the 1970s and argues for these as a basis... more
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyApplied LinguisticsLinguistic diversitySystemic Functional Linguistics
The purpose of the research: Language revitalization means that an extinct language is taken in active use. Language revitalization can also save an endangered language from extinction. The Sámi form an indigenous people whose language is... more
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      Language revitalizationSociolinguisticsLinguistic diversityIdentity
Le dialecte de Saint-Priest-la-Feuille, petit village limousin du Nord de la Creuse, est encore aujourd'hui un idiome vivant. Une partie importante de la population, surtout parmi les gens âgés de plus de quarante ans, maîtrise le... more
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      Synchronic Linguistics (Or Descriptive Linguistics)MulticulturalismLanguage AcquisitionLanguage Variation and Change
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      Linguistic diversityICT for DevelopmentDigital Typography
In multilingual environments, respecting diverse linguistic identities is a requirement for recognizing the equal dignity of citizens. In the official discourse of the European Union, the approach to linguistic diversity has typically... more
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      European integrationMultilingualismEuropean UnionLinguistic diversity
This study examined the elements of [critical] multicultural awareness ([C]MA) and [critical] multilingual awareness ([C]MLA) identified in the pedagogical responsiveness of five literacy teacher educators (LTEs), the factors... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningMulticulturalismEducation
La notion de norme et de référence à la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s’intéresse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des règles rigoureuses, que l’observation permet de déterminer. Il... more
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      LanguagesCultural StudiesMulticulturalismSecond Language Acquisition
This book brings together fifty of today’s finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van... more
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      Welfare StateWelfare StateSocial JusticeFederalism
This pilot study investigates the current state of Latino/a students in higher education and first-year writing (FYW) programs in the United States. This project explores if and how FYW programs address the literacy skills of second... more
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      Latino studentsTeaching CompositionLinguistic diversityCultural differences in communications styles
Parece indudable que existe una creciente preocupación (o, como se dice ahora, una mayor sensibilidad) acerca de la suerte de la diversidad cultural en el interior de las sociedades contemporáneas y también, lo que es más novedoso, a... more
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      Linguistic diversityLanguage death and revivalLinguistic justice
Bilingualism and multilingualism are the speaker’s ability to speak two or more languages. This capability is achieved by the individual speakers, where besides the mother tongue (L1) learners different languages on a parallel basis or... more
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      MultilingualismMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyLinguistic diversityPlurilingualism
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is the specialized agency of the UN system that carries the flag globally for the human and intangible aspects of society and development. Founded in London in... more
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      MultilingualismIndigenous LanguagesEndangered LanguagesLinguistic diversity
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      Linguistic diversityBiodiversityCultural Diversity
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      DiversityMigrationLinguistic diversityEthnicity
Out of 3372 mother tongues in India only 22 have official status. There are 613 Tribal communities and they speak around 304 mother tongues. As the UNESCO records go, India has 196 endangered languages, most of them having tribal origin.... more
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      EducationLanguage revitalizationMultilingualismSociolinguistics
"The following paper has been written by Isidor Marí, Arts and Humanities professor at Open University of Catalonia, Santiago Castellà, Public Law professor at the Ramon Llull University and Josep Bargalló, vice-president of the Fundació... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGlobalizationMultilingualismLinguistic diversity
This paper provides an overview of the research done on language complexity, focusing on aspects of complexity that bear relevance to the topic of linguistic diversity. Different approaches to and possible definitions of complexity are... more
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      SociologyLinguistic diversityLinguistics
Paper in French concerning some traditional meta-linguistic terms (names of letters and other linguistic and literary lexicon found in ancient written texts as well as in modern oral poetry). The paper was also published in: Noura... more
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      MulticulturalismLanguage Planning and PolicyEndangered LanguagesApplied Linguistics
O presente trabalho analisa o papel de uma abordagem plural de sensibilização à diversidade linguística na promoção da consciência fonológica de crianças em idade pré-escolar. Para o efeito, acompanha o percurso de desenvolvimento da... more
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      EducationPhonological AwarenessLinguistic diversityPreschool Education
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      History of LinguisticsMulticulturalismLanguage revitalizationLanguages and Linguistics
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      Linguistic diversityEnsenyamentDiversitat lingüística
This article presents translation as a user-localized activity. Using Sun’s (2012) distinction between user and practitioner localization, the researchers present a preliminary illustration of how translation is enacted by multilingual... more
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      Technical CommunicationLinguistic diversityCommunication DesignTranslation
The Torres and Banks Islands, two small archipelagos of northern Vanuatu, are home to 9400 inhabitants and to 17 distinct languages. With an average of 550 speakers per language, this region constitutes an extreme case of the linguistic... more
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      SociolinguisticsOceanic languagesEndangered LanguagesLinguistic diversity
The recent debates on linguistic diversity inevitably raise questions about the value of languages. This paper deals with two descriptions of the value of languages that have played an outstanding role in such debates: on the one hand,... more
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      LanguagesCultural HeritageLinguistic diversityMeans of Communication
The chapter is motivated by the recent interest shown in the pedagogical benefits of multilingual discourse in classroom practices in multilingual and multicultural contexts; and the dissatisfaction with monolingual/ monoglot... more
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      EducationDevelopment StudiesTeaching English as a Second LanguageLanguage Planning and Policy
"Abstract: This is an investigation about linguistic diversity, examining its decline in different societal conditions over the last century, and interrogating claims in language policy and planning to be ‘protecting linguistic... more
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      SociologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Philosophy Of LanguageHumanities
Un revival del vernacolo fiorentino? Aspetti linguistici, semiotici e semantici della tifoseria calcistica fiorentina
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      SemioticsLanguagesHistoryPolitical Sociology
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      LanguagesHistoryCultural HistoryEthnohistory
Scarvaglieri, Claudio; Redder, Angelika; Pappenhagen, Ruth & Brehmer, Bernhard (2013) Capturing diversity. Linguistic land- and soundscaping in urban areas. In: Duarte, Joana & Gogolin, Ingrid (eds) Linguistic superdiversity in urban... more
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      PragmaticsMultilingualismSociolinguisticsLinguistic diversity
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      Language and PowerLanguage and IdeologyLinguistic diversityNormativity
In this essay, we reconsider the topic of "Linguistic Diversity in South Asia"-the title of the landmark 1960 volume edited by Charles Ferguson and John Gumperz-from the perspective of contemporary sociolinguistics and linguistic... more
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      SemioticsMultilingualismSociolinguisticsLinguistic Anthropology
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      Military HistoryDiversityMigrationHabsburg Studies
Contrary to widespread belief, there is no reason to think that language diversification typically follows a tree-like pattern, consisting of a nested series of neat splits. Except for the odd case of language isolation or swift migration... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsDialectology
"Language Diversity. A Challenge for Europe" is the transcription of the conference hosted 4th March 2010 by the European Parliament and organized by EFA. The book is a transcript of the most relevant contributions of the seminar and... more
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      MulticulturalismLanguages and LinguisticsDiversityLanguage Planning and Policy
Selon de nombreux chercheurs et professionnels de l'éducation en Europe, nos populations scolaires se caractérisent par un plurilinguisme et une multi-culturalité pour lesquels les acteurs de l'éducation ne sont que peu ou pas du tout... more
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      Teacher EducationLinguistic diversitySecond Language Teacher EducationFrance
The book approaches cultural and linguistic diversity from political teory, works out a concept of 'responsible language policy' and then focuses on the Catalan context and suggests some lines for a responsible language policy in Catalonia.
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      Political TheoryLinguistic diversityLanguage PolicyCatalonia
Giovanni AGRESTI (2008), Les droits linguistiques en Europe et ailleurs / Linguistic Rights : Europe and Beyond (cura del volume, in coll. con Francesca Rosati). Actes des Premières Journées des Droits Linguistiques (Université de Teramo,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLinguistic diversityMinority Languages
Avec l'élargissement progressif des dernières années, qui continue encore aujourd'hui, l'Union Européenne de 2011 se compose de 27 États membres 1 (plus trois dont le processus d'adhésion est en cours), habités par presque 500 millions de... more
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      European UnionLinguistic diversity
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      Galician StudiesMultilingualismSociolinguisticsLinguistic diversity
Diversity is a peer-reviewed online publication series of the research project ELDIA, serving as an outlet for preliminary research findings, individual case studies, background and spin-off research.
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      MultilingualismLanguage Planning and PolicyLinguistic diversityMinority Languages
This paper is a preliminary report on a sociolinguistic field survey. It records the beliefs which 834 permanent residents of Suva, Fiji had about their own language and literacy skills in 1988-89. The interview subjects were selected... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyAnthropologyLiteracy