Linguistic Relativity
Recent papers in Linguistic Relativity
Navajo population dispersal and socioterritorial units appear to derive from Northern Hunter practices. Navajo nuclear families occupy a hogan or house and its immediate surroundings. Larger socioterritorial units are: 1 ) homestead... more
In the domain of motion event encoding, many of the world’s languages fall into one of two types: verb-framed (the path is encoded in the verb) or satellite-framed (the path is encoded outside the verb in a prefix, particle or adverbial... more
ABSTRACT OF MONOGRAPH Relatively Speaking: The Acquisition of Social Identity among the Mopan Maya 2001, Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics. Eve Danziger Department of Anthropology University of Virginia... more
How do we find meaning amidst an overwhelming amount of sensory information? Are the processes by which we categorize information independent of our language? Linguistic relativism suggests that our thoughts are shaped by our language.... more
1. Spanish and English speakers tend to conceptualize time as running from left to right along a mental line. Previous research suggests that this representational strategy arises from the participants' exposure to a left-to-right... more
An experiment investigated whether Japanese speakers' categorisation of objects and substances as shape or material is influenced by acquiring English, based on Imai and Gentner (1997). Subjects were presented with an item such as a cork... more
English uses the horizontal spatial metaphors to express time (e.g., the good days ahead of us). Chinese also uses the vertical metaphors (e.g., 'the month above' to mean last month). Do Chinese speakers, then, think about time in a... more
O relativismo linguístico, a ideia de que os idiomas que falamos podem tingir ou mesmo determinara nossa percepção da realidade, é talvez a mais sedutora das ideias linguísticas. Nos círculos acadêmicos, e fora deles (entre poetas,... more
The goal of the present study is the analysis of the lexical composition of any language (or language variant) which covers not only the peculiarities of language units functioning, but also the facts of their social and ethnic... more
Despite the need for more study on the theory, linguistic relativity may help towards understanding the inter-relatedness of society, culture, and language by looking at the phenomenon of linguistic relativity as it may have affected New... more
Differences between languages have been implicated recently in explanations of the cross-cultural disparities observed in children's mathematical performance on place value tasks (e.g., Miura, Okamaoto, Kim, Chang, Steere... more
A Wenner-Gren Foundation international symposium entitled "Rethinking Linguistic Relativity" was held in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, May 3-n, 1991. The meeting brought together scholars from seven nations and a range of disciplines including... more
This article explores the ways that Navajo poet Rex Lee Jim uses ideophony in one of his poems. I argue that Jim's use of an ideophone in its myriad forms (from nominalized noun to independent ideophone to verb stem) creates an... more
An overview of sexism in the Chinese language and script.
The article considers the issues related to the semantic, grammatical, stylistic and technical difficulties currently present in machine translation and compares its four main approaches: Rule-based (RBMT), Corpora-based (CBMT), Neural... more
In building a constructivist view of language, the inherently experiential nature of language should not be absolutized but seen rather as depending on the overlap between the first-order and the second-order consensual domains as the... more
The hypothesis that the colour sequence would be replicated in Spanish colour-word usage has been corroborated on 131,028 colour words from a representative corpus (N = 188,975,000). The observed sequence of white, black, red, green,... more
Although current discussions of linguistic relativity tend to concen- trate on obligatory grammatical categories, the original architects of this school of thought, including Boas, Sapir, and Whorf, all argued strongly for the role of... more
"The primary focus of this study is to assess the impact of a spoken language on its speaker’s thoughts, perception and cognitive abilities. It is postulated that language, to a certain extent, can influence a person’s thought and his... more
According to Mikhail Bakhtin, the socio-cultural background of a speaker and listener determines the meaning of discourse, suggesting that language is a performance of the culture the speaker represents. The theory of Linguistic... more
Navigating the global business environment successfully requires specific skills that are often underestimated. Cultural awareness is one of the most important and lack of intercultural sensitivity can cause companies severe damage. The... more
A wider view of Husserl's philosophic influence in the USA; corrects philosophic history about "origins" of phenomenology in the USA. Focus on Ernst Cassirer and Wilbur Urban at Yale University.
Kinship classification systems play a critical role in understanding human cognition because of their cross-cultural prevalence and paradigmatic completeness. In place of the historically used componential analysis method, this paper... more
הקדמה לספר שפה, מחשבה, מציאות מאת בנג'מין לי וורף. מגב הספר: בנג'מין לי וורף (1897 - 1941) נחשב לאחד מגדולי החלוצים האמריקאים בתחומי הפילוסופיה של הלשון, הבלשנות והאנתרופולוגיה של התרבות. וורף, בן חורג של המסורת המדעית ודמות שנויה במחלוקת... more
In this article, I offer an analysis of Peruvian Aymara speech directed toward sheep and alpacas, children, and marbles (specifically, the use of “animal-oriented interjections”). The use of these forms positions addressees as reduced... more
This paper is concerned with the relation of thought and language, especially with the inner workings of human conceptual thought. The questions it set out to answer were whether humans think in language and how language might limit human... more
Over the last two decades, questions of languages’ cultural specificity, diversity, and of linguistic universalism versus relativism, have increasingly been applied to the study of metaphor in analyses that take data from a wide range of... more
Slides from the 2018 SALT talk with ideas for incorporating linguistic relativity and political correctness topics for A level English Language.
The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis holds that language plays a powerful role in shaping human consciousness, affecting everything from private thought and perception to larger patterns of behavior in society—ultimately allowing members of any... more
Athanasopoulos and Aveledo (2013)
Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу современных тенденций в изучении проблемы влияния естественного языка на когнитивные процессы, а также формулировке новой программы междисциплинарных исследований по теме «язык и познание». Сначала... more
В книге рассматривается вопрос о воздействии структуры языка на познавательные способности его носителей, или проблема лингвистической относительности. В первом разделе представлен подробный анализ развития релятивистских идей с конца... more
Монографію присвячено аналізові проблеми співвідношення мислення і мови в аспекті теорії лінгвістичної відносності – міждисциплінарного напряму наукових досліджень, який на початку XXI ст. перетворився на масштабний... more
Boroday S. Y. - Language and thought: limits of linguistic relativity (course of studies) [In Russian] Курс лекций посвящен введению в проблематику лингвистической относительности. Акцент сделан на экспериментальных исследованиях конца... more
The World Through the Idiom of Language 2
[RESUMEN] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las dificultades de los estudiantes vietnamitas en el uso del modo subjuntivo español, poniendo especial énfasis en las principales diferencias que existen entre la lengua, la cultura... more
"Бородай С.Ю. Современное понимание проблемы лингвистической относительности: работы по пространственной концептуализации // Вопросы языкознания 2013 (4), с. 17-54 Article deals with a problem of linguistic relativity in the context of... more
a Moppy, a cui ho detto la prima parola V la tematica dell'universalismo linguistico, dai suoi primi sviluppi negli anni '60 agli ultimi lavori vent'anni dopo. Saranno in esso ricordate le critiche di Ekkehart Malotki e Steven Pinker a... more
People believe they see emotion written on the faces of other people. In an instant, simple facial actions are transformed into information about another's emotional state. The present research examined whether a perceiver unknowingly... more
In The Instruction of Imagination, Daniel Dor offers a new perspective on the essence of human language. This enormous achievement of our species is best characterized as a communication technology - not unlike the social media on the Net... more