Linguistic Metaphor
Recent papers in Linguistic Metaphor
Presentation at “The Way We Think: A Research Symposium on Conceptual Integration and the Nature and Origin of Cognitively Modern Humans.” University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Demark, August 19-23, 2002. Document includes Supplemental... more
What is the relation between the three following elements: words, pictures, and conceptual representations? And how do these three elements work, in defining and explaining metaphors? These are the questions that we tackle in our... more
Proverbs is a poetic book full of images and metaphors, many of which are often obscure and enigmatic. In this volume, Rotasperti offers a contribution to the understanding of figurative language in Proverbs by looking at the grammatical... more
Our approach to translation is based on Eugenio Coseriu’s linguistic theory and on the American cognitive view of extralinguistic semantics. In order to illustrate the translation from Romanian into French of metaphors used in spoken... more
THOUGHT or Imaginary EXPERIMENTS and METAPHORS (volume 3) I intended to deal with the different sections or chapters in one volume, but as certain sections or chapters are very long, like chapter 1, THEORIZING AND... more
After researching the many conceptual and technical qualities of metaphor, it still remained to reason the process by which metaphors impact actual buildings, professional practice, design, perception, and actual use. Was there a cause... more
An epithet is “a term used to characterize a person or thing,” and a racial epithet is a term used to characterize people on the basis of their race. Uses of racial epithets are language acts that are usually harmful to the people that... more
Through a humbling out of self by means of a sequence of self-referential questions and answers, through a process of bringing forth by rejecting and flipping answers and questions around, through a discourse that levels itself out by... more
Chapter Preview Metaphor scholars used to debate over the “conceptual” or “linguistic” nature of metaphor. More recently, they have argued about whether metaphor is “embodied” or “discursive.” Despite the shift in focus implied by this... more
Since human meaning-making is fundamentally performative in nature (Deriu 2020) and metaphorical meaning is grounded in concrete action semantics (Lai, Howerton & Desai 2019), the pastoral metaphor is embodied, enacted, embedded, and... more
The aim of this study was to examine how transitional objects (TOs) work from the perspective of adult clients in psychotherapy. Data were collected using a semistructured interview with 6 female clients in humanistic psychotherapy.... more
Buddhist philosophy is fundamentally ambivalent toward language. Language is paradoxically seen as both obstructive and necessary for liberation. This bookdelves into the ingenious response to this tension from the Yogacara school of... more
This article explores the correlations between linguistic figurative features and their corresponding conceptual representations, by considering their respective continuities and discontinuities in language shift. I compare the figurative... more
This paper tries to elucidate Peirce's notoriously obscure definition of metaphor (CP 2.277) in the context of his general theory of signs. It is argued that Peirce defined metaphor not as a proposition, but as a genuinely original iconic... more
Bu çalışmada, Hakaniye Dönemi eserlerinden Hakaniye Türkçesi Kur’an Çevirisi Tiem 73, Divân-ı Hikmet ve Atabetü’l Hakâyık’ta geçen Bal sözcüğünden hareketle söz metaforları kültür tarihi ve lingüistiği bağlamında ele alınacaktır. Çağdaş... more
English abstract . This essay is a reflection on the key issue raised in Lakoff and Johnson's book Metaphors We Live By, i.e. the capacity the metaphor has to produce knowledge. . We first survey and then go through the positions of... more
Mise à jour, en un seul tableau et avec quelques modifications, des deux tableaux précédemment publiés sur ce site. On appréciera après en avoir pris connaissance l'intuition psychologique de Charles Baudelaire, qui écrit, à la première... more
Ponsonnet (2014) has shown that Dalabon, a Gunwinyguan language of northern Australia (non-Pama-nyungan) has very few emotion nouns – instead, its emotion lexicon contains mostly verbs and adjectives. The language has only two emotion... more
This article explores the correlations between linguistic figurative features and their corresponding 'conceptual representations', by considering their respective continuities and discon-tinuities in language shift. I compare the... more
Kulcsszavak: metonimia, idealizált kognitív modell, kognitív szemantika, fogalmi metonímiaelmélet, kontrasztív nyelvészet
Highlights • Proposes a research agenda on metaphor analysis for tourism studies. • Situate metaphor analysis within the linguistic turn in social sciences. • Identifies that tourism metaphors always have a selling function. • Metaphors... more
In this respect, this article investigates to which concepts such as "good-bad, successful-unsuccessful, healthy-unhealthy, happy, and unhappy" the aforementioned metaphors used in Turkish proverbs correspond; it also examines how the... more
A Masters essay analysing the metaphor used in Xi Jinping's July 1, 2021 speech commemorating the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party.
This paper is part of the work carried out in the funded research project Stance and subjectivity in discourse: towards an integrated model of the analysis of epistemicity, effectivity, evaluation and intersubjectivity from a critical... more
Im Juni 2013 fand in Paris ein internationales Kolloquium zu Ehren Dmitrij Dobrovol'skijs statt. Freunde aus der Wissenschaft und Freunde aus dem Leben versammelten sich, um den bedeutungsvollen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag des Jubilars zu... more
"This paper examines the applicability of the combination of data types in a study of German idioms of life with the tools of cognitive metaphor theory. The data sources for conceptual metaphors were mainly metaphors found in the relevant... more
Metaphors abound in both the arts and in science. Due to the traditional division between these enterprises as one concerned with aesthetic values and the other with epistemic values there has unfortunately been very little work on the... more
Despite a significant amount of research on the importance of metaphors, some still view them as mere ornamental language or clever tricks of the mind. However, metaphors play a pivotal role in how we understand the world around us as... more
The chapter analyses the origin and evolution of the legal metaphor 'ordre public' through a comparative perspective of the legal context of discourse and a cognitive–linguistic perspective of metaphors. The first sections trace the... more
The purpose of this article is to analyze functionality in statements with a figurative meaning in tourist texts. In order to do so, we have selected a group of texts published by the Region of Murcia as part of a campaign to promote the... more
The attached document contains the abstract and table of contents for my completed doctoral dissertation entitled, "The Rock of Israel: A Philological, Historical and Literary Analysis of the Epithet צור". My doctoral studies were done at... more
Bu çalışma Tarihi Türk dili alanını oluşturan eserlerden dördü üzerine- Köktürk Kağanlık Yazıtları, Kutadgu Bilig, Atabetü'l Hakayık ve Divan-ı Hikmet)- art zamanlı kısa bir semantik ve gösterge bilimsel incelemeyi içermektedir.
I intended to deal with the different sections or chapters in one volume, but as certain sections or chapters are very long, like chapter 1, THEORIZING AND PHILOSOPHIZING (VOLUME 1), I divided some of them into separate... more
El propósito de este artículo es el análisis de la funcionalidad en textos turísticos de enunciados de sentido figurado. Para ello hemos seleccionado un con-junto de textos emitidos por la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia en el... more
Wenn man über das menschliche Leben spricht oder schreibt, benutzt man oft metaphorische Ausdrücke wie am Kreuzweg stehen oder sein Leben aufs Spiel setzen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit geht der Autor der Frage nach, wie metaphorische Idiome... more
Abstract: This study aims at examining the metaphors created by two groups of language learners in Iranian high schools (43 males and 43 females) in Famenin. Learners were required to write the metaphors which truly conceptualized their... more
In the Old Testament Book of Genesis, Garden of Eden, a biblical earthly paradise inhabited by the first man and woman, is portrayed to have a sense of a well-cultivated land full of fruits and abundances. In today’s world, the word... more
Ces verbes décrivent l’attitude du parent devant l’enfant non désiré, refusé (tel le poète maudit par sa mère, cf infra) : • verbes exprimant la déception, la surprise, l'étonnement, la peur, l'horreur, • haïr, détester, maudire, ne... more