Linear Logic
Recent papers in Linear Logic
This paper introduces Chronolog(Z), a logic programming language based on a discrete linear-time temporal logic with unbounded past and future. Chronolog(Z) is suitable for applications involving the notion of dynamic change, such as... more
An XSAT 𝜙 is satisfiable iff there exists a satisfying assignment 𝛼 to 𝜙. This paper shows that 𝜙 is satisfiable iff 𝜙 is reducible to 𝛼, viz., 𝜙 → 𝛼, thus 𝜙 ∧ 𝛼 is true, where 𝛼 = 𝑟 1 ∧ 𝑟 2 ∧ • • • ∧ 𝑟 𝑛 for some 𝑟 𝑙 ∈ {𝑥 𝑙 , 𝑥 𝑙 }. That... more
We present a novel approach to the automatic verification and falsification of LTL requirements of non-linear discrete-time hybrid systems. The verification tool uses an interval-based constraint solver for non-linear robust constraints... more
We present a general solution to the problem of optimized ezecution of logic programs containing linear recursive rules. Our solution is based on eztensions of the classical counting method, which is known to be efficient but of limited... more
Given any symmetric monoidal (closed) category C and any suitable collections W of objects of C, it is shown how to construct C[W], a polynomial such category, the result of freely adjoining to C a system of monoidal indeterminates for... more
Bellin, G. and J. Ketonen, A decision procedure revisited: Notes on direct logic, linear logic and its implementation, Theoretical Computer Science 95 (1992) 115-142. This paper studies decidable fragments of predicate calculus. We will... more
We provide a context semantics for Multiplicative-Additive Linear Logic (MALL), together with proofnets whose reduction preserves semantics, where proofnet reduction is equated with cut-elimination on MALL sequents. The results extend the... more
We provide a context semantics for Multiplicative-Additive Linear Logic (MALL), together with proofnets whose reduction preserves semantics, where proofnet reduction is equated with cut-elimination on MALL sequents. The results extend the... more
String representations of events are applied to Robin Cooper's proposal that propositions in natural language semantics are types of situations. Links with the higher types of prooftheoretic semantics are forged, deepening type-theoretic... more
- by Tim Fernando
We show that the physical principle "the adjoint associates to each state a 'test' for that state" fully characterises the Hermitian adjoint for pure quantum theory, therefore providing the adjoint with operational meaning beyond its... more
Master's degree in Physics of Complex Systems at the Universitat de Les Illes Balears, 2018.
- by Luca Marconi
This paper presents a method for model checking dense complex real-time systems. This approach is implemented at the meta level of the Rewriting Logic system Maude. The dense complex real-time system is specified using a syntax which has... more
We show that the karoubian envelope of the category of correspondances is equivalent to the category of sup-compatible mappings between complete completly distributive lattices. On sait que l’enveloppe karoubienne per met de ramener les... more
With sound unification, Definite Clause Grammars and compact expression of combinatorial generation algorithms, logic programming is shown to conveniently host a declarative playground where interesting properties and behaviors emerge... more
We consider the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence for effectful computation and resource management, specifically proposing polarised calculi together with presheaf-enriched adjunction models as the starting point for a comprehensive... more
Blass, A., A game semantics for linear logic, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 56 (1992) 183-220. We present a game (or dialogue) semantics in the style of Lorenzen (1959) for Girard's linear logic (1987). Lorenzen suggested that the... more
L'accès aux archives de la revue « Informatique théorique et applications » implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( org/legal.php). Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est... more
We propose measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC) as a quantum mechanical toy model for spacetime. Within this framework, we discuss the constraints on possible temporal orders enforced by certain symmetries present in every MBQC.... more
Bidders in online multi-unit combinatorial auctions face the acute problem of estimating the valuations of an immense number of packages. Can the seller guide the bidders to avoid placing bids that are too high or too low? In the single... more
We rene Gentzen's classical sequent calculus into a classical tableau calculus within the framework of Martin-Lof's type theory. This cal-culus has essentially the same inference gures as Gentzen's classical sequent... more
Prucnal proved, see [8] and [9], that Medvedev's logic ML of finite problems is structurally complete. So far, ML is the only known structurally complete intermediate logic with the disjunction property. Another proof of Prucnal's theorem... more
The paper presents an approach to reasoning about Web services in a temporal action theory. Web services are described by specifying their interaction protocols in an action theory based on a dynamic, linear-time, temporal logic. The... more
For a symmetric monoidal-closed category X and any object K, the category of K-Chu spaces is small-topological over X and small cotopological over X op. Its full subcategory of M-extensive K-Chu spaces is topological over X when X is... more
For a symmetric monoidal-closed category X and any object K, the category of K-Chu spaces is small-topological over X and small cotopological over X op. Its full subcategory of M-extensive K-Chu spaces is topological over X when X is... more
Steltzner (1996) explains how the major employer in Frege's Jena was Zeiss Optics, with its visionary leader Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe, and how Frege was supported all of his life through anonymous donations from this source. Modern logic... more
Linear Logic, we concisely write LL, has been introduced recently by Jean Yves Girard in Theoretical Computer Science ~0 (1987). Born from the semantics of second order lambda calculus, LL is more expressive than traditional logic (both... more
We generalize the notion of symmetries of propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form to modal formulas. Our framework uses the coinductive models introduced in [4] and, hence, the results apply to a wide class of modal logics... more
I also would like to express my warm thanks to the jury members: Radu MATEESCU and Stefan SCHWOON for accepting to review my thesis, Béatrice BÉRARD and Didier BUCHS for their interest in my work. I am especially grateful to Joël COURTOIS... more
Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle catégoriques, tome 23, n o 4 (1982), p. 363-378 <> © Andrée C. Ehresmann et les auteurs, 1982, tous droits réservés. L'accès aux archives... more
Quantum cryptographic systems have been commercially available, with a striking advantage over classical systems that their security and ability to detect the presence of eavesdropping are provable based on the principles of quantum... more
Let [n] = {1, 2,. .. , n} be a finite chain and let Pn be the semigroup of partial transformations on [n]. Let CPn = {α ∈ Pn : (f or all x, y ∈ Dom α) |xα − yα| ≤ |x − y|}, then CPn is a subsemigroup of Pn. In this paper, we give a... more
We show that all extensions of the (non-associative) Gentzen system for distributive full Lambek calculus by simple structural rules have the cut elimination property. Also, extensions by such rules that do not increase complexity have... more
Context Edge graphs are graphs whose edges are labelled with identifiers, and nodes can have multiple edges between them. They are used to model a wide range of systems, including networks with distances or degrees of connection and... more
In the present paper, extensions of the intuitionistic linear logic with knotted structural rules are discussed. Each knotted structural rule is a rule of inference in sequent calculi of the form: from T,A,... ,A (n times)-• C infer... more
Adopting the categorial approach to aggregating, interconnecting and constraining probabilistic automata, we start by looking for the notion of morphism that will lead to the characterization of aggregation as product and of... more
We propose a measure and a metric on the sets of infinite traces generated by a set of atomic propositions. To compute these quantities, we first map properties to subsets of the real numbers and then take the Lebesgue measure of the... more
Brief notes (in Italian) on iterated clique graphs. Given a graph G=(V,E), let K(G) be the intersection graph of the cliques of G. In general K^n(G) = K(K(...K(G))). It is interesting to study the behavior of the cardinality of the set of... more
Linear logic is a substructural logic proposed as a refinement of classical and intuitionistic logics, with applications in programming languages, game semantics, and quantum physics. We present a template for Gentzen-style linear logic... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Interactive Scores (IS) is a formalism for composing and performing interactive multimedia scores with several applications in video games, live performance installations, and virtual museums. The composer defines the temporal... more
We offer a simple graphical representation for proofs of intuitionistic logic, which is inspired by proof nets and interaction nets (two formalisms originating in linear logic). This graphical calculus of proofs inherits good features... more
This paper presents a formalism for defining higher-order systems based on the notion of graph transformation (by rewriting or interaction). The syntax is inspired by the Combinatory Reduction Systems of Klop. The rewrite rules can be... more
Welcome to FG-2006, the 11th conference on Formal Grammar. This year's conference includes 12 contributed papers covering, as usual, a wide range of areas of formal grammar. In addition to the papers included in this volume, the... more
We present a novel approach to the automatic verification and falsification of LTL requirements of non-linear discrete-time hybrid systems. The verification tool uses an interval-based constraint solver for non-linear robust constraints... more