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In this paper we study a version of constructive linear-time temporal logic (LTL) with the "next" temporal operator. The logic is originally due to Davies, who has shown that the proof system of the logic corresponds to a type system for... more
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      SemanticsLinear LogicReasoningSystem Analysis
There are currently dozens of freely available tools to help combat phishing and other web-based scams. Many of these tools come in the form of web browser extensions that warn users when they are browsing a suspected phishing site. We... more
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      Machine LearningLinear LogicDoS AttackIntrusion Detection
We develop a logic for reasoning about adjacency and separation of memory blocks, as well as aliasing of pointers. We provide a memory model for our logic and present a sound set of natural deduction-style inference rules. We deploy the... more
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      Computer ScienceLinear LogicMemory ManagementType Systems
Why did it take us 50 years since the birth of the quantum mechanical formalism to discover that unknown quantum states cannot be cloned? Yet, the proof of the 'no-cloning theorem' is easy, and its consequences and potential for... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum TeleportationProof TheoryQuantum Information
Is a scientific explanation of free will possible? Biologically based on the ability to generate alternative pattern of actions and non-predictive behaviors. Emerging with articulated language (being able to say NO, OR, IF... THEN) and... more
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      SemioticsEvolutionary BiologyNeuroscienceCognitive Science
We present the general lines of the transcendental syntax program, recently proposed by J.-Y. Girard as a natural development of research in the field of linear logic.
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      Proof TheoryLinear LogicPhilosophy of LogicTranscendentalism
Welcome to the proceedings of the 14th WoLLIC meeting, which was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2 -5, 2007. The Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC) is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary... more
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      Linear LogicCategorial grammarSequent Calculus
Η μαθηματική γλωσσολογία είναι το πεδίο των μαθηματικών, όπου μελετώνται γλωσσικά φαινόμενα και οι σχέσεις μεταξύ τους ως αντικείμενα μαθηματικών θεωριών. Στην παρούσα εργασία, παρουσιάζονται οι κατηγοριακές γραμματικές ξεκινώντας από τη... more
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      MathematicsLogicLinear LogicCategory Theory
Residuation is a fundamental concept of ordered structures and categories. In this survey we consider the consequences of adding a residuated monoid operation to lattices. The resulting residuated lattices have been studied in several... more
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    • Linear Logic
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceModel CheckingLinear Logic
Humanity is on the threshold of recognizing the fundamental error in its view of life and death. Both death as well as active life is necessary to the vital formation of a larger, more essential whole. In this paper, I apply the sociology... more
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      SemioticsReligionBuddhismComparative Religion
Abstract Free will exists and the proof is simple: without symbolic freedom, no symbolic resources and, consequently, no free will. The existence of symbolic resources presupposes symbolic freedom, and this was only possible by the... more
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      PaleoanthropologyQuantum PhysicsLinear LogicWilliam James
In the Tractatus it is stated that questions about logical formatting ("why just these rules?") cannot be meaningfully formulated, since it is precisely the application of logical rules which enables the formulation of a question... more
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      Proof TheoryLinear LogicPhilosophy of LogicWittgenstein
In this paper, I discuss the analysis of logic in the pragmatic approach recently proposed by Brandom. I consider different consequence relations, formalized by classical, intuitionistic and linear logic, and I will argue that the formal... more
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      Intuitionistic LogicPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of ActionPragmatism
If we go through a list of some of the main problematiques 1 that are defining the new Century, such as water, forced migrations, poverty, environmental crises, violence, terrorism, neo-imperialism, destruction of social fabric, we must... more
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      Higher EducationLinear LogicEcological EconomicsApplied Economics
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      Type TheorySemanticsLinear LogicModeling
We discuss paradoxes of implication in the setting of a proof-conditional theory of meaning for logical constants. We argue that a proper logic of implication should be not only relevant, but also constructive and nonmonotonic. This leads... more
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      PhilosophyLinear Logic
Message passing is a key ingredient of concurrent programming. The purpose of this paper is to describe the equivalence between the proof theory, the categorical semantics, and term calculus of message passing. In order to achieve this we... more
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      Proof TheoryLinear LogicCut-EliminationOperational Semantics
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      Linear LogicUniversal Algebra, Logic, Lattices
We define proof nets for cyclic multiplicative linear logic as edge bi-coloured graphs. Our characterization is purely graph theoretical and works without further complication for proof nets with cuts, which are usually harder to handle... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsComputer SciencePhilosophy
Why did it take us 50 years since the birth of the quantum mechanical formalism to discover that unknown quantum states cannot be cloned? Yet, the proof of the 'no-cloning theorem'is easy, and its consequences and potential for... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum TeleportationProof TheoryQuantum Information
We present the general theory of the method of glueing and associated technique of orthogonality for constructing categorical models of all the structure of linear logic: in particular we treat the exponentials in detail. We indicate... more
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      Linear LogicTheoretical Computer ScienceMathematical Sciences
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      Proof TheoryLinear LogicCut-EliminationMathematical Modelling
La geometria dell'interazione (GoI) nasce alla fine degli anni '80 come riformulazione geometrica del λ-calcolo, attraverso una profonda riflessione matematica sulla nozione di linearità in logica. A più di vent'anni dalla sua comparsa,... more
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      Proof TheoryLinear LogicCurry Howard isomorphismProof nets
These lecture notes present categorial grammars as deductive systems, and include detailed proofs of their main properties.
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      Proof TheoryLinear LogicFormal SemanticsCategorial grammar
In this paper I disuss logic in the pragmatic apporach of (Brandom, 2008). I consider differnt logical consequence relations (classical, intuitionistic and linear) and I will argue that the formal treatment proposed by Brandom, even if I... more
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      MathematicsLinear Logic
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      Cognitive ScienceAffine GeometryModal LogicLinear Logic
Affine Logic (EAL , LAL resp.) has been studied for two different reasons: on the one hand the evaluation of typed terms using LAL (EAL resp.) proof-nets admits a guaranteed polynomial (elementary, resp.) bound; on the other hand these... more
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      Linear LogicLambda CalculusImplicit Computational ComplexityGeometry of Interaction
A Chu space is a binary relation =| from a set A to an antiset X defined as a set which transforms via converse functions. Chu spaces admit a great many interpretations by virtue of realizing all small concrete categories and most large... more
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      Linear LogicProcess AlgebraBinary relation
A long standing problem in logic programming is how to impose directionality on programs in a safe fashion. The benefits of directionality include freedom from explicit sequential control, the ability to reason about algorithmic... more
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      Functional ProgrammingLinear LogicHigher Order ThinkingELP
The solution of games is a key decision problem in the context of verification of open systems and program synthesis. We present an automata-theoretic approach to solve timed games. Our solution gives a general framework to solve many... more
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      Game TheoryLinear LogicTheoretical Computer ScienceDecision Theory
In this paper, we propose a method for automated web service composition by applying Linear Logic (LL) theorem proving. We distinguish value-added web services and core service by assuming that the core ser- vice is already selected by... more
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      Linear LogicTheorem ProvingService CompositionWeb service composition
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      Linear LogicUnificationGame semanticsPolygraph
We introduce the Danos–Régnier category DR(M) of a linear inverse monoid M, as a categorical description of geometries of interaction (GOI) inspired from the weight algebra. The natural setting for GOI is that of a so-called weakly... more
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      Linear LogicTheoretical Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesGeometry of Interaction
We introduce a number of logics to reason about collective propositional attitudes that are defined by means of the majority rule. It is well known that majoritarian aggregation is subject to irrationality, as the results in social choice... more
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      Modal LogicInformation SciencePhilosophyLogic
This work contributes to the theory of judgment aggregation by discussing a number of significant non-classical logics. After adapting the standard framework of judgment aggregation to cope with non-classical logics, we discuss in... more
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      PhilosophyLogicMultiagent SystemsJudgment and decision making
A Chu space is a binary relation between two sets. In this thesis we show that Chuspaces form a non-interleaving model of concurrency which extends event structureswhile endowing them with an algebraic structure whose natural logic is... more
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      Linear LogicBinary relation
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      Linear LogicAuthentication Protocol
We wish to thank all the authors who submitted papers and demonstrations to this workshop, the members of the programme committee, the invited speaker, and the CP-2005 Tutorial and Workshop Chairs, Alan Frisch and Ian Miguel. We would... more
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      Linear LogicComputer SecurityPrologFormal method
We present a game-based semantic framework into which the time complexity of any IMELL proof can be read out of its interpretation. This gives a compositional view of the geometry of interaction framework introduced by the first author.... more
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      Linear LogicTime ComplexityGeometry of InteractionGame semantics
Quantum logic is static, describing automata having uncertain states but no state transitions and no Heisenberg uncertainty tradeoff. We cast Girard's linear logic in the role of a dynamic quantum logic, regarded as an extension of... more
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      Computer ScienceQuantum ComputingLinear LogicComputer Aided Design
Although 'glue semantics' is the most extensively developed theory of semantic composition for LFG, it is not very well integrated into the LFG projection architecture, due to the absence of a simple and well-explained correspondence... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyLinear LogicLinguistics
Abstract: The relationship between Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) functional structures (f-structures) for sentences and their semantic interpretations can be expressed directly in a fragment of linear logic in a way that explains... more
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      Intuitionistic LogicLinear LogicHigher Order ThinkingNatural language
The present work describes fast computation methods for real-time digital filtration and QRS detection, both applicable in autonomous personal ECG systems for long-term monitoring. Since such devices work under considerable artifacts of... more
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      EngineeringLinear LogicElectrocardiographySoftware
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      Linear LogicTheorem Proving
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      Linear LogicCategorical Semantics
Reddy introduced an extended intuitionistic linearcalculus, called LLMS (for Linear Logic Model ofState), to model some features of state manipulation. His calculus includes the connective" before" and an associated modality y.... more
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      Linear LogicCats
Concurrent computation can be given an abstract mathematical treatment very similar to that provided for sequential computation by domain theory and denotational semantics of Scott and Strachey. A simple domain theory for concurrency is... more
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      Linear LogicTheoretical Computer ScienceDomain TheoryConcurrency
For the given logical calculus we investigate the size of the proportion of the number of true formulas of a certain length n against the number of all formulas of such length. We are especially interested in asymptotic behavior of this... more
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      Intuitionistic LogicPhilosophyLogicLinear Logic
We recently introduced an extensional model of the pure λ-calculus living in a canonical cartesian closed category of sets and relations [6]. In the present paper, we study the non-deterministic features of this model. Unlike most... more
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      Linear LogicLambda CalculusDenotational SemanticsRelational Model