Graph pebbling is a network optimization model for transporting discrete resources that are consumed in transit: the movement of two pebbles across an edge consumes one of the pebbles. The pebbling number of a graph is the fewest number... more
A famous theorem by Cauchy states that a convex polyhedron is determined by its incidence structure and face-polygons alone. In this paper, we prove the same for orthogonal polyhedra of genus 0 as long as no face has a hole. Our proof... more
Graph pebbling is a network optimization model for transporting discrete resources that are consumed in transit: the movement of two pebbles across an edge consumes one of the pebbles. The pebbling number of a graph is the fewest number... more
Graph pebbling models the transportation of consumable resources. As two pebbles move across an edge, one reaches its destination while the other is consumed. The t-pebbling number is the smallest integer m so that any initially... more
We generalize the k-means algorithm presented by the authors and show that the resulting algorithm can solve a larger class of clustering problems that satisfy certain properties (existence of a random sampling procedure and tightness).... more
Let S = {p1, p2, . . . , pn} be a set of pairwise disjoint geometric objects of some type in a 2D plane and let C = {c1, c2, . . . , cn} be a set of closed objects of some type in the same plane with the property that each element in C... more
Let G = (V, E) be a planar triangulated graph (PTG) having every face triangular. A rectilinear dual or an orthogonal floor plan (OFP) of G is obtained by partitioning a rectangle into \mid V \mid rectilinear regions (modules) where two... more
Let G be a connected graph and S a nonempty set of vertices of G. Then the Steiner distance d,(S) of S is the smallest number of edges in a connected subgraph of G that contains S. Let k, I, s and m be nonnegative integers with m > s > 2... more
The inference of consensus from a set of evolutionary trees is a fundamental problem in a number of fields such as biology and historical linguistics, and many models for inferring this consensus have been proposed. In this paper we... more
While graph embedding aims at learning low-dimensional representations of nodes encompassing the graph topology, word embedding focus on learning word vectors that encode semantic properties of the vocabulary. The first finds applications... more
Weighted finite-state transducers are used in many applications such as text, speech and image processing. This chapter gives an overview of several recent weighted transducer algorithms, including composition of weighted transducers,... more
Timing convergence problem arises when the estimations made during logic synthesis can not be met during physical design. In this paper, an efficient rewiring engine is proposed to explore maximal freedom after placement. The most... more
The first polynomial time algorithm (O(n 4)) for modular decomposition appeared in 1972 [8] and since then there have been incremental improvements, eventually resulting in linear time algorithms [22, 7, 23, 9]. Although an optimal time... more
In this paper, we consider the recognition problem on three classes of perfect graphs, namely, the HH-free, the HHDfree, and the Welsh-Powell opposition graphs (or WPO-graphs). In particular, we prove properties of the chordal completion... more
We present an algorithm for out-of-core simplification of large polygonal datasets that are too complex to fit in main memory. The algorithm extends the vertex clustering scheme of Rossignac and Borrel [13] by using error quadric... more
We show efficient algorithms for edge-coloring planar graphs. Our main result is a linear-time algorithm for coloring planar graphs with maximum degree ∆ with max{∆, 9} colors. Thus the coloring is optimal for graphs with maximum degree ∆... more
We present a linear-time algorithm for solving the simultaneous embedding problem with fixed edges (SEFE) for a planar graph and a pseudoforest (a graph with at most one cycle) by reducing it to the following embedding problem: Given a... more
We present new linear time algorithms using the SPQR-tree data structure for computing planar embeddings of planar graphs optimizing certain distance measures. Experience with orthogonal drawings generated by the topology-shape-metrics... more
A graph is planar if and only if it does not contain a Kuratowski subdivision. Hence such a subdivision can be used as a witness for non-planarity. Modern planarity testing algorithms allow to extract a single such witness in linear time.... more
A classic theorem by Steinitz states that a graph G is realizable by a convex polyhedron if and only if G is 3-connected planar. Zonohedra are an important subclass of convex polyhedra having the property that the faces of a zonohedron... more
We propose bipartite analogues of comparability and cocomparability graphs. Surprizingly, the two classes coincide. We call these bipartite graphs cocomparability bigraphs. We characterize cocomparability bigraphs in terms of vertex... more
Code clones are similar code fragments that occur at multiple locations in a software system. Detection of code clones provides useful information for maintenance, reengineering, program understanding and reuse. Several techniques have... more
The distinguishability language of a regular language L is the set of words distinguishing between pairs of words under the Myhill-Nerode equivalence induced by L, i.e., between pairs of distinct left quotients of L. The similarity... more
The class of bipartite permutation graphs is the intersection of two well known graph classes: bipartite graphs and permutation graphs. A complete bipartite decomposition of a bipartite permutation graph is proposed in this note. The... more
Let P be a graph property. A graph G is said to be locally P (closed locally P, respectively) if the subgraph induced by the open neighbourhood (closed neighbourhood, respectively) of every vertex in G has property P. A graph G of order n... more
In this paper we show that the following problem, the even simple path (ESP) problem for directed planar graphs, is solvable in polynomial time: Given: a directed planar graph G = (V, E) and two nodes s (startingnode), t (targetnode) ∈ V... more
The ability to "define" propositions using default assumptions about the same propositions is identified as a significant source of computational complexity in nonmonotonic reasoning. If such constructs are not allowed, i.e. the knowledge... more
We consider graph drawings in which vertices are assigned to layers and edges are drawn as straight line-segments between vertices on adjacent layers. We prove that graphs admitting crossing-free h-layer drawings (for fixed h) have... more
Given a graph G = (V, E), k natural numbers n 1 , n 2 , ..., n k such that k i=1 n i = |V |, we wish to find a partition V 1 , V 2 , ..., V k of the vertex set V such that |V i | = n i and V i induces a connected subgraph of G for each i,... more
Given a graph G = (V, E), k natural numbers n 1 , n 2 , ..., n k such that k i=1 n i = |V |, we wish to find a partition V 1 , V 2 , ..., V k of the vertex set V such that |V i | = n i and V i induces a connected subgraph of G for each i,... more
This paper studies linear-time algorithms on a hierarchical memory model called Block Move (BM), which extends the Block Transfer (BT) model of Aggarwal, Chandra, and Snir, and which is more stringent than a pipelining model studied... more
on the caterpillar arboricity of planar graphs. We prove that for every planar graph G = (V , E), the edge set E can be partitioned into four subsets (E i) 1 i 4 in such a way that G[E i ], for 1 i 4, is a forest of caterpillars. We also... more
Vizing conjectured that γ (G H) ≥ γ (G)γ (H) for every pair G, H of graphs, where " " is the Cartesian product, and γ (G) is the domination number of the graph G. Denote by γ i (G) the maximum, over all independent sets I in G, of the... more
Vizing conjectured that γ (G H) ≥ γ (G)γ (H) for every pair G, H of graphs, where " " is the Cartesian product, and γ (G) is the domination number of the graph G. Denote by γ i (G) the maximum, over all independent sets I in G, of the... more
Given a point set S and a polygonal curve P in R d , we study the problem of finding a polygonal curve through S, which has a minimum Fréchet distance to P. We present an efficient algorithm to solve the decision version of this problem... more
A set is called recurrent if its minimal automaton is strongly connected and birecurrent if it is recurrent as well as reversal. We prove a series of results concerning birecurrent sets. It is already known that any birecurrent set is... more
We present a new model for OLAP, called the nested data cube (NDC) model. Nested data cubes are a generalization of other OLAP models such as f-tables [3], and hypercubes [2], but also of classical structures such as sets, bags, and... more
The principle of symmetry has beneficial applications in architecture. Symmetry mainly creates order and equilibrium in complex designs. This study presents a graph theoretic approach for the automatic generation of rectangular floorplans... more
Wc show how membership in classes of graphs definable m monwhc second-order ]oglc and of bounded treewldth can be decided by finite sets of terminating reduction rules. The method is constructive in the sense that wc describe an algorlthm... more
We provide a characterization of graphs of linear rankwidth at most 1 by minimal excluded vertex-minors.
Under consideration is some optimization problem of data transmission in a hierarchical acyclic network. This problem is a special case of the makespan minimization problem with multiprocessor jobs on dedicated machines. We study... more
Under consideration is some optimization problem of data transmission in a hierarchical acyclic network. This problem is a special case of the makespan minimization problem with multiprocessor jobs on dedicated machines. We study... more
We define a new measure of complexity for finite strings using nondeterministic finite automata, called nondeterministic automatic complexity and denoted A N (x). In this paper we prove some basic results for A N (x), give upper and lower... more
In a tournament, n players enter the competition. In each round, they are paired-up to compete against each other. Losers are thrown, while winners proceed to the next round, until only one player (the winner) is left. Given a prediction... more
In a tournament, $n$ players enter the competition. In each round, they are paired-up to compete against each other. Losers are thrown, while winners proceed to the next round, until only one player (the winner) is left. Given a... more
In a tournament, n players enter the competition. In each round, they are paired-up to compete against each other. Losers are thrown, while winners proceed to the next round, until only one player (the winner) is left. Given a prediction... more