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On the lower walls of the Upper Church at Assissi there is a series of frescoes (1297-1300) by Giotto that celebrate the life of St Francis as recounted in Bonaventure’s life of the saint (from which excerpts are found beneath each... more
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      MusicPaintingEdmund HusserlLiminality
Abstract: Patients and their families are often concerned to find a material cause for suffering rather than to accept the mystery of its ontological necessity. In modern healthcare settings, in which medicine is rightly based upon the... more
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Based on long term archaeological ethnography on the border island of Lesvos situated on Europe's margins, this article explores the regimes of eating and the role of food practices in the refugee camp/processing centre of Moria. Starting... more
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      ArchaeologySociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of FoodLiminality
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      LiminalityTeaching AssistantsUrban schools
The chapter focuses on the rhetoric and logic of this ‘wall-building’ accross the Western world over year 2015-2016, in an effort to understand the emergence of these walls and its relation to the contemporary epochal crisis. It explores... more
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      Political AnthropologyLiminalityUkraineHungary
Anthony Neilson is a Scottish dramatist of growing international significance, with plays, such as Realism (2006) and its companion piece The Wonderful World of Dissocia (2003: hereafter abridged to Dissocia), being performed by companies... more
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      SociologyLiminalityTheatre SoundAnthony Neilson
Lihavuus on monitahoinen kysymys. Jo lihavuuden määritteleminen on haasteellista. Kasitykset siitä kuka on lihava vaihtelevat, sillä kulttuuris samme vaikuttaa samanaikaisesti useita paallekkaisia ja rinnakkaisia ii havuuden määritelmiäja... more
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      Fat StudiesLiminalityFatness
Nobody is a highly stylized memoir that employs the choose-your-own-adventure structure to illustrate the complexity of navigating trauma for both author and reader. Nobody invites you to closely share a young girl's brave journey of... more
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      Child abuse and neglectPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)NarratologyTrauma Studies
It is safe to say that many modern literary adaptations of the Piper legend debunk the myth of childhood innocence, suggesting, along with Jacqueline Rose, that childhood innocence is a product of adult desire and fear (xii). Modern and... more
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It is safe to say that many modern literary adaptations of the Piper legend debunk the myth of childhood innocence, suggesting, along with Jacqueline Rose, that childhood innocence is a product of adult desire and fear (xii). Modern and... more
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This article questions how marginalised and emerging identities are negotiated in a particular type of musical collaboration: that between sean nós singers (the ‘traditional voice’) and composers of contemporary music in Ireland.... more
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      Irish StudiesLiminalityVoice (Music)Marginalized Identities
She is an HRM specialist and an authority on talent management and the development of global electronic HRM (e-HRM) systems. She leads a team of applied researchers engaged in studying innovations in human resource and talent management... more
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      MarketingSociologyHuman Resource ManagementLiminality
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      National HeroesLiminality
Opisując proces realizacji jednego z moich projektów artystycznych, ,,safe suicide'' , przeprowadzonego od marca 2016 roku do października 2017 roku w kilku laboratoriach (Instytut Genetyki i Biotechnologii Wydziału Biologii Uniwersytetu... more
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      Cultural StudiesLiminalityAntropologíaArts and Sciences
ABSTRACT Threshold concepts, student learning and curriculum are constructs within a learning and teaching discourse foregrounded by Meyer and Land . In this paper, we introduce a conceptual model that integrates these three constructs... more
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John's case it is a good and clear example of a liminal hotspot because it shows a transitional state between monogamous relationships to an ideal polyamorous relationship. The conversation shows the process that John had to live, an... more
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      MonogamyEmotions (Social Psychology)LiminalityPolyamory
review of a Journal of literary curiosities and wonders
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      Fiction WritingLiteratureScience FictionLiminality
Migration has brought substantial and rapid demographic change to Aotearoa New Zealand. The most recent national census (2013) reveals 25.2% of NZ’s population, and 39.1% of residents of Auckland, NZ’s largest city, was born overseas.... more
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      MigrationLiminalityNew ZealandActs of the Apostles
The inbetweenness refers to boundaries that, instead of separating, serve as a means for interaction and confluence. In tourism such cases can be observed on many levels, whereby there exists a 'gray' area between the coverage of... more
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      MarketingEconomicsTourism MarketingLiminality
When bodies and minds cease to function in silence, everyday lives get disrupted and self-understandings unsettled. We wonder whether we are ill, what ails us, and how it will affect the immediate or long-term future. Through the... more
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      PsychologyGeneral PracticeLiminalityAffect Studies
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesIsrael StudiesAutoethnography
Fragmentation and modularisation of e-learning in tertiary contexts is a proliferating phenomenon, driven by innovation in technology and economies of sustainability, accreditation and cost effectiveness. Within such technologies of... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural Heritage
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      Feminist TheoryArchitectureLiminalityArchitectural Theory
Her main fields of research are cultural theory, Kulturwissenschaften, literary anthropology, and translation studies. Her recent book publications include Cultural Turns.
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      Cultural StudiesHumanitiesLiminalityKulturwissenschaften
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      Art TherapyLiminalityCancer Care
Traversing through different geographical and temporal spaces can render social worlds that make plain the interdependencies of power and movement. Practices of everyday life are enmeshed in new cultures of discourse that are localized in... more
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      Border StudiesLiminalityBorders and Borderlands
This article explores two stories told during the production of the transmedia documentary project <em>Big Stories, Small Towns: Bongkud-Namaus</em> in the Dusun villages of Bongkud and Namaus in Sabah, Malaysia. Both stories... more
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      ArtHeterotopiaInteractive Digital StorytellingLiminality
The cultural and ritual performance of Theyyam in Northern Kerala, considered as a reflection of the war cry against the caste system and oppression, conducts subversion of the social hierarchy. The chosen deity by the performer for a... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesLiteratureLiminality
The essay deals with aspects of liminalisation in the Oneirocritica of Artemidorus of Daldis (ca. late 2nd-early 3rd cent. CE). It looks at the rites of passage included in the analysed dreams and at their interpretation. Artemidorus was... more
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      Ancient HistoryDivinationLiminalityLate Antiquity
Since the start of the conflict in Syria in 2011, Syrian refugee children have withstood violence, uncertainty, fear, trauma and loss. This book follows their journeys by bringing together scholars and practitioners to reflect on how to... more
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      European StudiesEducationMiddle East StudiesHuman Rights
Il teatro come spazio di liminalità pubblica nell'era digitale L'intervento intende provare a fornire ipotesi di risposta alle questioni poste dal razionale del convegno nella prospettiva dei Performance Studies, recente indirizzo di... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesLiminality
This paper discusses traditional vampire tropes as a tool for innovation and novel experiences in the history of video games. A selection of games and vampires will be analysed in terms of  gameplay and storytelling elements to show how... more
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      Cultural StudiesArtVideo GamesNarratology
What's Safe is an ongoing response to Toronto's social distancing measures. It is a dance score documented cinematically in Trinity Bellwoods Park, with movements inspired by Deepa Iyer's framework (Mapping Our Roles in Social Change... more
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The study examined what it was like for leaders in academia, private practice, and business organizations to be in a state of negative capability during periods of uncertainty and conflict in the workplace. "Negative Capability" is an... more
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      PhenomenologyLiminalityParadoxesLevels of Abstraction
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      Cultural StudiesRitualCultural TheoryLiminality
An short enquiry into humour and liminality focusing on Twain's Map of Paris, Siamese Twins sketch, and The Stolen White Elephant
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      LiminalityMark TwainHumour Studies
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      Cultural SociologyNationalismLiminalityNational Identity
Purpose-In the emerging transformation economy, there is a shift from staging memorable experiences for many to eliciting life-transformative events for one. This study aims to understand how transformative experiences can be guided and... more
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      Positive PsychologyFestivals and musicExperience DesignLiminality
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      Social TheoryCultural SociologyGlobalizationPolitical Theory
Released prisoners return to prison at alarming rates. Cycles of offending and reincarceration are reinforced by each subsequent experience of imprisonment. It is the community, to which released prisoners return, which bears the brunt of... more
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      LiminalityEx-Prisoners and Resettlement
דרך עולי הרגל לירושלים בימי הבית השני:
מבט תרבותי-ארכיאולוגי
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyAnthropology
In the middle of the eighteenth century, Franciscan martyr portraits became popular in monastic spaces of the Spanish viceroyalties of central Mexico. To visually construct the meritorious life of these martyrs, artists drew inspiration... more
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      Art HistoryViolenceColonialismLiminality
W setną rocznicę insurekcji kościuszkowskiej, 5 maja 1894 roku, dwudziestosiedmioletni, początkujący pisarz, Władysław Reymont, wyruszył wraz grupą pielgrzymkową z warszawskiej Pragi na Jasną Górę w celu napisania reportażu z pielgrzymki... more
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      Anthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageSoundscape StudiesLiminality
A paper presented at the Australian Anthropological Society Conference 2016 at the University of Sydney
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesSocial AnthropologyEthnography
A exploration of trauma theory as it applies to Hemingway's Nick Adams stories
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      Trauma StudiesLiminalityErnest HemingwayShort Stories
Three days lasting nuptial rites as examples of rites of passage take on a new significance with the contributions of professional musicians in Bergama’s surrounding country-side like elsewhere in Turkey. These musicians living in Bergama... more
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      MusicologyRitualLiminalityCultural Musicology