Scotland has higher mortality rates than the rest of Western Europe (rWE), with more cardiovascular disease and cancer among older adults; and alcohol-related and drug-related deaths, suicide and violence among younger adults. We obtained... more
Data from many high- and low- or middle-income countries have linked exposures during key developmental periods (in particular pregnancy and infancy) to later health and disease. Africa faces substantial challenges with persisting... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between early-life family income and dental pain experience from childhood to early adulthood. Data came from a 14-year prospective study (1991/1992-2005/2006) carried out in South... more
Background. The associations between cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and later physical functioning have been observed, but few studies with follow-up into old age exist. We investigated the association between cardiovascular status in... more
Background: Adolescent childbirth and elevated parity are relatively common in middle and low-income countries and they may be related to the higher prevalence and earlier onset of physical decline documented in these settings, especially... more
Background: A growing literature suggests that low birth weight increases the risk of poor health outcomes in adulthood. We tested this hypothesis among young adults living in São Paulo State, Brazil. Methods and Findings: To identify the... more
Latar belakang: Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan linier yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai Z-score tinggi badan menurut usia (TB/U) kurang dari -2 standar deviasi (SD) berdasarkan standar World Health Organization (WHO). Stunting tetap... more
Objectives Little is known about how employment and work outcomes among young adults are influenced by their life-course history of mental health problems. Therefore, the aims of this study were to (i) identify trajectories of mental... more
Background The fetal origins hypothesis suggests that an adverse prenatal environment, indexed by low birthweight (LBW), may increase the risk of developing later disease. Recently the hypothesis has been extended to psychological... more
Scotland has higher mortality rates than the rest of Western Europe (rWE), with more cardiovascular disease and cancer among older adults; and alcohol-related and drug-related deaths, suicide and violence among younger adults. We obtained... more
Background: The Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden (CATSS) is an ongoing , large population-based longitudinal twin study. We aimed (1) to investigate the reliability of two different versions (125-items and 238-items) of... more
Latar belakang: Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan linier yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai Z-score tinggi badan menurut usia (TB/U) kurang dari -2 standar deviasi (SD) berdasarkan standar World Health Organization (WHO). Stunting tetap... more
Kunci tahapan dalam kehidupan masyarakat mempunyai relevansi khusus dengan kesehatannya. Life Course Approach dapat kita telusuri sehingga etiologi, risiko penyakit kronis dan kematian dini dapat dijelaskan pada Life Course Approach... more
Background: Investigations of the structure of psychological well-being items are useful for advancing knowledge of what dimensions define psychological well-being in practice. Ryff has proposed a multidimensional model of psychological... more
Data from many high- and low- or middle-income countries have linked exposures during key developmental periods (in particular pregnancy and infancy) to later health and disease. Africa faces substantial challenges with persisting... more
Background: A growing literature suggests that low birth weight increases the risk of poor health outcomes in adulthood. We tested this hypothesis among young adults living in São Paulo State, Brazil. Methods and Findings: To identify the... more
The social gradient in smoking is well known, with higher rates among those in less advantaged socioeconomic position. Some recent research has reported that personality characteristics partly explain this gradient. However, the majority... more
Background Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain the association between adversities across life and dementia. This study aimed to investigate the association between indicators of socioeconomic disadvantages throughout the... more
To investigate the association between mental disorders and substance misuse at 30 years of age with gender, socioeconomic position at birth, and family income trajectories. The 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort was used; all 5914 children born... more
Background: Adolescent childbirth and elevated parity are relatively common in middle and low-income countries and they may be related to the higher prevalence and earlier onset of physical decline documented in these settings, especially... more
Background: Adolescent childbirth and elevated parity are relatively common in middle and low-income countries and they may be related to the higher prevalence and earlier onset of physical decline documented in these settings, especially... more
Data from many high- and low- or middle-income countries have linked exposures during key developmental periods (in particular pregnancy and infancy) to later health and disease. Africa faces substantial challenges with persisting... more
Background The fetal origins hypothesis suggests that an adverse prenatal environment, indexed by low birthweight (LBW), may increase the risk of developing later disease. Recently the hypothesis has been extended to psychological... more
Background: Investigations of the structure of psychological well-being items are useful for advancing knowledge of what dimensions define psychological well-being in practice. Ryff has proposed a multidimensional model of psychological... more
Background: Adolescent childbirth and elevated parity are relatively common in middle and low-income countries and they may be related to the higher prevalence and earlier onset of physical decline documented in these settings, especially... more
Background Adolescent childbirth and elevated parity are relatively common in middle and low-income countries and they may be related to the higher prevalence and earlier onset of physical decline documented in these settings, especially... more
Background: Life grid, a visual tool for mapping important life events along the passage of time is not explored in collecting retrospective data on chronic oral diseases among adolescents. Aim: To develop and test the use of life grids... more
Background Adolescent childbirth and elevated parity are relatively common in middle and low-income countries and they may be related to the higher prevalence and earlier onset of physical decline documented in these settings, especially... more
The science of informatics has transformed the healthcare profession by the extraordinary revolution in information technology, and continues to do so. Oral health profession is no exception to this and the discipline of dental... more