Life Sciences
Recent papers in Life Sciences
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of static and dynamic stretching protocols within general and activity specific warm-ups. Nine male and ten female subjects were tested under four warm-up conditions including a 1)... more
There are very few studies that had a sample size sufficient to explore the association between factors related to low back pain in a representative sample of the Iranian population. Objective. To examine the relationship between... more
DIFFERENT INDIRECT RESTORATIONS TO REPLACE A SINGLE MISSING TOOTH IN THE POSTERIOR REGION ARE AVAILABLE IN DENTISTRY: traditional full-coverage fixed dental prostheses (FDPs), implant-supported crowns (ISC), and inlay-retained FDPs... more
It is postulated that ritalin may adversely affect sleep, appetite, weight and growth of some children with ADHD. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate melatonin supplementation effects on dietary intake, growth and development of children with... more
Sesbania grandiflora L. an indigenous species native to Asian, South-Asian nations widely used for innumerable purpose. The plant is accepted for its vast use for an economic benefit from environmental valuation to human livelihood.... more
Neden eskisi gibi doğmuyor eskisi gibi ölmüyoruz? Hayat ve ölüm iki kadim mesele. Ama “Sonsuza dek yaşayabilir miyiz?” sorusunun çok modern bir tınısı var. Çünkü tıp teknolojisinin yeni icatları, bu sorudaki ümidi besliyor. Hayata ve... more
Luego del políptico de La comunidad de los espectros, un nuevo comienzo se torna necesario. Un giro en el filosofar atento al espesor metafísico de la subversión epocal en curso en todo el orbe. Esa misma crisis revela ahora como... more
Nutritional value of plant purely depends on the methodology of cultivation. (Urmila Sarkar and Surendra Sawardekar) Different methods of cultivation lead to prior proficiency of plant growth in terms of germination, height, weight,... more
In many cases new technologies are driven by the development of novel materials providing properties or combinations of properties that were not available before. The use of polymers and silicon-based semiconductor technologies are just... more
Background: In Greece, several new childhood vaccines were introduced recently but were reimbursed gradually and at different time points. The aim of this study was to assess immunization coverage and identify factors influencing complete... more
A high proportion of people with severe mental health problems are unemployed but would like to work. Individual Placement and Support (IPS) offers a promising approach to establishing people in paid employment. In a randomized controlled... more
Background. The interests in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and their application in cell therapy have resulted in a better understanding of the basic biology of these cells. Recently hypoxia has been indicated as crucial for complete... more
Solid tumours account for 90% of all cancers. Gene therapy represents a potential new modality for their treatment. Up to now, several approaches have been developed, but the most efficient ones are the viral vector based gene therapy... more
Personalized medicine is a new mantra evolving in health care. Harnessing each person's clinical, genetic, genomic, and environmental information drives the concept. The idea is simple. We can maximize a patient's chances of a... more
Timely treatment of thyroid disease during pregnancy is important in preventing adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Thyroid abnormalities are very often subclinical in nature and not easily recognized without specific screening programs.... more
One of the aims of this research work is the isolation and identification of various constituents of two medicinally important plants (Iris loczyi and Iris unguicularis). Secondly, the prime aim is the biological evaluation of these... more
To assess the effectiveness of the current UK clinical practice in reducing hepatic fat (IHCL). Whole body MRI and (1)H MRS were obtained, before and after 6 mo nutritional counselling, from liver, soleus and tibialis muscles in 10... more
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), Ca *+ + Mg *+-ATPase, and Ca *+-ioncphore were obtained from white rabbit skeletal muscles. Methylmercury inhibited the Ca *+ + Mg*+-ATPase an d Ca**-transport but had no effect on the Ca*+ionophore. Mercuric... more
The synthesis and structure-activity relationships (SAR) of p38a MAP kinase inhibitors based on a pyrazolo-pyrimidine scaffold are described. These studies led to the identification of compound 2x as a potent and selective inhibitor of... more
Abstract— Irradiation of 1,3–dimethyluracil (DMU) in 1–aminopropane (AP) with u.v. light resulted in the formation of reduced and dimeric forms of DMU and adducts between DMU and AP. The formation of these compounds may be rationalized... more
There are currently no assessment tools that focus on evaluating patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) who are experiencing a relapse or that evaluate patients' response to acute relapse treatment. In practice, assessments are often... more
Objectives: Malaria infection of the placenta during pregnancy was found to be associated with infant susceptibility to malaria. Other factors such as the intensity of malaria transmission and the nutritional status of the child might... more
Involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in the episodic secretion of prolactin was studied in conscious freely moving adult rats. Prolactin secretion was pulsatile in all animals of either group during the bleeding period (from 10:30 h to 13:30... more
The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS), X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCIDXl), and X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) are severe congenital immunodeficiencies with X-linked inheritance. Although rare, they are all associated with... more
Refeeding syndrome (RFS) describes the biochemical changes, clinical manifestations, and complications that can occur as a consequence of feeding a malnourished catabolic individual. RFS has been recognised in the literature for over... more
We identified a novel endogenous protein inhibitor of Na + /K + -ATPase having an apparent mol mass of 70 kDa in the cytosolic fraction of the smooth muscle. The IC 50 value of the inhibitor towards the enzyme was determined to be in the... more
Reflexology is one of the non-pharmacological pain relief methods, and since it is a non-invasive, inexpensive and applicable technique, it can be used by a skilled and trained midwife. This study aimed to review the effect of reflexology... more
Frontal plane running mechanics may contribute to the etiology or exacerbation of common running related injuries. Hip strengthening alone may not change frontal plane hip and knee joint running mechanics. The purpose of the current study... more
Constipation is a common symptom in infants and young children who are seen by primary care physicians. If a patient fails to respond to the appropriate medical therapy for constipation, then the physician should consider the possibility... more
Background: While robotic surgery for gynecologic indications received U.S. government approval in 2005, and has been rapidly and widely adopted, it is currently unclear how often this approach to hysterectomy is utilized. Objective: The... more
Limited recovery of islets post-cryopreservation influences graft survival and transplantation efficiency during diabetes treatment. As curcumin, a potent antioxidant/radical scavenging compound, protects islets against beta cell toxins,... more
Introduction: Ecthyma gangrenosum is known as a characteristic lesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis and is usually seen in immunocompromised patients. Case presentation: A previously healthy 63-year-old man was admitted with sloughy... more
Motivated by neuropsychological investigations of category-specific impairments, many functional brain imaging studies have found distinct patterns of neural activity associated with different object categories. However, the extent to... more
Fifty-one of the 58 students (87.9 per cent) participated. The weekly average study time was 29.9 hours. Lecture handouts and textbooks were commonly used information sources. The mean scores (scale 1 to 5) for learning-issuedriven... more
Diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) is now a widely used modality to investigate the fiber tissues in vivo, especially the white matter in brain. An automatic pipeline is described in this paper to conduct a localized voxel-wise multiple-subject... more
Background: DNA hypermethylation and histone deacetylation are epigenetic events that contribute to the absence or downregulated expression of different components of the tumor recognition complex. These events affect the processing and... more
Effect of mitragynine, an indole alkaloid isolated from Thai medicinal plant kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), on electrically stimulated contraction was studied in the guinea-pig ileum. Mitragynine (1 nM - 3 μM) inhibited the ileum... more
Background: General psychiatric and forensic psychiatric beds, supported housing and the prison population have been suggested as indicators of institutionalized mental health care. According to the Penrose hypothesis, decreasing... more