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This research work is an experiment with the latest theory of bibliographic relationships as proposed by Murray & Tillett and is known as graph-friendly theory for biblio-cultural relationships. It sets objectives to develop a prototype... more
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      Library and Information ScienceFRBRLibrary cataloguesOmeka
Se define el término registro bibliográfico en el contexto de los catálogos automatizados. Se analizan los elementos de datos contenidos en los registros bibliográficos y contemplados en las reglas de catalogación y en el formato MARC. Se... more
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      CataloguingFRBRLibrary cataloguesFunctional requirements for bibliographic records
Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Latinorum medii aevi qui in Bibliotheca Nationalis olim Universitatis Pragensis asservantur. Additamenta ad catalogum Josephi Truhlář
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      Manuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Library cataloguesPrint Culture, Book History and the History of Reading
Majalah dan terbitan berkala lainnya merupakan salah satu koleksi perpustakaan yang pada kebanyakkan perpustakaan belum dikelola dan dimanfaatkan sebagaimana mestinya. Apabila dibanding dengan jenis koleksi yang lain, maka terbitan... more
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      Library ScienceSerials (Library Science)Academic library collection ManagementLibrary catalogues
Library Cataloguing: Theory and Practice version two is ment for students doing diploma in records and information mangement 2019. it has following topics Topic One is Introduction to Cataloguing and History of Cataloguing, Definition of... more
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      Library ScienceLibrary and Information ScienceLibrary cataloguesLaser Cutters
In Bloemhof van allerley lieflijkheyd (1668), Adriaan Koerbagh (1633-1669) disseminated Spinozistic views in print before Spinoza. Two years earlier, his brother Johannes (1634-1672), a candidate for the ministry since 1660, had been... more
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      SpinozaLibrary cataloguesFreethinkersAdriaan Koerbagh
Purpose -This is an attempt to introduce proactive changes when creating and providing intellectual access in order to convince catalogers to become more social catalogers then they have ever been in the past.
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      CataloguingSubject AnalysisFolksonomiesLibrary and Information Science
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      Arabic/Persian Manuscripts, codicology, Islamic philosophy, early Islamic history and thoughtsLibrary catalogues
Short description of the 258 Turkish manuscripts of the collection of the BULAC Library  (the catalogue will be included soon in the on-line Calames catalogue)
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      Ottoman StudiesTurkish HistoryTurkish LiteratureLibrary catalogues
The article analyzes the conceptual model of the Functional Requirements for Biblio-graphic Records (FRBR) as a general model of bibliographic data and description that can be interpreted , as needed, to serve the needs of various... more
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      MetadataLinked DataSemantic WebLibraries
In deze tekst wordt via een historisch en thematisch overzicht nagegaan hoe de moderne wetenschappelijke bibliotheek tot stand is gekomen. Via de abstracte voorstelling van een imaginaire bibliotheek wordt de bovengrens van het... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageAestheticsPlato
Se parte del supuesto de la necesidad de que la estructura conceptual de los registros bibliográficos esté basada en el conocimiento de las necesidades del usuario. En este sentido, la aplicación del modelo entidad-relación al catálogo de... more
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      CataloguingLibrary cataloguesFunctional requirements for bibliographic records
This study assessed the Implementation of Retrospective Conversion of Library Catalogue for Improved Access to Library Resources in Federal University Libraries, South East Nigeria. Four research hypotheses and research questions guided... more
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      Library cataloguesLibrary softwareLibrary ServicesAcademic Library Services
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      HegelHistory of librariesLibrary cataloguesGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
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      CataloguingLibrary cataloguesBibliographic controlCatalogación
Chapter monograph is devoted to the analysis of the sections arrangement in the catalogues of the Central European aristocratic libraries in the 16th and 17th centuries. The study maps the possibilities and limitations of the research of... more
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      Austria (European History)History of librariesEarly Modern BohemiaCataloguing and classification trends
Se hace una revisión de los principales estudios realizados sobre la utilización del catálogo de la biblioteca por parte de los usuarios. En primer lugar, se exponen los datos de algunas investigaciones destinadas a cuantificar el... more
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      Library cataloguesLibrary Users
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      Library ScienceLibrary and Information ScienceLibrary catalogues
In 1773 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, at that time librarian of the ducal library in Wolfenbüttel, criticised his predecessors of only being interested in the history of the library’s augmentation, of the library’s „genealogy“. According to... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryLibrary cataloguesBraunschweigische geschichte/ history of Brunswick
The Middle Ages did not know the usage of the concept of ‘mysticism’ as a category of historiographical classification. All the more interesting, therefore, is the library of the Erfurt Charterhouse: its late medieval shelf location... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureMedieval TheologyMysticismHistory of Library and Information Science
Although the name of the seventeenth-century Dutch writing-master Johannes Heuvelman still invoked a high standard of calligraphy fifty years after his death, little is known about this Haarlemmer master today. This article discusses the... more
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      EducationCalligraphyLibrary cataloguesHaarlem
Das Mittelalter kennt noch keine Verwendung des Begriffs 'Mystik' als historiographischer oder literarhistorischer Kategorie. Eine Geschichte der Mystik steht daher vor der Frage, wie die Anfänge einer solchen Kategorienbildung aussehen.... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureHistory Of Rare Book LibrariesHistory of Library and Information ScienceLiterary History
Articles Gabriele Rippl and Ursula Lenker Book Histories in the Digital Age: Challenges, Promises, Achievements Peter A. Stokes Holistically Modelling the Medieval Book: Towards a Digital Contribution Orietta Da Rold Tradition and... more
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      Digital HumanitiesSamuel BeckettHistory of Library and Information ScienceComics and Graphic Novels
Buch-und bibliotheksgeschichtlich bedeutsame Bibliotheken von Frauen sind in der frühen Neuzeit oft solche von Adligen gewesen, dazu kamen freilich auch zunehmend bürgerliche Personen wie Luise Gottsched oder Ernestine Reiske. Oft blieben... more
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      Cultural HistoryLibrary ScienceWomen's StudiesWomen's History
Este trabajo se propone como un proyecto para la elaboración de un catálogo analítico de los repertorios bibliográficos y catálogos conservados en la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, publicados en España,... more
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      BibliographyBibliographic ResearchLibrary catalogues The Freiburg DFG project 'Making Mysticism. Mystical Books in the Library of the Erfurt Charterhouse‘ ( explores the question of how the (literary) historiographical category... more
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      Reception StudiesDigital LibrariesDigital HumanitiesMedieval German Literature
This stuJy addresses lhl: support ofcalaloging procl:dures by examining the local cataloging environment of the North Texas public libraries Ihrough lhe use of an online survcy. In particular, the slUdy sought to discover the com... more
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      CataloguingMetadataPublic LibrariesLibrary and Information Science
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      History of knowledgeHugo BlotiusLibrary catalogues
Köln, Universität, 10.-14. September 2018, Vortrag im Rahmen der 41. Kölner Mediävistentagung "Die Bibliothek. Denkräume und Wissensordnungen", veranstaltet vom Thomas-Institut der Universität zu Köln (Prof. Dr. Andreas Speer und Lars... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureChristian MysticismCataloguingManuscript Studies
Script for video: on some of the most common issues when searching for medieval manuscripts with certain characteristics, and national and international portals that can facilitate identification of medieval... more
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      Library ScienceManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsIncunabula
Las posibilidades de recuperación de la información de los catálogos en línea están cuestionando algunas de las prácticas catalográficas tradicionales, sobre todo las relativas a la elección y la forma de los puntos de acceso. En el... more
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      CataloguingNext Generation Library CataloguesLibrary catalogues
Se exponen y analizan las principales conclusiones de las investigaciones que se han llevado a cabo sobre la utilización de los catálogos de fichas por parte de los usuarios de la biblioteca, centrándose en tres aspectos principales: la... more
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      User StudiesLibrary cataloguesLibrary Users
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      CataloguingLibrary cataloguesElectronic CatalogueBibliographic Description
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      History of Library and Information ScienceLibrary cataloguesColonial VirginiaWilliam Byrd II of Westover
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      History of the BookHistory of Reading and WritingHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthProvenance research
This article summarizes the methodology and findings of the Online Catalogue and Repository Interoperability Study (OCRIS), a project recently carried out by the Centre for Digital Library Research at the University of Strathclyde, funded... more
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      Institutional RepositoriesMetadataCase StudiesInteroperability
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      Information SystemsInstitutional RepositoriesScholarly CommunicationNext Generation Library Catalogues
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      History of MedicineLibrary cataloguesMedieval Medical Manuscripts
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      History of Library and Information ScienceHistory of librariesLibrary cataloguesNosology
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookBibliographyRare Books and Manuscripts