Physical education is one of the mandatory courses for all students during high school and university. It has an important role in the comprehensive development of learners. Physical education not only helps improve health but also life... more
The novel coronavirus disease presented unique challenges to all the stakeholders of education system. The sudden and unexpected outbreak of the virus forced the library professionals, to ascertain ways of working in a rapid time frame... more
Forest biomass is an essential indicator for monitoring the Earth’s ecosystems and climate. It is a critical input to greenhouse gas accounting, estimation of carbon losses and forest degradation, assessment of renewable energy potential,... more
A global reference data set on cropland was collected through a crowdsourcing campaign using the Geo-Wiki crowdsourcing tool. The campaign lasted three weeks, with over 80 participants from around the world reviewing almost 36,000 sample... more
The study explored users’ perception of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) in enabling information retrieval in Nnamdi Azikiwe Library (NAL), University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Nigeria. The aim is to ascertain how users of the library... more
Il contributo riporta i contenuti discussi nell’ambito della giornata di studio “Dati nella rete: archivi e biblioteche nel Web semantico”, svoltasi il 4 dicembre 2015 presso la Biblioteca centrale “Caianiello” dell’Universita di Salerno,... more
Il contributo riporta i contenuti discussi nell’ambito del “Convegno AIB CILW 2016” intitolato “La rinascita delle risorse dell’informazione: granularita, interoperabilita e integrazione dei dati”, organizzato dal Gruppo di studio AIB... more
A global, unified dataset on Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) changes under perennial crops has not existed till now. We present a global, harmonised database on SOC change resulting from perennial crop cultivation. It contains information about... more
Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Die Nutzung stellt... more
The relationship between influential tweeters and highly cited articles in the field of information sciences was analysed using Twitter data gathered by from July 2011 through February 2017. The dataset consists of more than... more
This paper attempts a conceptual analysis of relationship between marketing as a strategy, and academic library as an information service provision centre. Marketing has a wider and deeper implication as it is applicable to not only... more
The integration of digital repository systems (DRS) in libraries has reformed information access and management, fostering higher levels of professional engagement among librarians. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Digital... more
The aim is to provide a pattern for managing the coronavirus crisis in public libraries. This is applied research that tried to find a suitable, conceptual, and comprehensive pattern for public libraries by an exploratory method and by... more
In the field of Information Science, an informative element that is considered to be essential to manage information is the figure of the author. Nevertheless, only a few studies in Journalistic Information Science have focused on the... more
In the field of library and information science, content analysis is a fundamental task for the efficient retrieval of information by the users of information systems. In this paper, an analysis is conducted on the current state of this... more
The consideration about film documents has evolutioned during the almost one hundred and twenty years of history of film: from being considerated as a mere merchandise which once used could be thrown out to be considerated part of a... more
Kütüphanelerin, bilgi kaynaklarının düzenlenmesi, korunması, erişime açılması ve geleceğe aktarılması yönünde önemli bir görevi vardır. Bu görev geçmişten günümüze kadar devam etmiştir. İnsanlığın gelişim süreci boyunca kütüphaneler,... more
Identifying trustworthy sources necessitates sound grasp of information and good cognitive skills. This study aimed to examine the relationship between information literacy skills and critical thinking strategies for judging the... more
In order to attain competitive superiority as a new administrative direction based on the organization's ability to outperform its competitors by providing superior value to customers, the current research attempts to determine the impact... more
We show the equivalence of two different notions of quantum channel capacity: that which uses the entanglement fidelity as its criterion for success in transmission, and that which uses the minimum fidelity of pure states in a subspace of... more
First handbook on the theory and practice of the catalog raisonné
A sensitivity study involving a real-virtual object alignment task was performed in a stereoscopic augmented reality environment, in which the known conflict between binocular fusion and object interposition cues was expected to play a... more
With a growing demand for transparency and openness around scientific research and an emphasis on the sharing of scientific workflows and datasets, there is a similarly increasing number in the variety of client and web-based tools... more
Online submission and publishing is the norm for academic researchers. With the pressure on these authors to submit their work to conferences, journals and Institutional Repositories, this leads to demands on the author to go through... more
Online submission and publishing is the norm for academic researchers. With the pressure on these authors to submit their work to conferences, journals and Institutional Repositories, this leads to demands on the author to go through... more
The annual winter meeting aims to provide attendees, continuing professional education, vendor presentations, invited papers, and social events. More than 12,000 registrants attended nearly 800 events and visited more than 500 library... more
The Grey Journal is a flagship journal for the grey literature community. It crosses continents, disciplines, and sectors both public and private. The Grey Journal not only deals with the topic of grey literature but is itself a document... more
Cyber Public Relations merupakan kegiatan kehumasan yang dilakukan dengan media internet atau yang sering disebut dunia maya (Cyber Space). Public Relations, dengan melalui media internet suatu bentuk Public Relations yang baru terbentuk.... more
Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi menghadirkan media online yang dimanfaatkan sebagai alat informasi. Polda Jawa Barat melakukan pengelolaan Cyber Public Relations yang baik di bidang website, Polda Jawa Barat menggunakan media online... more
The authors would like to thank those responsible for the individual collections and archives, who were only too glad to provide information on their facilities, and Dr Christine Bärtsch (Marketing and Communication, ETH-Bibliothek) for... more
This study investigates the awareness and digitization of school libraries in Akwa Ibom State. The main objective of the study was to examine the extent of awareness of librarians on digitization of school library resources in private... more
Objectives: There is an urgent need for the collaboration between health science libraries and medical research institute in various regions of Nigeria, so as not dissipating their meager resources by trying to specialize in every aspect... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perilaku konsumsi konten berita palsu (hoax) di media sosial di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Penyebaran hoaks melalui platform seperti Facebook, WhatsApp, dan Instagram telah berdampak signifikan... more
Irish Script on Screen (ISOS), a project of the School of Celtic Studies at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, was initiated in 1998, with the stated aim of the high-resolution digitisation of entire Gaelic manuscripts and of... more
Since the publication of the Agile Manifesto at the beginning of the 2000s, the influence of agile methods in the scientific literature of software development and the industry has grown in a considerable manner. Considering the... more
Penyebaran hoaks di tengah pandemi di Jakarta Timur meningkatkan risiko kesehatan dan sosial, sehingga memicu kebutuhan akan edukasi yang tepat bagi remaja agar mampu menyaring informasi yang tidak terverifikasi dengan baik. Metode... more
The range of articles published per volume is between 14 and 17,. average number of references per article is 22.5; the average length per article is 41.2 pages,. 53 (69. 74%) of the articles are research oriented,' the percentage of... more
The pervasive use of IT is prominent amongst organizations in developing economies. However, there is growing evidence that these economies fail to capitalize on their IT investment to transform their organizations to be competitive both... more
The text is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0).
Larval fishes are a useful metric of marine ecosystem state and change, as well as species-specific patterns in phenology. The high level of taxonomic expertise required to identify larval fishes to species level, and the considerable... more
The study surveyed the use of Internet among undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 240 questionnaires were distributed using a stratified sampling method. A total of 190 questionnaires were... more