Library User Education

36 papers
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Library User Education is the process of teaching individuals how to effectively access, evaluate, and utilize library resources and services. It aims to enhance information literacy skills, enabling users to navigate various information formats and develop critical thinking in their research and learning activities.
Abstract Electronic Information Resources otherwise known as Electronic Resources (ERs) is a global platform for information delivery, especially in the teaching and learning environment. This work investigates the impact ERs could have... more
The study investigated the relevance of libraries and librarians in educational research for sustainable development of Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population consisted of 208 post graduate students... more
The study was carried out to survey NCE students' perceptions on use of library course as an aid to their use of library resources in Colleges of Education in SouthWest Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was employed and four research... more
The study is on the perception of students on library education in enhancing their use of library services in Coal City University, Enugu Nigeria. The study aims to ascertain the impact of library education on students' library use. Four... more
This study was carried out to determine the strategies that may be adopted for the enhancement of Library User Education for the acquisition of library use skills (LUS) in Unity Schools in South East Nigeria. Survey research design was... more
White collar jobs have over the years been the desire of every graduate in Nigeria. After the National Youth Service Corps, Nigerian graduates who were produced in several thousand begin to roam the streets of Nigeria in search of few... more
This study aims to investigate the awareness, access and utilization of library catalogue by undergraduate students of the College of Law of Osun State University Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. The survey research design was used in the... more
The advent of information and communication technology has brought about sweeping changes in the way library and information services including reference services are being delivered. The focus now is to meet information users at their... more
The purpose of this study is to provide better library services, but there is also a need to educate the users about the proper use of these library services. This paper explains the role of library professionals in creating awareness... more
This research aims to analyse the information search patterns in children with restrictions on Internet access as part of user review. The library can provide user education to the public about the importance of supervision of Internet... more
This study investigated library instruction methods, effect and the challenges in academic libraries using the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun (FUPRE) students as the target population. Library instruction is a core... more
This study aims to develop a model of information literacy guidance related to the role of college librarians during the Covid 19 pandemic. The source of the data is obtained by observing the college repository access model, and... more
This study set out to find out the impact of user education and information literacy handling on information resources use among undergraduate students at the University of Lagos as it relate to use of information resources in library.... more
Discusses the user orientation programmes on library resources, library services and facilities to the users. Opines that library professionals should instruct the library users to utilize the resources effectively and efficiently. use of... more
Abstrak Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran tentang literasi informasi perspektif pustakawan. Literasi informasi diharapkan mampu direalisasikan di perpustakaan mengingat perpustakaan sebagai sumber informasi yang terlengkap.... more
This study assessed Library User Resources and Programmes for Library Skill's (LS) acquisition in Unity Schools of South East Nigeria. In conducting this research, survey research design was adopted and out of a population of 29,358,... more
När utbildning numera diskuteras görs det vanligtvis i termer av nytta, effektivitet och mätbara resultat. Det innebär en utmaning för de gamla bildningsidealen som handlar om att växa som människa, om att utvecklas som medborgare, om... more
Academic librarians in many countries have expanded their roles to be advocates and teachers of information literacy. The study examined information literacy practices, skills, level of involvement of librarians and inhibitors to... more
Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Literasi Informasi Pemustaka di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas PGRI Semarang”. Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu untuk menganalisis Literasi Informasi Pemustaka di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas PGRI Semarang,... more
Excellent library services are the backbone of any library. Keeping this in view the libraries are at Aga K. University providing efficient library and information services to its users according to the present era of digital world. The... more
This study investigated the impact of library orientation on library use in two academic libraries using Federal University Gashu'a (FUGA) library and College of Education Gashu'a (COEGA) library. Library Orientation (LO) is one of the... more
Library must inovate in order to keep gave services to people in Covid-19 pandemic era. This study aims to determine the service innovation and its development that carried out by UPT Proklamator Bung Karno Library during the Covid-19... more
The studies examine the computer self-efficacy of librarians and use of information communication technology for service delivery in three public universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The main objective of the study is to identity the... more
Pendahuluan. Awal tahun 2020 pemerintah Indonesia membuat kebijakan baru terkait sistem pembelajaran di era pademi covid-19, yang mulanya tatap muka menjadi sistem daring. Hal tersebut menimbulkan kendala dalam proses belajar seperti... more
The online resources have emerged as one of the primary sources of information for teaching learning activity and research. Although the present era is mainly depending on online, all the students do not have adequate knowledge and skills... more
Perkembangan teknologi informasi melatarbelakangi lahirnya koleksi digital di perpustakaan baik dari pembelian, hadiah, local content, maupun hasil kerjasama. Transfer pengetahuan ini dapat berpengaruh terhadap sebuah keterampilan dalam... more
This study investigated library instruction methods, effect and the challenges in academic libraries using the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun (FUPRE) students as the target population. Library instruction is a core... more
ABSTRAK Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana korelasi potensi literasi informasi mahasiswa khususnya prodi manajemen Universitas Pamulang dengan menggunakan ACRL (Assosiation Colllege Of Research Library). Mahasiswa... more
In todays world of digital information, user education is very important in any kind of library because it bridges the gaps between library user and various resources and services available in the library. In this study, we discuss the... more
This study surveyed the challenges of collection development of electronic resources in university libraries in South East Nigeria. The descriptive survey research method was adopted for the study with population of 86 respondents. The... more
This study investigated library instruction methods, effect and the challenges in academic libraries using the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun (FUPRE) students as the target population. Library instruction is a core... more
Academic librarians in many countries have expanded their roles to be advocates and teachers of information literacy. The study examined information literacy practices, skills, level of involvement of librarians and inhibitors to... more
In todays world of digital information, user education is very important in any kind of library because it bridges the gaps between library user and various resources and services available in the library. In this study, we discuss the... more
Background of the study: West Kalimantan was in 31st position with a score of 28.36 for the Provincial Reading Literacy Activity (Alibaca) index. It’s means that peaople’s reading interest is low. Purpose: To improve the reading culture... more
Virus corona atau biasa disebut dengan covid-19 adalah virus yang menyerang sistem pernapasan manusia. Virus corona bisa menyebabkan kematian. Bahkan, pasien yang terinfeksi dan sembuh akan mengalami kerusakan permanen pada paru-paru dan... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi perpustakaan di era pandemi Covid-19. Setiap perpustakaan dapat mempertahankan eksistensinya apabila dapat menjalankan pernannya. Secara umum peran-peran yang dapat dilakukan adalah,... more
Perpustakaan merupakan suatu hal terpenting bagi lembaga penunjang pendidikan salah satunya sekolah, mulai dari sekolah dasar hingga sekolah menengah. Namun, dalam hal ini masih banyak ditemukan hanya beberapa sekolah saja yang... more
Introduction Libraries exist to provide support to research and other educational activities in their parent institution/organization. Secondary school libraries are not left out of this function. Globally, the symbolic heart and blood or... more
The changing nature of higher education worldwide, along with ever increasing growth of library collections, technological developments in handling and retrieving techniques, and information and fundamental changes in the nature of... more
This study aims to investigate the awareness, access and utilization of library catalogue by undergraduate students of the College The survey research design was used in the study. The population of the study comprises of forty-five... more
This study aims to investigate the awareness, access and utilization of library catalogue by undergraduate students of the College of Law of Osun State University Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. The survey research design was used in the... more
Purpose: This study examined the correlation of ICT accessibility and use of e-resources in Nigerian university libraries among postgraduate students. Design: A survey research design and multi-stage sampling technique were used to select... more
Social Media has become a popular method for students to share information and knowledge and to express emotions. They enable students to exchange videos files, text messages, pictures and knowledge sharing. They enable students. They... more
Excellent library services are the backbone of any library. Keeping this in view the libraries are at Aga K. University providing efficient library and information services to its users according to the present era of digital world. The... more
Introduction Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) former Tai Solarin College of Education (TASCE) was upgraded into first University of Education in Nigeria in 2005, its certificate of recognition as the 76th University in Nigeria... more