Librarianship - Quality Methods and Measures
Recent papers in Librarianship - Quality Methods and Measures
Like other disciplines, organizational and technological innovations have influenced the standard philosophies of librarianship. These innovations have changed the basics of information retrieval and delivery in libraries. As a result,... more
The following paper will trace the recently established field of Information Ethics through it’s various evolutions, from it’s origins in Librarianship to it’s role as a global player in areas as diverse as technology, media, global... more
Lucrarea îşi propune să ofere o serie de date concrete care completează informaţiile despre starea bibliotecilor şi bibliotecarilor în perioada pandemiei de coronavirus. Comparativ cu alte ţări, în România, există mai puţine date care să... more
Abstrak Film merupakan salah satu media elektronik yang dapat mempengaruhi pandangan penonton atau masyarakat umum pada sesuatu. Hal ini juga berlaku pada bagaimana produser film menampilkan perpustakaan dan pustakawan pada suatu film.... more
Abstract: In this report, I consider the impact of a new way of musical research in the small world of Italian conservatories. Until a few years ago, not many conservatories activated a course in music bibliography. The dissemination of... more
The attempt to establish a unified taxonomy for the field of Information Ethics is both unattainable and unwarranted. The categorization of Information Ethics as a defined discipline, an applicable practice, a philosophy and a worldview... more
Librarians know that users need these areas of knowledge and skills in addition to knowing about information needs, access, evaluation, use, and social implications. The traditional method of education is not capable hence a new paradigm... more
The most important role of modern academic libraries is providing services to all types of users´ community including disabled persons. In the world there are approximately one billion people in the world live with some form of... more
Abstrak Film merupakan salah satu media elektronik yang dapat mempengaruhi pandangan penonton atau masyarakat umum pada sesuatu. Hal ini juga berlaku pada bagaimana produser film menampilkan perpustakaan dan pustakawan pada suatu film.... more
One of the major problems that a financial manager faces is the enormous amount of financial data. There is a variety of software systems used to support the process of investment decision making. In this paper, a software system for... more
Information Literacy is an integral part of student learning, and librarians are at the forefront of teaching this critical skill. Librarians at Bristol Community College (BCC) participated in the Liberal Education and America’s Promise... more
The research aims at exploring the status of communication and interactivity among employees and users visually impaired in the library of University of Santiago de Compostela. The study reflects the characteristics of... more
American Psychological Association Style (APA) 5th and 6th ed. In-Text Citations and Reference Lists power point presentation to Pwani University Library Staff during the Commission of University Education Quality Audit and Alignment to... more
Knowledge management (KM) aspects has prominent role in corporate sectors since many years. But there is an opportunity in higher education sector i.e. in academia especially to adapt the strategy in libraries to manage intellectual or... more