The aim of the research is to establish standard lexical signs of aggressiveness through the analysis of authorised publicistic texts. Methods. The research employed the method of functional semantic analysis, study of the cognitive... more
Starting from the assumption that grammaticalization is rooted in situated language use, the present study tests the connection between functional reanalysis and formal reduction with a synchronic approach. It investigates a case of... more
This paper studies the uses of [diski] in the Brazilian Portuguese language, with a descriptive proposal that combines Functional Discursive Grammar and Grammaticalization Theory-based approaches. The aim of the paper is to widely analyze... more
Modal ya in Basque Spanish, Andean Spanish, and Judeo-Spanish: Accounting for contact induced change
This study analyzes the modal functions of the adverb ya in three contact varieties of Spanish: Basque Spanish in the Basque Autonomous Community, Andean Spanish in contact with Quechua in Ecuador, and Judeo-Spanish in Turkey and the... more
The study presented here began eight years ago in the middle of a goodnight story. In the picture book by Ruth Krause, titled The Carrot Seed, 2 which the first author was reading to her two-year old daughter, a little boy planted a... more
This dissertation focuses on a specific language revitalization method used by the Chickasaw Nation, currently located in Oklahoma. Language revitalization refers to any effort intended to increase the use of a language, usually an... more
This essay was practically finished by the late Ernest Fenollosa; I have done little more than remove a few repetitions and shape a few sentences. We have here not a bare philological discussion, but a study of the fundamentals of all... more
Despite its importance to the foreign learner, English derivational morphology is often neglected in EFL and ESL classrooms and teaching materials. This is a result of vocabulary negligence as a whole and of priority being given to rules... more
(M. Van Peteghem). 1 These resultative constructions are said to be analytical in that the resultative meaning is obtained via a combination of both the matrix verb and the secondary predicate (e.g. to hammer flat, as opposed to flatten).
57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea University of Helsinki, August, 21th-24th This discussion aims to provide a summary of current Japanese diachronic corpus linguistics research based on the author’s firsthand... more
This book, which was written as a Habilitationsschrift, began as a study of the so-called Saxon genitive (prenominal genitive) in German, but has come to encompass all the diachronic changes that have occurred in the German nominal... more
We present a cognitively grounded analysis of the pattern of variation that underlies the use of two aspectual markers in Spanish (the Simple-Present marker, Ana baila ‘Ana dances’ and the Present-Progressive marker, Ana está bailando... more
The present paper deals with the multifunctionality of Lithuanian modal adverbials. The аim of the analysis is to show that the Lithuanian modal adverbials gal 'perhaps' and galbūt 'maybe' and their English correspondences are... more
The article concerns the semantic nuances of the verb faxo in the Plautus' language. The vast majority of the occurrences demonstrate causative semantics, but there are a few cases where such a meaning can hardly be seen. De Melo singled... more
This article deals with the Old English adjectival construction that consists of the copulative verb bēon 'to be' and the past participle. Grammaticalization is gauged as to the agreement between the subject noun phrase and the past... more
The alternation between “raising” and impersonal constructions with sembrare: a usage-based approach
Traditionally, scholars have claimed that the raising construction with sembrare ‘seem’ (sembrare+infinitive) is truth-conditionally equivalent to the impersonal construction sembra che ‘it seems that’. In contrast with this point of... more
This paper presents the results of a corpus-based investigation of the role of the firstperson plural pronoun in the construction of intersubjective meaning among evidential perception verbs in written and spoken English and German... more
корпусНый аНализ эвидеНциальНых глаголов sagen и behaupten в совремеННом НемецкоЯзычНом медиадискурсе © Боднарук Елена Владимировна (2020),, доктор филологических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой немецкой и... more
In a number of IE languages the genitive case exhibits a wide variety of meanings, ranging from common uses like the expression of possession, meanings like the Standard of comparison. It will be argued t hat the genitive should be viewed... more
This book is an exploration of categories, constructions, and change in English syntax. A great many books are published on the syntax of English, both monographs and edited volumes, and yet another may seem unnecessary. However, we felt... more
The paper examines borrowed instances of what we call emphatic superlative ever (ES-ever) into two Germanic languages (Dutch and German) and two Romance languages (French and Spanish). We base our study on extensive corpus data. We model... more
This paper presents an ongoing study on the change of the syntactic subject from inanimate in the source text to animate in the target text with two typologically different languages: Finnish and French. This syntactic change is called... more
Foreword to the inaugural volume of the Student Edition of Mannheim papers in multilingualism, acquisition and change (MAPMAC)
This paper explores the application of quantitative methods to study the effect of various factors on phonetic word duration in ten languages. Data on most of these languages were collected in fieldwork aiming at documenting spontaneous... more
According to some historical linguists, the early English HAVE + past participle construction had only one meaning (e.g. Mustanoja 1960: 499-500, Carey 1994), namely the resultative perfect. However, recent research has demonstrated that... more
Significant theoretical developments have taken place in language-cognition research in the last few decades. The collected chapters in this book provide extensive coverage of important areas of this research domain including... more
The guide to the final report of OTKA PD 73826 by the PI 1.1 Reasons for submitting the final report ahead of time As Principal Investigator of OTKA PD 73826 "Cross-Categorial Case," I am submitting the final report 8 months ahead of... more
This paper presents an account ofthe semantic category ofthe dative case in Czech in the framework ofcognitive grammar. A hierarchy oftypes of Variation involved in the structuring of case categories is suggested, äs well äs appropriate... more
This paper introduces our methodology for annotating variations in enunciative and modal commitment in a text. We first present the theoretical background of the study which puts the emphasis on the close interaction between time, aspect,... more
The aim of the article is to test empirically predictions formulated in the Transitivity Hypothesis framework. Methodological problems of the original approach are discussed and some solutions are offered. For the testing of the... more
The French adverb certainement (‘certainly’) is labelled a “modal adverb”. It has two (sentence adverb) uses according to the literature, called “strong modal use” and “weak modal use”. The strong modal use is indeed strong... more
À vue d’oeil est une locution adverbiale qui a échappé à l’attention des linguistes, malgré une polysémie riche et variée et des problèmes intéressants qu’elle pose. Si nous avons choisi de l’étudier ici, c’est en premier lieu parce... more
Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a evidencialidade lexical expressa pelos verbos “ver”, “olhar” e “observar” em língua portuguesa. Para tanto, adotamos os preceitos teóricos da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (HENGEVELD;... more
This paper explores the current use of the verb like in sequences such as “me likey”. This new use is practically limited to modern variant spellings (likey, likee, like-y and likie) and resembles the original (and now obsolete)... more
In the recent decade the realisations of evidentiality and epistemic modality in European languages have received a great scholarly interest and resulted in important investigations concerning the relation between evidentiality and... more
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama lietuvių kalbos adverbialų gal ir galbūt kiekybinė ir kokybinė distribucija skirtinguose diskurso tipuose (šnekamoji kalba, grožinė literatūra, akademinė kalba). Tyrimo tikslas yra aptarti lietuvių kalbos... more
Continuing the dialogue between corpus linguistics and grammaticalization theory: Three case studies
The article shows that significant benefits can be gained from the integration of corpus linguistics and grammaticalization theory, two subfields which, despite sharing considerable common ground, tended to remain as separate areas of... more
This paper explores patterns in the integration of Hungarian and Romanian nouns as well as adjectives in the German dialect of the speech community of Palota, a German Sprachinsel in North-West-Romania. The main focus of the study is on... more
Evidentials, which are considered under evidentiality, mark how the speaker accesses propositional information. With the functional approach, languages can indicate the source of information with grammatical and/or lexical items... more
This extensive work by William Frawley (Hillsdale (New Jersey) 1992; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 533 pages) is a study of the meaning of grammar intended, according to the author, to replace, among others, John Lyons's Semantics... more
potential theoretical relevance. This book will be important to all whose research interest is Romance phonology. At present, there is no other description in English of the phonology of Portuguese which competes with it in scope or... more
v 1 From a collective to a free choice determiner in Biblical Hebrew Edit Doron 1 2 Grammaticalization parameters and the retrieval of alternatives: Latin nec from discourse connector to uninterpretable feature Chiara Gianollo 33 3... more
In a manuscript from 1987, William Labov questions the relation between quantitative and qualitative methods in linguistics:“…, the number, variety and complexity of linguistic relations are very great, and it is not likely that a large... more
This article contains some thoughts on the role of bilingual cognition in the diachronic change of morphological paradigms, with a focus on contact-induced change. In a first step, a general typology of paradigm change is proposed, based... more
This paper aims to revisit the distinction between grammaticalization and lexicalization in English by addressing the case of English composite predicates, which are structures consisting of a verb and a deverbal noun (give a cry, take a... more
Scenes that a child has in his /her mind are not the same as we adults have in the same circumstances but there is something in common between these observations. The morphemes which the child uses have often much in common with the... more
The topic of the present study is the dubitative in Present-Day Bulgarian. The focus is on both the content plane: the invariable meaning of the dubitative as part of the four-member category of evidentiality, and the expression plane:... more