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The relationship between landscape and culture seen through language is an exciting and increasingly explored area. This groundbreaking book contributes to the linguistic examination of both cross-cultural variation and unifying elements... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsSemanticsLanguage and Culture
This paper will be concerned with the way in which Grice’s Cooperative Principle is represented in the literature of both English and Arabic, and the interpretations and conclusions to which this can lead through showing the similarities... more
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      Theory of Metaphor and RhetoricsLexical SemanticsSemantics and Pragmatics of Quotation
Natural Language Processing is a programmed approach to analyze text that is based on both a set of theories and a set of technologies. This forum aims to bring together researchers who have designed and build software that will analyze,... more
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      Information RetrievalPhonologyInformation extraction (Literature)Machine Translation
Tamil Onto-thesaurus is an outcome of a very long research activity that went on in the field of lexical semantics of Tamil vocabulary. It went through several stages before being culminated into Tamil onto-thesaurus. It depicts our... more
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      Computational LinguisticsLexical Semantics
This study aims at providing a possible model for linguistic representation, whose structure is able to describe the effects on sign’s indeterminacy (vagueness, ambiguities) and the dynamic nature of the system. In order to display the... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage Acquisition
In this paper, I will outline a monotonic approach to what Jackendoff (1990) calls the correspondence problem, i.e. the mapping of semantic structure to surface syntax. My approach is based on three simple ideas. The first is that mapping... more
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      Lexical SemanticsArgument StructureWord templateSubcategorisation
Graphical user interfaces design in software development process focuses on maximizing usability and the user's experience, in order to make the interaction for users easy, flexible and efficient. In this paper, we propose an approach... more
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      Information TechnologySemanticsWeb MiningInformation Communication Technology
Mario Barra Jover, Contraintes en sémantique lexicale 1 Mario Barra-Jover UMR 7023-CNRS/Université Paris 8 Contraintes en sémantique lexicale Je vais traiter dans cet article de la pertinence, voire de la nécessité, d'intégrer, dans toute... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSemanticsLexical Semantics
В настоящей статье, основываясь на принципе формально-семантического единства языковых элементов, мы попытались представить 34 значения двух разновидностей предлога ЗА как единую систему, развившуюся из генетически первичного... more
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      EtymologyCognitive SemanticsCognitive LinguisticsLexical Semantics
There has been general consensus that initial word learning during early infancy is a slow and time-consuming process that requires very frequent exposure, whereas later in development, infants are able to quickly learn a novel word for a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeurologyLanguage DevelopmentElectroencephalography
«ВИСОТА» У СТАРОУКРАЇНСЬКІЙ МОВНІЙ КАРТИНІ СВІТУ Статтю присвячено вивченню структурно-семантичних і функційних особливостей одиниць лексико-словотвір-ного гнізда зі стрижневим словом «високий». Вербальні репрезентанти зазначеної... more
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      Lexical SemanticsLinguoculturologyHistory of Ukrainian Languageлексическая семантика
The designations of the orange fruit in Indo-European languages very often literally meant “apple from China”. Citrus species were known in the Chinese cultural area in the fifth century BCE and glossed in c.100 CE, but there is no basic... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsChinese StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesLexical Semantics
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      SemanticsLexical SemanticsEmpathy (discourse)Polish Language
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      PhilologyHistoryLanguages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
1 Este texto foi apresentado numa versão preliminar em 1998, por ocasião do VIII Encontro da ANPOF, em Caxambú, MG. Aos que tomaram parte das discussões que ele então suscitou -cujas questões me ficaram, mas cujos rostos e nomes se... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageLexical Semantics
Reading words in a native language triggers a largely obligatory cognitive process that we accept as leading to comprehension of the word-we cannot suppress our understanding of word meaning. In this study, we investigated the early... more
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      ElectrophysiologyCognitionNeurolinguisticsLexical Semantics
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      ReferenceControlLexical SemanticsLinguistics
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    • Lexical Semantics
An overview of colour systems in languages, Berlin and Kay's well-known work and the World Colour Survey.  (In Bulgarian.)
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      SemanticsTypologyLexical SemanticsLanguage Typology
Plenary talk: Defining the term ‘Eastern Europe’: A linguist’s contribution Abstract: The term Eastern Europe has been used by scholars in international relations, history, political science etc. It has been commonly exploited in and by... more
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      International RelationsSemanticsLexical SemanticsProper Names
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      Lexical SemanticsAncient Greek Language
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      PhilologyHistoryGeographyRussian Studies
In this paper, we introduce EVALution 1.0, a dataset designed for the training and the evaluation of Distributional Semantic Models (DSMs). This version consists of almost 7.5K tuples, instantiating several semantic relations between word... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingSemanticsComputational Linguistics
The paper seeks to establish the level of lexical complexity in the discourse of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) peacekeeping agreements (EPKA) and to describe the lexical strategies through which the observed... more
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      SemanticsLexical Semantics
The present paper outlines how possessive semantics is represented in causative verbs in the English and Ukrainian languages. English and Ukrainian causative verbs with possessive semantics lack any formal possessive markers, either... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsLexical Semantics
The HAL (hyperspace analog to language) model of lexical semantics uses global word co-occurrence from a large corpus of text to calculate the distance between words in co-occurrence space. We have implemented a system called HiDEx (High... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceVocabularyLexical Semantics
This paper explores the theory of lexical knowledge set forth in the Module-Attribute Representation of Verbal Semantics (Biq 2000) and extends its scope to include issues concerning verbal polysemy. Previous versions of the theory... more
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      LanguagesLexical SemanticsLinguisticsLanguage Linguistics
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      EthnolinguisticsSemanticsCognitive LinguisticsLexical Semantics
Abstract: This study investigates the intricate polysemy of the Spanish perception verb sentir (‘feel’) which, analogous to the more-studied visual perception verbs ver (‘see’) and mirar (‘look’), also displays an ample gamut of semantic... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSpanishCognitive LinguisticsLexical Semantics
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      Lexical SemanticsLiterary studiesOpposition
In the modern era, many methods for the instruction of language principles and skills have been proposed, developed, and implemented to assist language learners with their advancement. In this paper, the unique concept of formulaic... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingSemantics
Od najdawniejszych czasów w dziejach polszczyzny człowiek postrzegany był jako ‘ktoś dobry’. Oczywiście, rozumienie leksemu odnosiło się przede wszystkim do ‘istoty ludzkiej’, ale jednocześnie istniał silny związek pomiędzy człowiekiem a... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHuman ValuesLexical SemanticsPolish Language
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      Natural Language ProcessingComparative LinguisticsLexical SemanticsContrastive Analysis
In the literature about category effects in semantic memory, body parts and musical instruments are often considered atypical, because in cases with a disproportionate impairment of living categories body parts are relatively spared,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLexical SemanticsAdolescentMedicine
The goal of this paper is to introduce CROATPAS, the Croatian sister project of the Italian Typed-Predicate Argument Structure resource (TPAS, Ježek et al. 2014). CROATPAS is a corpus-based digital collection of verb valency structures... more
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      Computational LinguisticsCroatianLexical SemanticsComputational Lexicography
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar parte do estudo 2 que temos desenvolvido sobre algumas expressões do português brasileiro construídas a partir de nomes próprios considerados corriqueiros, como Maria e José (Zé), para se referir... more
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      SemanticsLexical SemanticsArgumentation TheoryEnunciation
Semantic textual similarity is a measure of the degree of semantic equivalence between two pieces of text. We describe the SemSim system and its performance in the *SEM~2013~and SemEval-2014~tasks on semantic textual similarity. At the... more
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      Computational LinguisticsLexical SemanticsNLP
Le vin et les discours du vin constituent un sujet de choix pour la linguistique : depuis les dégustations comme genre textuel, les métaphores de la description du vin, les termes de spécialité dans les différentes langues, les... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIntercultural CommunicationPragmaticsCognitive Semantics
The purpose of the present article is the contrastive analysis of the semantic aspect of the lexemes דָםּ (dam), krew and blood, respectively in biblical Hebrew, Polish, and English. Apart from its fundamental meaning referring to the... more
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      Hebrew LanguageSemanticsHebrew BibleVocabulary
Phonology is a lower-level structural aspect of language involving the sounds of a language and their organization in that language. Numerous behavioral studies utilizing priming, which refers to an increased sensitivity to a stimulus... more
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      PhonologySemanticsAuditory PerceptionVisual perception
The aim of this paper is to reconcile two claims that have long been thought to be incompatible: (a) that we compositionally determine the meaning of complex expressions from the meaning of their parts, and (b) that prototypes are... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy Of LanguageContextualismLexical Semantics
This study discusses lexical preferences as a factor affecting the word order variation in Dutch verbal clusters. There are two grammatical word orders for Dutch two-verb clusters, with no clear meaning difference. Using the method of... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLexical SemanticsConstruction GrammarWord order
This study utilized an experimental research design to determine if there was a significant difference in the writing proficiency of the students before and after the incorporation of the lexical semantic activities in the intervention... more
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      PhilippinesLexical SemanticsWriting ProficiencyPractical Research
Рецензия на: Тадевос В. Тадевосян. Семантические параллели фольклорных архетипов: мифологический аспект: монография / Северо-осетинский гос. Университет. Владикавказ, 2014. 196 с.
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      FolkloreMythologyLexical SemanticsArchetypes
Псковский областной словарь с историческими данными – словарь полного типа: в нем представлены все бытующие в крестьянской речи общерусские и диалектные слова. Это также первый исторический словарь народных говоров. В нем используются... more
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      PhilologyHistoryRussian StudiesRussian Literature
Псковский областной словарь с историческими данными – словарь полного типа: в нем представлены все бытующие в крестьянской речи общерусские и диалектные слова. Это также первый исторический словарь народных говоров. В нем используются... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)
Queda prohibida la reproducción, distribución, puesta a disposición, comunicación pública y utilización, total o parcial, de los contenidos de esta web, en cualquier forma o modalidad, sin previa, expresa y escrita autorización,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTerminologySpanish LinguisticsLexical Semantics
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      SemanticsMetaphysics of TimeLexical SemanticsTime Perception
Linguists have identified a number of types of recurrent semantic change, and have proposed a number of explanations, usually based on specific lexical items. This paper takes a different approach, by using a distributional semantic model... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSemanticsComputational Linguistics
قد انتشرتْ الألفاظ الموضوعة في المجال الاقتصادي وتتداول على الألسنة ومِنْ ثمّ يهتمّ هذا البحث بنظرة لغوية دلالية لتحليل نموذج من المصطلحات المالية العربيّة المعاصرة، ذلك بالاستناد إلى مبادئ تغيّر الدّلالة نحو التّخصيص، والتّعميم،... more
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    • Lexical Semantics