Lexical Grammar

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Lexical grammar is the study of the relationship between the structure of words and their meanings within a language. It encompasses the rules governing word formation, including morphology and syntax, and examines how these elements interact to convey meaning in linguistic contexts.
In this paper wc examine a subset of polyscmous elements, the logical structure of nominals, and argue that maw cases of polysemy have well-defined calculi, which interact with the grmnmar in predictable and determinate ways for... more
This paper describes the basic architectural concepts that underlie the formal theory of Lexical-Functional Grammar. The LFG formalism, which h a s e v olved from previous computational, linguistic, and psycholinguistic research, provides... more
Two major religions, Judaism and Christianity, use the ancient Hebrew Bible as Holy Scripture. These books were translated in the last three centuries before the common era. The oldest of these translations is the Septuagint, a Greek... more
Our goal is to develop a semantic theory that is equally suitable for the lexical material (words) and for the larger constructions (sentences) put together from these. In 2.1 we begin with the system of lexical categories that are in... more
In a collocation, the choice of one lexical item depends on the choice made for another. This poses a problem for simple approaches to lexicalisation in natural language generation systems. In the Meaning-Text framework, recurrent... more
Different from most previous studies of language transfer phenomena in second language learning which remain at an observational and descriptive level, this study proposes that the major source of language transfer is the interference of... more
Wasow (1977) argues that linguistic theory should recognize two qualitatively distinct types of rules: syntactic rules, which can affect more "superficial" grammatical function properties; and lexical rules, which affect deeper... more
Our goal is to develop a semantic theory that is equally suitable for the lexical material (words) and for the larger constructions (sentences) put together from these. In 2.1 we begin with the system of lexical categories that are in... more
This paper describes the central role played by default inheritance in Word Grammar, a theory of language knowledge and processing. A single formalism is used to represent knowledge at the levels of morphology, syntax, and semantics. A... more
We probably all share an interest in syntax, so we would dearly love a clear and certain answer to the question: what is syntactic structure like? Is it based on dependencies between words, or on phrases? What kinds of relation are there?... more
English gerunds such as (We weretalking about) John having a sabbaticalcombine the internal characteristics ofa clause with the external characteristicsof a noun phrase. Previous analyses havetried to recognise the mixed characterof... more
A recent trend in psycholinguistic research has been to posit prediction as an essential function of language processing. The present paper develops a linguistic perspective on viewing prediction in terms of pre-activation. We describe... more
The analysis of counterfactuality needs a good shake-up. Wolfgang Klein's article does an excellent job in pointing out what is stale and unproductive in the literature, often inherited from philosophical discussions with limited... more
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui apakah online reading dan discussion boardspada facebook sebagai kegiatan prewriting dapat meningkatkan kualitas writinglebih baik daripada kegiatan pre-writing melalui printed text reading,... more
Korean has a complex inflectional system, showing agglutinative morphology and using affixation as the major mechanism for word formation. A prerequisite to the successful development of any syntactic/semantic parsers for the language... more
The task of translating between programming languages differs from the challenge of translating natural languages in that programming languages are designed with a far more rigid set of structural and grammatical rules. Previous work has... more
The task of translating between programming languages differs from the challenge of translating natural languages in that programming languages are designed with a far more rigid set of structural and grammatical rules. Previous work has... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
Lexical rules are used in constraintbased grammar formalisms such as llead-Driven l)hrase Structure Grammar (IIPSG) (Pollard and Sag 1994) to express generalizations atnong lexical entries. '['his paper discusses a number of lexical rules... more
This paper aims to examine how to analyse characteristics of lexical collocations of individual language from the typological point-of-view. For the purpose, this paper suggest an method, or Lexical Function, that was created and used... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
The present study tries to explore the knowledge and the use of verb-noun collocations in spoken and written discourse of English as foreign language (EFL) learners in Iran. In addition, the current study aims at examining and describing... more
In this paper wc examine a subset of polyscmous elements, the logical structure of nominals, and argue that maw cases of polysemy have well-defined calculi, which interact with the grmnmar in predictable and determinate ways for... more
Introduction 2 An overview of the most relevant approaches to lexical representation 3 The format of a lexical template 4 Lexical templates in the primary lexicon 4.1 Contact-by-impact verbs 4.2 Break verbs 4.3. Consumption verbs 4.4... more
Large-scale knowledge-based machine translation requires significant amounts of lexical knowledge in order to map syntactic structures to conceptual structures. Tfiis paper presents a framework in which lexical knowledge is separated into... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
* We wish to thank the audience and organizers of the first NetWordS workshop. P. Acquaviva's research was supported by an Alexander von Humboldt fellowhip, which is gratefully acknowledged. Faults and omissions are the authors'... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis recount text siswa pada kelas VIII SMP Tiga Hati Kepenuhan Hulu, menggunakan media surat pribadi.Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
The objectives of this study were to investigate how the lexical chunk approach can be used in teaching writing to KPTM students, improve their performance in writing skill and determine students’ perception of the lexical chunk approach... more
Considering the seq2seq architecture of Yin and Neubig (2018) for natural language to code translation, we identify four key components of importance: grammatical constraints, lexical preprocessing, input representations, and copy... more
English gerunds such as (We were talking about) John having a sabbatical combine the internal characteristics of a clause with the external characteristics of a noun phrase. Previous analyses have tried to recognise the mixed character of... more
The categorization and usage of conditional clauses has drawn the interest of generations of linguists working in various linguistic frameworks. Introducing the students to the academic studies on this topic is a compulsory prerequisite,... more
The categorization and usage of conditional clauses has drawn the interest of generations of linguists working in various linguistic frameworks. Introducing the students to the academic studies on this topic is a compulsory prerequisite,... more
Cet article propose une nouvelle facon d'analyser des unites phraseologiques. Il s'agit d'aller au dela de la simple classification en collocations et en idiomes. Dans la premiere partie de cet article, nous considerons les... more
Cet article propose une nouvelle façon d'analyser des unités phraséologiques. Il s'agit d'aller au delà de la simple classification en collocations et en idiomes. Dans la première partie de cet article, nous considérons les unités... more
DECLARATION I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this dissertation is my own original work and has not previously in its entirety or in part been submitted at any university for a degree.
An automatic method for annotating the Penn-II Treebank (Marcus et al., 1994) with high-level Lexical Functional Grammar (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Bresnan, 2001; Dalrymple, 2001) f-structure representations is presented by Burke et al.... more
In this paper we present a number of experiments to test the portability of existing treebankinduced LFG resources. We test the LFG parsing resources of Cahill et al. (2004) on the ATIS corpus which represents a considerabley different... more
We investigate Arabic Context Free Grammar parsing with dependency annotation comparing lexicalised and unlexicalised parsers. We study how morphosyntactic as well as function tag information percolation in the form of grammar transforms... more
We present data-driven methods for the acquisition of LFG resources from two German treebanks. We discuss problems specific to semi-free word order languages as well as problems arising from the data structures determined by the design of... more
An automatic method for annotating the Penn-II Treebank (Marcus et al., 1994) with high-level Lexical Functional Grammar (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Bresnan, 2001; Dalrymple, 2001) f-structure representations is presented by Burke et al.... more
The distinction between raising and subject-control verbs, although crucial for the construction of semantics, is not easy to make given access to only the local syntactic configuration of the sentence. In most contexts raising verbs and... more