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The Introduction to this book, a collection of peer reviewed chapters by 56 researchers across Europe. This Introduction provides an overview of the book and a definition of the New Equine Economy in the 21st Century. more info on the... more
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      Leisure (Social Sciences)Human-Horse RelationsEquine scienceEquine Studies
Recreation professionals continually strive to serve a host of diverse program con-stituents, while leisure researchers attempt to uncover barriers to leisure participation. Much of the barriers or constraints research has come from the... more
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      Group TheoryEthnic minoritiesLeisure (Social Sciences)Ethnicity
„Müßiggang“ meint eine spezifische, individuelle oder kollektive Praxis im Umgang mit Zeit und Tätigkeit und erscheint in der Regel als Vermeidung von Aktivität, Pflicht und Arbeit. Dieses Begriffsverständnis und die vorwiegend negative... more
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      SociologyPhilosophySociology of WorkTheology
The collective experience of social distancing will undoubtedly have implications for our social, cultural, and political practices. In this critical commentary, I consider the implications of these experiences by focusing on rural-urban... more
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      Leisure (Social Sciences)TourismCommercial Services
This article discusses ethnographic research on the planned transition from an all-white Dutch management towards an ethnically diverse management of an amateur football club. The article is based on a three-year period of ethnographic... more
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      ManagementSociologyCultural StudiesSociology of Sport
Bringing to light the divide in access to digital leisure challenges the sacred tenet on which the global digital project has been built upon over decades-the belief that a good digital life for the poor would be based in work and... more
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      Digital DivideRefugee StudiesDigital MediaMigration
Leisure may potentially play a key role in rehabilitation counseling, including psychiatric rehabilitation. Based on recovery and positive psychology frameworks in which meaning-making is a central concept, this study examined the role of... more
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      Mental HealthRecreation & Leisure StudiesCultureMeaning
El tiempo lo alcanza todo y a todos. Sus realidades, visibles u ocultas, nos explican individual y socialmente como una dimensión clave en la construcción de nuestras señas de iden­tidad, histórica y cotidianamente. Un tiempo de tiempos... more
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      Leisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)EducaciónPedagogía
This article provides a description of salient themes that emerged from an investigation examining perceptions of leisure engagement by older adults who attend senior centers. A qualitative study initially using four focus groups was... more
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      Leisure (Social Sciences)Tourism
This cultural biography of Walt Disney shows how to think about Disney's life and contributions in the context of the first half of the 20th century.
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyMythologyAnimation
The consumption of sport events through direct participation can influence participants' perception of happiness with that experiential purchase given the time and resources invested in that experience. The purpose of the study was to... more
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      Service QualityLeisure (Social Sciences)Tourism
The proliferation of digital technologies, virtual spaces, and new forms of engagement raise key questions about the changing nature of gender relations and identities within democratic societies. This book offers a unique collection of... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderFeminist TheoryDigital Media
Le loisir, sans qu'il ne soit jamais cité, est au coeur des modèles de sociétés qu'on nous propose. Travailler plus pour gagner plus, liberté d'entreprendre, réduction du temps de travail comme réponse au chômage, instauration d'un revenu... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesEdgar MorinLeisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)
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      Religion and PoliticsLeisure (Social Sciences)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Leisure Boredom Scale for adults in Turkey. The second purpose was to investigate the differences based on demographic variables... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)Boredom
RESUMO: Este trabalho quer discutir os limites e as possibilidades das proposições teóricas que apresentam o lazer enquanto um fenômeno moderno. Mais particularmente, o objetivo aqui é identificar as fontes intelectuais de tais teorias,... more
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      Leisure StudiesLeisureLeisure (Social Sciences)
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      Leisure (Social Sciences)Early ChildhoodTourismUndergraduate Student
Increased interest in the sustainability of tourism development initiatives has triggered expanding concerns about the capability of both tourism destinations and protected areasto accommodate recreationaluse. In many cases,planners and... more
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      Leisure (Social Sciences)TourismCarrying Capacity
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      ClassLeisure StudiesLeisureLeisure (Social Sciences)
People travel by car for a wide variety of reasons. A large proportion of household travel is for non-commuting purposes, including social and recreational journeys. The emergence and (potential) diffusion of highly automated vehicles,... more
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      Tourism StudiesTransportation StudiesTransport PlanningLeisure (Social Sciences)
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)Happiness and Well BeingConfucius Analects
Η σύγχρονη δυτική κοινωνία χαρακτηρίζεται από τη μαζική κουλτούρα, η οποία επεκτείνεται σταδιακά σε όλα τα μέσα καλλιτεχνικής έκφρασης και προμηθεύει εικονικά ό,τι δεν μπορεί να καταναλωθεί σε πραγματικό και φυσικό χρόνο. Σύμφωνα με τον... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedia StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)
The past 40 years of leisure sciences affirms not only the urgency of diversely informed investigations of leisure phenomena but also the field’s commitment to forward contributions of social relevance, methodological innovation, and... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure StudiesLeisureLeisure (Social Sciences)
Despite the daily need for an estimation of welfare by policy makers and economists alike, it is still commonly assumed that income or GDP may be substituted in its place. There is a small segment of economists who have recognized the... more
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      Welfare EconomicsEconomic Policy EvaluationPractice theoryBehavioral Economics
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      Regulatory FocusLeisure (Social Sciences)EscapismTourism
Events are per definition limited in time and space. However, the social interaction taking place during events, can continue virtually. This can result in hybrid communities, existing of an offline and an online dimension (Sechi,... more
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      SociologyPractice theoryEvents managementLeisure
Complete conference proceedings for the II Brazilian Congress of Leisure Studies that took place September 2016 in the city of Belém, Brazil. Anais completos do II Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer, realizado em setembro de 2016 na... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyGame studiesTourism Studies
Complete Conference Proceedings of the VI Seminar on Leisure Studies / Anais completos do VI Seminário de Estudos do Lazer (Maringá-PR, Brazil, 2017). P.15 - Abordagens Metodológicas para Análises da Fenomenologia - Cae Rodrigues. P.17 -... more
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      Tourism StudiesSociology of WorkRecreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure Studies
Se trata de un libro que plantea el debate por la idea de recreación que se genera y se concreta en el marco de la política pública en Venezuela partiendo desde el año 2007 cuando se inaugura la primera política pública en este campo.
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      Cultural StudiesRecreation & Leisure StudiesCultural TheoryLeisure Studies
The term “theory” is used with diverse meanings, resulting in miscommunication and misunderstanding. This article examines how “theory”, as a word, is used in three leading journals in each of hospitality, tourism, and leisure studies... more
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      EpistemologyTourism StudiesKnowledge ManagementRecreation & Leisure Studies
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSocial TheoryCultural Theory
Anais completos do I Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer - XV Seminário O Lazer em Debate (Belo Horizonte, 2014).

P.49 - O lazer na constituição do ideário ambiental - Cae Rodrigues.
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      Sociology of SportTourism StudiesEducationTourism Marketing
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impacts of active leisure participation on social adjustment of international students: an example of Celal Bayar Univeristy. Leisure benefits of international students are conceptualized by... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)
This monographic is about Leisure in XIXth and XXth Century Spain and Vasc Country. Was coordinated by Joseba Aguirreazcuenaga. It includes many empirical works, so needed in sociability area. Maria Zozaya gives a general perspective... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesHistory of SociabilityLeisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)
The twenty-first century has radically changed the concept of leisure. Leisure was conceived to happen only out of working hours. nowadays we are looking for important experiences during all our lives. The institute of Leisure Studies of... more
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      Economic DevelopmentLeisure (Social Sciences)
""Leisure studies have a long history of associating leisure practices and the meanings of leisure with notions of personal growth and self-development. This association is bound up with questions of personal identity and relies on the... more
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      Self and IdentitySocial IdentityRecreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor Recreation
This essay, or rather collection of essays, draws together three distinct streams of thought, time and space into a single river of understanding concerning labor, leisure, human-nature relations, city and town planning and human... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Philology
Complete Conference Proceedings for the III Brazilian Congress on Leisure Studies.  Anais Completos do III Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer. Campo Grande-MS, Brazil, 2018.
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      Sociology of SportPlay TherapySport PsychologyTourism Studies
Resumen El reino de la libertad en la tradición materialista pasa por la liberación del trabajo a través de la reapropiación de las condiciones de existencia y, principalmente, de la tecnología como medio de proporcionar un ocio que nada... more
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      MarxismRecreation & Leisure StudiesMaterialismCapitalism
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsEnvironmental EngineeringPhilology
Happiness is central to our lives as individuals and as social beings; we want to be happy, and we want those around us to be happy too. But where does happiness come from? What makes us happy, and perhaps more importantly, how can we... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure StudiesLeisureLeisure (Social Sciences)
This book uses the emerging and cutting-edge area of leisure research to highlight the importance of sexuality and sexual activity and its relevance to leisure studies. It brings to the fore some complex issues associated with this topic... more
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      Sex and GenderRecreation & Leisure StudiesSexualityGender and Sexuality
Rekreasyon alanları, modern teknolojinin gelişmesine ve kentleşmeye bağlı olarak son yıllarda adından sıklıkla söz ettirir hale gelmiştir. İnsanoğlunun doğal hareketlerinde meydana gelen azalmalar, yoğun çalışma saatleri ve bunların... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor RecreationLeisure StudiesLeisure
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)
In a competitive post-modern society, traditional arts institutions like theatres battle to sustain audiences, especially considering the abundance of modern-day leisure and entertainment activities, both within and outside the home,... more
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      MarketingTheatre StudiesComedyMotivation (Psychology)
The aim of this study was to reveal the factors that constraints and facilitators health and fitness club members in Ankara to attend the leisure activities. The population for the research consists of large-scale health and fitness club... more
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      Leisure StudiesLeisureLeisure (Social Sciences)Sport
A considerable amount of leisure studies scholarship over the past half-century implicates 'nature' taking a prominent role in leisure studies scholarship. Most often in leisure-oriented literature, nature takes the form of an inert,... more
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      Tourism StudiesEcotourismPolitical EcologyRecreation & Leisure Studies
""Leisure is an often overlooked dimension of migrants’ experience. The article is aimed at drawing policy-makers’ and other stakeholders’ attention to leisure as an important dimension of the migration experience, characterized by... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure StudiesMigration StudiesLeisure
Individuals are at risk when they use the Internet. Video gamers playing online games are at risk when they play too much. What is too much? The amount of time is often used for assessing the border between a safe and a potentially... more
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      Social SciencesVideo GamesQuality of Life (Social Sciences)Leisure Studies
Published as part of "Istanbul's Cultural Inventory Project," book series which was commissioned and funded by the Turkish Ministry of Culture, Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency and... more
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      MusicologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural Sociology