Legal Philosophy
Recent papers in Legal Philosophy
"Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos opens the book with his latest contribution to his comprehensive project of re-theorising spatial justice with a piece titled ‘Spatial Justice in a World of Violence’. Through a close reading of the... more
This biographical entry reports, through the reconstruction of the various stages of Alessandro Levi's life, the main theoretical developments of his juridical-philosophical doctrine. Particular attention is paid to his idea of law,... more
The article challenges the empirical claim that suggests that the legal skills needed to successfully practice law are not —and cannot be— learned at law schools, and contrasts it with the conceptual claim that indicates that the legal... more
This is a pre-print of chapter one from AP Simester, Fundamentals of Criminal Law: Responsibility, Culpability, and Wrongdoing (Oxford University Press, 2021) more
in "Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del diritto", 2/2021. ABSTRACT: Definisco “normativismo trascendentale” la concezione per la quale le norme giuridiche non sono oggetto di una conoscenza possibile, ma sono ciò attraverso cui è... more
Since 1976, the VSBO disciplinary board has been only a body oF unauthorized individuals with no judicial authority created by fiat by the Supreme Court of Virginia. Current research and evidence supports that Supreme Court of Virginia... more
“Desde mi visión, la obra es en sustancia un abordaje axiológico, una construcción compleja que merece reconocimiento, pues consagra una teoría iusfilosófica de la culpa. Pero no se debe extraer de ello que la obra ha sido escrita para... more
En nuestro medio académico el derecho penal ha sido tratado con pretensión científica por la dogmática penal. La influencia de la dogmática alemana ha tenido una notoria influencia en su desarrollo. Ha sido notable, también, como la... more
"Khusus menyangkut analogi, penafsiran dan hal-hal lain yang terkait, memang ... tidak mudah menemukan bahan-bahan pustaka yang membahas hingga praktiknya. Oleh karena itu, buku ini menjadi penting." - Prof. Dr. Topo Santoso, S.H.,... more
This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
У статті з позицій критики традиційних підходів до розуміння структури права запропоновано постструктуралістське її бачення як єдності догми права, суб’єкта, цінностей правової сфери та правової ситуації. Доведено, що правова ситуація... more
This article argues that current iterations of solutions for preventing school segregation are constrained by an overreliance on particular representations of justice, in which the other is perceived as the responsible other. Studying the... more
An advocate must be aware of the mental environment of the judge, particularly the appellate judge. Their quiet presence has not impeded the use of labels, including judicial attitude as well as a whole subset of ideological labels such... more
This paper approaches the effectiveness of fundamental social rights, their justiciability, their collision with the principle of the possible reserve, the application of the principle of proportionality, the balancing of the colliding... more
Recently, the question of adolescent culpability has been brought before the Supreme Court of the United States for reconsideration. Neuroscience, adolescent advocates claim, is teaching us that young people cannot be found fully... more
В диссертационном исследовании раскрыто понятие юридической догматики и определены функции, выполняемые ею в рамках правовой системы; выявлены социокультурные основания традиции романо-германской юридической догматики; произведена... more
У статті розглядаються елементи теорії наукової картини світу, процеси історичного формування загальної та спеціальнонаукових картин світу. Звертається увага на особливості становлення наукових картин світу в науках про людину в другій... more
This paper focuses on a particular exposition of one of Critical Legal Studies’s claims, more commonly associated with Mark Kelman and less so associated to Kevät Nousiainen. Kelman, setting his sights on criminal law, highlights the... more
In der Ökonomie der Zeit löst sich nach Marx alle Ökonomie auf. Dieser vagen Prämisse folgend, setzen wir uns in folgendem Beitrag mit den Ambivalenzen im Verhältnis von Arbeit und Zeit auseinander. Das neoliberale Spiel mit Freiheit und... more
The emergence of modern societies is an evolutionary puzzle. Homo sapiens is the only animal species capable of cooperating in large-scale societies consisting of genetically unrelated individuals. From a biological point of view, this... more
Quoique braquée une vie durant sur des textes arides, l'intelligence de Yan Thomas se répandait en propos volubiles. À chaque séance du séminaire qu'il tenait à l'École des hautes études dans les années 2000 -et que je fréquentais comme... more
Zagadnienie nadużycia kompetencji jest jednym z elementów rozważań nad problemem nadużycia prawa w ogóle1. Wiąże się więc ono z od dawna znanym prawnikom paradoksem, którego doświadczamy, kiedy proceduralnie poprawne działanie... more
En 1951 von Wright construyó el primer sistema de lógica deóntica, iniciando el estudio riguroso y sistemático de una nueva rama de la lógica: la lógica deóntica. Dicho sistema, a pesar de sus múltiples virtudes, posee una estructura... more
RESUMO O artigo aborda o debate sobre o vínculo conceitual entre direito e moral travado a partir de 1958 entre dois grandes expoentes da teoria do direito no século XX: H. L. A. Hart e Lon Fuller. São focadas principalmente duas... more
To ask the question, “Does evidence law matter?,” is often to assume that some sets or groups of people believe it is important while others are challenging that view. However, another assumption regarding the nature of this question is... more
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
from Peter Cane & Mark Tushnet (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Legal Studies (Oxford U Pr, 2003)
La justicia poética incendia campos de oprobio: no hay sitio para la nostalgia, el yo, el nombre propio.
This paper presents a philosophical approach to the semiotics of law in terms of an exercise in symbolic transposition whereby aesthetic categories are brought to bear on jurisprudence, and in particular on two of its foundational... more
This article aims to reconstruct and theorise the autonomy of the European Union (EU) legal system by drawing on Hartian legal theory. It comprises four claims. First, the European Court of Justice's (ECJ) 'foundational case law' on... more
Autor ve svém textu pojednává o univerzalitě lidských práv. Soustředí se zejména na analýzu přístupu amerického teoretika Jacka Donnellyho, který hodnotí jako pluralistický. Specifickou pozornost věnuje otázkám vztahu univerzality a... more
This is rather the first book with a title "Philosophy of Law in the Arctic" in the literature. This philosophy of law is a very wide and cross-disciplinary area of research: between law, philosophy, anthropology, history, cultural... more
RBC Law Center, Complaints & Reviews has published an unedited copy of the basic legal document that tells how a testimonial or a testament is being formed. Data Services Co & Us Legal Network are a fraction of all this, as lawyers agree... more
This paper outlines a model of argumentation that formulates the processes by which international and comparative human rights law influence the reasoning of domestic judges. I argue that the persuasive influence of such law flows from,... more
Pojęcie interregnum w symboliczny sposób oddaje istotę zagadnień podjętych w ramach niniejszej monografii. Jej przedmiot stanowi analiza XX-wiecznych transformacji ustrojowych, które dokonały się w kręgu euroatlantyckiej kultury prawnej.... more