Legal Methods
Recent papers in Legal Methods
summary of chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Statutory interpretation is a process by which courts interpret statutes. Statutes/ Acts of Parliament are laws that the Parliament passes. In the Ugandan Context, The Parliament is a law-making organ according to the authority of its... more
Vicarious Liability of the State for the torts committed by its servants
HOW TO BRIEF The previous section described the parts of a case in order to make it easier to read and identify the pertinent information that you will use to create your briefs.
- Standards of Good Legal craftsmanship & progress
- Substantive legal values
- Concept of justice
- Substantive legal values
- Concept of justice
Il mondo globale sta sollecitando la curiosità del giuscomparatista ad intraprendere “viaggi” verso destinazioni lontane (in primis Africa e Asia) tradizionalmente considerate secondarie dall’accademia occidentale. Una tensione... more
See how a family suffer because of eminent domain, and how they make there way out.
"Much of the literature on the ethics of legal advocacy focuses on a 'you should because you are supposed to' argument." However, this analysis focuses on disclosing and confronting adverse authority to help an attorney win her case.... more
Islamic military law is a doctrine, which was created by Ulama, basing on Sharia and Fiqh, as right way of Islam – collection of demands and methods of just military actions that are mandatory for Muslim warriors. Foundations and first... more
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę metody stosowania prawa w kontekście bezpieczeństwa, jakie wynikać ma z pewności prawa Unii Europejskiej. W tym też celu autor poddaje logiczno-psychologicznej analizie dwie takie metody: a) wynoszoną na... more
Critically Compare and Contrast any Three Theories on the Concept of Law Drawing Illustrations from Nigerian Laws. According to Karl Nickerson Llewellyn"Jurisprudence is as big as law-and bigger" drawing from the assertion above,... more
This article provides a critical, personal appraisal of attempts at designing an introductory Legal Methods module, from the perspective of Brexit. Focusing on the author’s own “cases and materials” collection, it interrogates how, rather... more