Legal History
Recent papers in Legal History
ed. by Goran Proot, David McKitterick, Angela Nuovo and Paul F. Gehl. With a preface by David McKitterick. Mechelen: Flanders Book Historical Society, 2018, ISBN 9789082927603, pp. 1-15. This paper aims to show how a family of... more
The expanding sugar trade linking Portugal, Brazil, and the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries required enforcement mechanisms to guarantee that overseas agents would act honestly and diligently. While the recent... more
MILANO 2017 INCONTRO DI STUDIO N. 70 QUANTE EQUITÀ? A cura di Dario Mantovani e Salvatore Veca Milano, 28 febbraio 2013
PLANO DE ENSINO I -IDENTIFICAÇÃO DA DISCIPLINA Nome HISTÓRIA DO DIREITO Curso BACHARELADO EM DIREITO Código DIR 5106 N° horas-aula 72 Ano 2017 Período 1º semestre letivo. Dias e horários Diurno -2ª 10:10, 3ª 08:20
This article is not a mere introduction to the dossier of the Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal on “History of Criminal Procedure in Modernity” (composed of 13 contributions on Belgium, Brazil, Finland, France, Italy and The... more
After describing the academic career of Professor Antonio Pérez Martín, this article describes his main lines of research. In doing so, it starts with his Proles aegediana, and then gives an account of the critical edition of several... more
Nel rigido quadro sistematico implicato dal principio di legalità durante i secoli XIX e XX, molteplici sono stati gli itinerari teorici svolti intorno al problema del rapporto tra diritto e società e sul come concepire, tramite la... more
Journée d'étude internationale "Approches épistémologiques et historiographiques du droit criminel. Jalons pour une histoire intellectuelle du droit pénal". Université de Bordeaux, vendredi 21 janvier 2022 9h00-18h00. Zoom ID: 891 7434 8921
In this article, the author analyses the activity of colonial institutions in the Philippines during the Spanish period with references to its ethnic particularities. In this sense, the “Consultas y resoluciones varias, teológicas,... more
Pandemia, caso fortuito e imprevisão The Covid-19 pandemic, acts of God and hardship (under a Brazilian Private Law perspective
Storytelling pervades almost every aspect of the law. Many narrativistic legal elements, however, have in fact been little more than historically transitory. Given the precarious status of narrative at law, I argue we should focus instead... more
Esta pesquisa investiga o período de formação do direito administrativo brasileiro, procurando compreender o modo como ele se desenvolve e as funções que cumpre no país, em comparação com as sociedades européias onde ele foi construído... more
The essay deals with the judicial activity of a criminal court of the Regno Lombardo-Veneto in the firs half of nineteenth century. It is particularly analysed the legal reasoning of the judges in front of crimes which were submitted to... more
The present study scrutinizes the outlawry and outlaws that appear in the Icelandic Family Sagas. It provides a thorough description about outlawry on the basis of extant law and saga texts as well as an analysis of referential... more
I denne boken tar Audun Kjus oss til 1200-tallet og til innføringen av dødsstraff og strafferett i Norge. Boken handler om lovgivning, henrettelsesmåter og kongelig benådning. Samtidig får vi et innblikk i middelalderens ideologi og... more
When the Greeks and surviving Armenians of present-day Turkey were forced to leave their homeland in 1922, the movable and immovable property they had to leave behind became known as „abandoned property“(emval-i metruke). In theory, this... more
Historia del Derecho moderno occidental.
Through a close textual reading and contextual analysis of a short series of early fourteenth-century manorial court roll entries, this paper draws larger conclusions about the interplay between law and equity in a medieval English manor... more
This paper argues that the Treaties of Rome and the process of European integration they heralded had a lasting impact on the development of international law. However, their significance is usually misattributed. While European law has... more
This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
Pakistani Criminal Justice System is base on adversarial system, as adopted from British Rule. there are certain inefficiencies and flaws in it. Here it is tried to dig out a few of them and recommended its solution.
The chapter offers an historical overview of Roman law as an object of legal historical research. The forms of contemporary research on Roman law are more diverse than they have ever been. This is true regarding its varied national... more
La base « Toulouse 1 Capitole Publications » est l’archive institutionnelle de l’université Toulouse 1. Elle a pour objectif la valorisation de la recherche de l’établissement en favorisant la diffusion libre et gratuite des travaux de... more