Left-wing Radicalism
Recent papers in Left-wing Radicalism
This article examines the reaction by the Australian Federal Government to the protest movements of the 1960s–1970s and their attempts to use public order legislation to thwart radical discontent in Australia. It argues that the Public... more
In my study I would like to draft the intellectual, political atmosphere, in which the Munka-kör (Work-circle), bearing the stamp of Lajos Kassák, was founded and formulated. It was a leftist creative community, which through its numerous... more
במאמר זה אבקש להבין כיצד בעלי השכלה אקדמאית נמוכי שכר חווים את מיקומם החברתי. הספרות שעסקה במצב זה של אי-הלימה בין המדדים השונים של הריבוד ( "סתירת סטטוס"), בחנה ומצאה תחושה חזקה של הפרת ציפיות לסטטוס לכיד. בבחינה פתוחה של חוויות המשכילים... more
En la segunda mitad de los años setenta surgieron en Andalucía potentes reivindicaciones en defensa de una autonomía en igualdad de condiciones con las llamadas “nacionalidades históricas”, con la pretensión de dar solución a su grave... more
FC St. Pauli is a football club unlike any other. Encompassing music, sport and politics, its fans welcome refugees, fight fascists and take a stand against all forms of discrimination. This book goes behind the skull and crossbones... more
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
This book deals with the formation of state surveillance and the emergence of institutionalized political policing in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Little has been written on this early formative period for the British security... more
in Evan Smith and Matthew Worley (eds.), Waiting for the Revolution: The British Far Left from 1956. Vol. II, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017).
and Keywords At the start of the last century a modern tradition of literary radicalism crystallized with inspiring results. From 1900 onward, socialists and bohemians yoked their ideals to become a marathon of forward-thinking activist... more
Zu den schillerndsten Persönlichkeiten des intellektuellen linkskommunistischen Milieus der Weimarer Republik zählten die Eheleute Franz Pfemfert und Alexandra Ramm-Pfemfert. Sie arbeitete als Übersetzerin, er gab die vor allem in... more
A l’instar des formations politiques européennes, les partis politiques français sont confrontés à plusieurs défis et soumis à nombre de tensions à l’aube de ce XXIe siècle, alors même que leur attractivité n’a jamais semblé aussi... more
Lead by some of the most prominent figures of the US student movement, the Weather Underground mostly recruited from the upper-class and ivy-league colleges peaking at cadres in almost every larger city throughout the country. By 1974,... more
O ensaio traça uma genealogia histórica do crescimento do identitarismo de esquerda no Brasil, de 2002 a 2017, e finaliza com um exercício de perspectivismo político a partir do pontos de não-contato entre o centro e a esquerda.
Консерватив нь улс төрийн баруун жигүүрт, Социал демократ нь зүүн жигүүрт хамаардаг үзэл баримтлал билээ. Яг уг чанартаа нийгмийн халамж нь консервативчуудын бодлого ба тодорхой хэлбэл, хүүхдийн мөнгө нь гэртээ суугч эмэгтэйг гэртээ... more
Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master in Political Philosophy.
Linke Nahostdiskurse im Spannungsfeld von Erinnerungszwang und Erinnerungsabwehr. Immer wieder wird in Deutschland kontrovers diskutiert, ob, wann und warum israelkritische Positionen zum Nahostkonflikt nur kaschierter Antisemitismus... more
Formal university and college Intelligence Studies degree programs have experienced a pronounced growth in recent years, exhibiting a richness in diversity and engagement in both institutional type and instructional delivery. At face... more
Published in Radical Left Movements in Europe / Ed. by M. Wennerhag, C. Fröhlich, and G. Piotrowski. Routledge, 2017, pp. 211-229. The Ukrainian new left provides an important case for understanding how radical movements build... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. ISBN 978-3-88619-440-7 (Band 8/I) ISBN... more
Studies on Nigerian national interest and Nigerians role in conflict management in Africa can be divided into two groups according to major research questions they are interested in. The first group examine the conditions under which... more
After the Second World War, it slowly became clear that the implementation of violence had been “decentralized”. If during XIX and half of XX century violence vastly took place in the territories of great powers and the central actors of... more
For many, the discourse on anarchists' violence belongs to the past, to an era that shocked the world but ended a long time ago. However, this assumption is not accurate in the twentieth-first century. It ignores the reality that allows... more
Durch Ausschreitungen in Wien, gewaltsame Eskalationen in Frankreich und Einschüchterungsversuche in Deutschland erregten die türkischultranationalistisch gesinnten »Grauen Wölfe« in jüngerer Vergangenheit politische und mediale... more
[From 2014.] Since the financial crisis of 2008 and the global popular protests of 2011, more people have begun to wonder and speculate: what's next for civilization? The economic, social, and political status quo seems unsustainable, but... more
In recent years, and especially after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, right-wing and left-wing populist parties and movements have enjoyed significant political success in Europe. One of these parties is SYRIZA in Greece. In... more
"Opposing the neoliberal rhetoric of a shining middle-class India, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has, since 2004, called for a New Democratic Revolution. Indian Maoists dismiss parliamentary democracy as a sham insofar as it fails... more
This report focuses on the case of Greece, where the phenomenon of radicalisation has been present throughout the period from the mid-1970s. Greece displays one of the most persistent problems of terrorism in Europe, raising anew the... more
Problematika významu progresívnej hudobnej kultúry so zameraním na psychedelický rock a kraut-rock v rámci tzv. kontrakultúry je vo vedeckej monografii reflektovaná z viacerých interdisciplinárnych, kulturologických a... more
The global economic crisis, the popular discontent against traditional parties and post-democratic forms of governance, as well as the sharp increase in migrant and refugee arrivals have led to the resurgence of populist parties around... more
Final version published in Contemporary Left-Wing Activism, vol 2, edited by Joseph Ibrahim and John Michael Roberts, Routledge, 2019, pp. 174-190.
МАРКСИСТКАТА ТЕОРИЯ И ПРОИЗВОДСТВОТО НА НЕЗНАНИЕ В тази книга ще бъдат разгледани някои елементи в развитието на производствените отношения и преди всичко извличането на принадена стойност посредством... more
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
The belle epoque of neo-socialdemocracy during the second half of the 1990s and the first half of the 2000s marked the last step in the exhaustion of the utopian energies that had emerged from the 1960s cultural rebellion. Its inscription... more
In this episode of Sikh Archives, we are joined by Pritam Singh who is a scholar and professor of Economics at Oxford Brookes University where his main areas of teaching interest and expertise are development economics, environmental... more