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Abstract: Sowohl die Qualität der entwickelten Software und ihre Fehlerquote als auch ihre Kosten in der Wartungsphase sind trotz Softwareentwicklungsumgebun-gen, Vorgehensmodellen und Werkzeugen nicht befriedigend. Zuverlässige Soft-ware... more
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 Abstract— Functionally Graded Material (FGM) belongs to a class of advanced material characterized by variation in properties as the dimension varies. The overall properties of FMG are unique and different from any of the individual... more
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      Computer ScienceLecture notes
Although adaptive applications are increasing in popularity, there are only a few approaches that focus on their generalization or the specification of a reference model. Trying to fill this gap, this paper presents a reference model for... more
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      Computer ScienceAdaptive HypermediaMethodologyHypertext
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsGenealogyLearning and Teaching
Growing environmental concern has lead to much attention for industrial recovery of used products and materials. Driven by customer expectations and legislative regulation manufacturers are to an increasing extend held responsible for the... more
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ePubLibre Este documento se sobrescribirá cuando realices cambios en Play Libros. Debes hacer una copia de este documento antes de editarlo.
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Data preprocessing plays an important role in many processes of data mining. The practice widely adopted in this area is only to use a preprocessing method like discretization. In this paper we propose an ordered scheme to combine various... more
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      Computer ScienceData MiningLecture notesData Preprocessing
Mes notes de lecture du deuxième volume des 'Essais, articles, lettres' de George Orwell.
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      LectureLecture notes
The primary purpose of this investigation was to explore if gender is related to note-taking in a large undergraduate sample (divided relatively evenly between males and females), and if it is, to examine the cognitive (handwriting speed,... more
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      EducationLecture notesGender DifferencesLanguage Culture and Communication
This paper introduces a novel kinesthetic interaction technique for interactive floors. The interaction techniques utilize vision-based limb tracking on an interactive floor – a 12 m2 glass surface with bottom projection. The kinesthetic... more
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      Learning EnvironmentLecture notesLarge Displays
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsHuman Computer InteractionComputer Vision
Crew scheduling is a very well known problem which has been historically associated with airlines and mass transit companies; recently also railway applications have come on the scene. This now happens especially in Europe, where... more
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      Lecture notesLarge Scale
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      Internet StudiesThe InternetLecture notesLectura Y Escritura
Abstract. The identification of the user's intention or interest through queries that they submit to a search engine can be very useful to offer them more adequate results. In this work we present a framework for the identification... more
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      Supervised LearningUnsupervised LearningLecture notesSearch Engine
Dynamic memory allocation has been a fundamental part of most computer systems since roughly 1960, and memory allocation is widely considered to be either a solved problem or an insoluble one. In this survey, w e describe a variety of... more
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Geochemistry of Stable Isotopes-An Introduction
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      GeochemistryStable Isotope GeochemistryLecture notes
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationMLearningOnline Learning
USMLE® is a joint program of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), which neither sponsor nor endorse this product. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American... more
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      PharmacologyMedical SciencesPharmacyMedicine
1. The Insanity Defense
2. Personality Disorders
3. A Critique of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)
4. The Myth of Mental Illness
5. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) in the DSM V
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      Clinical PsychologyMental HealthPersonality DisordersMental Illness
Pb01: An m 1 = 485-gram brass block sits in boiling water (T 1 = 100 C). It is taken out of the boiling water and placed in a cup containing m 2 = 485 grams of ice water (T 2 = 0 C). What is the final temperature, T F , of the system... more
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      Lecture notesNotes
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IAS No. 7 Cash flow Q and A
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This paper reviews and discusses research on notetaking during academic listening conducted in both first (L1) and second language (L2) contexts and is organized into two main categories: research that is beginning to impact English for... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTESOLTeaching English As A Foreign Language
[Advanced Engineering Mathematics Notes]

This lecture notes wouldn't be completed without the proper guidance of the wonderful professor/s, Engineer Charity Hope Gayatin.
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      Civil EngineeringAdvanced Engineering MathematicsLecture notesNotes
Nội dung:
-Tập trình điều kiện hóa cổ điển của Watson
-Thorndike: học thông qua thử và sai + quy luật hiệu quả
-Tập trình điều kiện hóa từ hệ quả của Skinner.
-Hệ sinh thái của Bronfenbrenner.
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    • Lecture notes
This meta-analysis compared the educational impact of the method of notetaking in the college classroom – hand written or using electronic device. The findings involved 14 studies combining 3,075 participants demonstrated that using... more
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      PsychologyInstructional TechnologyClassroom ManagementHandwriting
Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos, 1782
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cng 100 , non credit course for economics students.
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These notes are a quick introduction to basic point-set topology. They have their origins in a course I conducted at MTTS 2003, and have been refined through subsequent use in MSF's graduate program.
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      General TopologyTopologyLecture notes
Maria T. Sanchez University of Aberdeen UK ABSTRACT Interpreting trainees usually need some time and a lot of practice before they fully realize that note-taking in consecutive interpreting is only an aid to memory and a result of fully... more
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      PsychologyTranslation StudiesMachine TranslationTranslation theory
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      LawPhilosophyInternational LawLegal History
Introducing agile practices into software organizations impacts how projects are planned, coordinated and tracked. In this panel, we discussed commonalities and differences between agile project management and more traditional ideas.... more
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      Software Project ManagementProject managerCase StudyCommand and Control
Demokrasi dalam beberapa literature dipahami sebagai pemerintahan oleh rakyat, apabila tidak dijalankan atas kehendak rakyat maka dinamakan otoriter.
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In most natural waters, the supply of oxygen to water (diffusion from the atmosphere and production from underwater photosynthesis) exceeds the amount used in oxygen-consuming processes, and fish seldom have problems obtaining enough... more
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      FisheriesAquacultureLecture notes
Tort Q-Define Tort, and its essentials.
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      LawInternational LawIndian LawLaw of Torts
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UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB [MA-Part 2 ANNUAL EXAMINATION_2020] Subject: Political Science, Paper: VI (Comparative Political Systems) You can get Solved Paper by emailing at [email protected]. PARTICULARLY DESIGNED FOR THE STUDENTS... more
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      Constitutional LawConstitutional PoliticsHistory of PakistanCSS
as applied to mineral exploration in Manitoba, Canada
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      Exploration GeophysicsLecture notes
[Theory of Structures 1 / Structural Analysis 1 Notes]

This lecture notes wouldn't be completed without the proper guidance of the wonderful professor/s, Engineer John Mark Payawal.
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      Civil EngineeringStructural AnalysisLecture notesNotes
Systems can be classified as: •Open: mass and energy can be transferred between system and surroundings •Closed: energy can be transferred but not mass •Isolated: Neither energy nor mass can be transferred between system and surroundings... more
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Interpreting trainees usually need some time and a lot of practice before they fully realize that note-taking in consecutive interpreting is only an aid to memory and a result of fully understanding what has been said, without paying too... more
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      Translation StudiesMachine TranslationTranslation theoryTranslation of Poetry
nota power point untuk rujukan semua
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      Tugas kuliahLecture notesNotesPower Point
Tóm tắt buổi học môn lý thuyết học tập
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François-René de Chateaubriand, 1811
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      JerusalemCitationsLitterature de VoyagesFrançois-René de Chateaubriand
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      ChemistryLecture notesSPM 2014NOTA
The first law of thermodynamics is an extension of the law of conservation of energy "The change in internal energy of a system is equal to the difference between heat added to the system and the work done by the system" The first law of... more
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