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... Both authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Public Sector Leadership Development Programme Steering Committee (Roma Bridger, Cathy Mercer, and Karen Taylor) and Memorial University's Gardiner Centre (Susan Arscott,... more
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      Knowledge TransferPublic sectorBusiness and ManagementConceptual Model
Introduction. Emotions have been proven to have significant impact on cognitive and motivational aspects of learning. Choosing appropriate activities to stimulate learners' positive emotions can thus greatly promote learning. Aim. The... more
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      EnglishEmotionsForeign LanguageLearning Activities
The broad aims of this study are to gain insight into employees'on-the-job learning activities to help them improve their on-the-job learning. The authors define on-the-job learning styles and operationalize the concept to include... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentSituation awarenessHuman ResourceLearning Style
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      PsychologySocial InteractionRole of the Educational PsychologistEducational
Recent educational changes in China such as the decentralization policy and the marketization of education have introduced concepts such as performativity, competition and effectiveness to the education sector and they have become part of... more
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      Teacher EducationService LearningCase StudiesProfessional Development
This paper presents the results obtained with the implementation of a series of learning activities based on Mobile Serious Games (MSGs) for the development of problem solving and collaborative skills in Chilean 8th grade students. Three... more
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      Experimental DesignHigher Order ThinkingProblem SolvingComputers in Education
Special interest groups or communities of practice are seen as important mechanisms for knowledge sharing in the knowledge management literature. However, there are few empirical studies of communities of practice in the software... more
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      Software EngineeringKnowledge ManagementAction ResearchKnowledge sharing
To investigate (i) the differential changes in premenstrual symptoms, mood, cognitions, and coping strategies during two treatments [cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and fluoxetine] for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and (ii)... more
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      Anxiety DisordersCoping StrategiesTreatment OutcomeClinical Decision Making
Learning activities with tangible user interfaces provide the benefits of active and peer mediated learning, while offering assistance from an autonomous guide on the side. Yet tangible user interfaces must typically be custom developed... more
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      Computer VisionLearning ActivitiesTangible User interfaceFront end
In this article, we discuss the complexity of geometric proofs with respect to a theoretical analysis and empirical results from studies in Taiwan and Germany. Based on these findings in both countries, specific teachings experiments with... more
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      Western EuropeStatistical AnalysisEast AsiaLearning Activities
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      Information TechnologyTeaching and LearningEducational ResearchICT
Interest is increasingly being recognized as an effective motivator for learning, however neither the constructivist learning environment design literature nor the motivation research literature directly address the challenges of... more
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      Active LearningLearning DesignLearning ObjectLearning Activities
This paper was formed in 2018 for an undergraduate project which I was supposed to conduct at a secondary school. I observed many aspects in an English language teacher's classroom such as the activities and approaches used in the... more
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      Classroom ManagementApproaches of English Language TeachingLearning ActivitiesL1 Interference
Background: Graduate Diploma in Midwifery students at an Australian university poorly evaluated a compulsory theoretical subject (unit of study) titled Becoming a Reflective Practitioner over several years. Method: Authentic... more
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      NursingReflective PracticeLearning ActivitiesClinical Simulation In Nursing Education
This paper focuses on a pilot study in which a social video application, MoViE, was used to teach basic HCI concepts in bachelor -level education. The aim of the study was to examine the problem space of educational mobile video blogging... more
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      Mobile LearningMobile VideoSocial MediaActivity Theory
How does teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge ("TPACK") inform their instructional planning? How can this knowledge be enhanced? In an interpretivist study of experienced secondary social studies teachers' planning, we... more
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      ManagementCognitive ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunication
Today's World Wide Web (WWW) well-known as Web 2.0 consist of social networking sites, blogs, wikis, and hosted services, video sharing sites, web applications, and so on. It also embraces E-learning Management system. It is a process in... more
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      Semantic WebDistance LearningLearning StyleTeaching Methods
To cite this article: Fang-Wu Tung (2013): Effects of emotional feedback on children, using different modalities, Interactive Learning Environments, 21:1, 3-17
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      Social PresenceSocial PerceptionFacial expressionIntrinsic motivation
Erythema nodosum leprosum Erythema nodosum leprosum presents with painful erythematous and violaceous nodules, mostly involving the extremities of patients with lepromatous leprosy. The onset of these nodules is accompanied by severe... more
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      SarcoidosisAutoimmune DiseaseSystemic Lupus ErythematosusVasculitis
In this study on 32 teachers' learning in an informal learning environment, we analyzed changes in conceptions and behavior regarding students' active and self-regulated learning (ASL), and relations with the teachers' learning... more
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      Informal LearningActive LearningProfessional DevelopmentWorkplace Learning
A review of recent research was conducted to assemble evidence on the impact that Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) may have on improving student learning outcomes. IRI is an instructional tool designed to deliver a family of active... more
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      EngineeringTeaching and LearningActive LearningMeasurement and Evaluation
According to expectancy-value theories, increasing the utility value of a learning activity should result in higher motivation and better learning. In contrast, self-determination theory posits that the content of the future goals... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEducational PsychologyPersistence
Project-based learning engages students in problem solving through artefact design. However, previous studies of online project-based learning have focused primarily on the dynamics of online collaboration; students' knowledge... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial InteractionProblem SolvingCommunity of Inquiry
The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has enabled students to learn in an environment that combines learning resources from both the real world and the digital world. Although such an approach has been recognized as being... more
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      Mobile LearningMobile TechnologyLocation-AwarenessLearning resource
This paper presents an educational intervention, involving 20 interior design students selecting a colour scheme for a 3D computer model of an interior, and then experiencing its effect in a semi-immersive Virtual Reality (VR)... more
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      Interior DesignVirtual RealityComputer ModelLearning Activities
In our continuously changing society, a need for updating one's skills and knowledge puts pressure on safeguarding the labour market position of low-qualified employees. However, prior research and official statistics show that employees... more
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      EducationLifelong LearningSurvey ResearchSelf Directedness
How well one retains new information depends on how actively it is processed during learning. Active attempts to retrieve information from memory result in more learning than passive observation of the same information (the generation... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceVisual perceptionLearning
In this study, relations between learning activities of teachers and changes in their beliefs were examined. Thirty-four teachers in Dutch secondary education were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their beliefs about teaching... more
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      Teaching and LearningSecondary EducationTeaching MethodsTeacher Learning
The rapid change in our entire life influences directly or indirectly the systems that controls our knowledge, skills and behaviour. The evolution of our culture is one of the major indicators for this change. Our educational system has... more
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      Instructional DesignLifelong LearningFormative AssessmentCritical Thinking
Previous research seems to support the assumption that students need instructional guidance to activate and correct their preconceptions. Such an instructional strategy is the CONTACT strategy, characterised by continuous,... more
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      Selective AttentionConceptual changeTeacher TrainingInstructional Strategies
This exploratory study took place in the context of middle school information science in Greece, to examine possible relations between boys' and girls': value and efficacy beliefs about computers and information science; perceived... more
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      Information ScienceGender StudiesComputer Science EducationValues
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      Science EducationSocial InteractionData CollectionLearning Activities
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      Instructional DesignComputer Science EducationStatistical AnalysisBlended Learning
The mathematical problems, tasks, demonstrations, and exercises that teachers and students engage with in classrooms are, in general, specific instantiations of general principles. Indeed, the usual purpose of such examples is to... more
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      Teaching and LearningStudent EngagementPedagogical Content KnowledgeMathematics Teaching
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      Reading ComprehensionSpecial Educational NeedsHigh FrequencyAcademic Performance
“TenTen 4 Kids” provides valuable source for both in-service and pre-service teachers. The channel has lots of activities to be used in your classes. Enjoy them with your students! Do not forget to follow the channel for new videos to be... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageCreativityLearning and Teaching
Just what and how eight experienced teachers in four coaching dyads learned during a 1-year reciprocal peer coaching trajectory was examined in the present study. The learning processes were mapped by providing a detailed description of... more
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      Professional DevelopmentTeacher LearningLearning ActivitiesLearning Process
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      Creative WritingTeaching and LearningEducationIntellectual Property
RPP Kedudukan Titik dalam ruang dalam dimensi tiga,
kemampuan berpikir kreatif,
strategi metakognitif.
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      Mathematics EducationStrategic PlanningCreative thinkingLearning Activities
Research has shown that parents' perceived parental self-efficacy (PSE) plays a pivotal role in promoting their children's successful adjustment. In this study, we further explored this issue by comparing psychosocial adaptation in... more
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      PsychologyViolenceDepressionAdolescent Development
In this paper we describe how we have integrated several techniques of the "Design thinking" (DT) into the User Center Design (UCD) methodology in the process of development of project as a learning activity. The experimental activity has... more
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      EducationEngineering EducationHigher EducationUser Centred Design
ffective instructional practices are crucial to addressing the educational crisis facing many Hispanic students in the United States. The number of Hispanic students attending public schools has increased dramatically in recent decades,... more
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      PovertySocial ProblemsTeacher DevelopmentCooperative Learning
In the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum of 2013 or the K to 12 program problems such as lack of learning materials has become a burden not only to students but teachers. Due to this... more
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      BiologyLearning ActivitiesSenior High SchoolsLearning module
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      Active LearningLearning StyleLearning Activities
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      Teacher EducationReportLearning ActivitiesActivities
Much remains unknown in the increasingly important field of e-learning in organizations. Drawing on a large-scale survey of employees (N = 557) who had opportunities to participate in voluntary e-learning activities, the factors... more
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      Instructional DesignTheory of Planned BehaviourTrainingSelf Efficacy
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      Student EngagementSchool PsychologyLearning EnvironmentGroup work
An educational web-based design tool for permanent-magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) is presented in this article. This tool, named Emetor, has been developed to be used in an undergraduate course on permanent-magnet machines. The... more
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      Design ToolLearning ActivitiesEducational EnvironmentAxial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine
The study sought to develop authentic learning activities in Grade 10 Cookery to determine its relationship with the performance of eighty-five (85) grade 10 students from Santo Tomas Integrated National High School, Calauan, Laguna... more
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    • Learning Activities
In the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum of 2013 or the K to 12 program problems such as lack of learning materials has become a burden not only to students but teachers. Due to this... more
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      BiologyLearning ActivitiesSenior High SchoolsLearning module