Leaf Morphology

802 papers
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Leaf morphology is the study of the form, structure, and arrangement of leaves in plants. It encompasses the analysis of leaf shape, size, venation patterns, and surface characteristics, which are crucial for understanding plant adaptation, photosynthesis efficiency, and ecological interactions.
Transgenic plants of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L) and European plum (Prunus domestica L) were produced by transforming with the apple class 1 KNOX genes (MdKN1 and MdKN2) or corn KNOX1 gene. Transgenic tobacco plants were regenerated in... more
Tolerance to drought remains poorly described for Jatropha curcas accessions from different geographical and climatic origins. To address this issue we studied the response of two J. curcas accessions, one from Indonesia (wet tropical... more
The pattern of development of the inflorescence is an important characteristic in ornamental plants, where the economic value is in the flower. The genetic determinism of inflorescence architecture is poorly understood, especially in... more
An investigation was carried out during the first and second crop seasons of 2010 at College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala (India) to examine the growth and developmental pattern of blood grass (Isachne miliacea... more
Rolleri, C. H.; Martinez, O. G. & Prada, C. 2010. Huperzia reflexa and Lycopodiella cernua (Lycopodiales-Pteridophyta): two new re- cords to the NW of Argentina, and updates on their morphology. Bot. Complut. 34: 41-48. Huperzia reflexa... more
Aim  We ask whether contemporary forests of the Chilean Coastal Range can be considered to be direct and conservative descendants of pre‐Pleistocene palaeofloras that occurred in southern South America from the Palaeogene to early Neogene... more
The effect of plant growth regulator concentrations and ageing of callus on the extent and nature of variation among callus culture regenerants of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) cv. Redcoat was examined. Plants regenerated from callus... more
In spite of the relative importance of groundwater in costal dune systems, studies concerning the responses of vegetation to ground water (GW) availability variations, particularly in Mediterranean regions, are scarce. Thus, the main... more
In this study, leaf morphology was assessed in a mixed oak stand (western France) using two geometric morphometric (landmark and outline) datasets and one dataset of 19 leaf measures. Adult oaks (817 oaks), comprising four white oak... more
In this study, leaf morphology was assessed in a mixed oak stand (western France) using two geometric morphometric (landmark and outline) datasets and one dataset of 19 leaf measures. Adult oaks (817 oaks), comprising four white oak... more
Through field studies, cotton responses to dual stresseswaterlogging and low light (shade) were investigated. The hypothesis was that shade would amplify yield losses in waterlogged (WL) cotton. Either early or late in the reproductive... more
Rice is one of the major staple foods of India. India needs to produce 84 million tons more food grains than it currently produces (315.6 million tons) to meet the demands of 1.65 billion people by 2050. Weeds are among the most severe... more
In Chilean evergreen temperate forest, fern species of the genus Blechnum occur in diverse microhabitats ranging from large gaps to heavily shaded understoreys. We hypothesised that differences in the ecological breadth of three... more
Bispyribac-sodium [sodium 2,6-bis(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzoate] is a selective herbicide of the group of pyrimidinebenzoates, employed in commercial formulation for the post-emergent control of weeds in the culture of irrigated... more
Increasing aridity is one of the most important trends of current climate change. Leaf functional traits suggest a substantial basis for assessing the aridity effects on vegetation. However, since plants possess diverse leaf morphology... more
Berberis microphylla G. Forst is a fruit shrub native from Patagonia, considered as a non-timber forest product. In recent years, there has been an increased demand for its fruits, both for fresh and industrialized consumption, being the... more
Berberis microphylla G. Forst is a fruit shrub native from Patagonia, considered as a non-timber forest product. In recent years, there has been an increased demand for its fruits, both for fresh and industrialized consumption, being the... more
Contents 1 General Introduction 2 Growth characteristics in H. spontaneum populations from different habitats 3 Variation in relative growth rate and growth traits in fifteen Hordeum species 4 Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for... more
The difficulty of manual hoe weeding presents a major challenge to the adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) by smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. Herbicide use is known to reduce manual hoe weeding requirements during the season while... more
Parasite damage strongly affects dynamics of boreal forests. Damage levels may be affected by climate change, either directly or indirectly through changes in properties of host trees. We examined how herbivore and pathogen damage in... more
Clines in traits across hybrid zones reflect a balance between natural selection and gene flow. Changes over time in average values for traits, and especially the shapes of their clines, are rarely investigated in plants, but could result... more
by KF Cao
We investigated the effect of growth irradiance (I) on photon-saturated photosynthetic rate (P max), dark respiration rate (R D), carboxylation efficiency (CE), and leaf mass per unit area (LMA) in seedlings of the following four tropical... more
Syntaxins and other SNARE proteins are crucial for intracellular vesicle trafficking, fusion, and secretion. Previously, we isolated the syntaxin-related protein NtSyr1 (NtSyp121) from tobacco in a screen for abscisic acid-related... more
Whether leaf morphology is altered by future increases in atmospheric CO 2 and temperature has been reexamined during three years in wheat grown in field chambers at two levels of nitrogen supply. Flag leaf fresh and dry mass, area,... more
Whether leaf morphology is altered by future increases in atmospheric CO 2 and temperature has been reexamined during three years in wheat grown in field chambers at two levels of nitrogen supply. Flag leaf fresh and dry mass, area,... more
Phenotypic plasticity may allow organisms to cope with variation in the environmental conditions they encounter in their natural habitats. Salt adaptation appears to be an excellent example of such a plastic response. Many plant species... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Zelkova species, trees of the elm family (Ulmaceae), are part of the Cenozoic relict flora. In western Eurasia, the genus comprises three species that are restricted to disjunct areas (Z. sicula on Sicily, Z. abelicea on Crete and Z.... more
The aim of the present work was to largely identify the scale insects and fungi living on mango leaves in order to find out from their biology whether there is a possible relationship between the two groups of organisms so that specific... more
Aims: The study aimed to investigate the physiological behaviour of cupuaçu tree progenies subjected to water deficiency. Study Design: The experimental design was completely randomised, in a 2x7 factorial scheme (2 water regimes: with... more
Purificazione e attività antimicrobica di estratti ottenuti da foglie di piante africane appartenenti alla famiglia delle Combretaceae SUMMARY The dry leaves of two African plants of the Combretaceae family, furnished by the botanist of... more
Purificazione e attività antimicrobica di estratti ottenuti da foglie di piante africane appartenenti alla famiglia delle Combretaceae SUMMARY The dry leaves of two African plants of the Combretaceae family, furnished by the botanist of... more
The accumulation of substances associated with PM 2.5 [polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals] on leaves of Pyrus calleryana (pear) and TiliaÂeuchlora (linden) along an urban road was investigated. These species have similar... more
Plant-water relationships, leaf morphology and concentrations of pigments, proline, solu- ble sugars, anthocyans and nutrients of after wildfire resprout leaves of Arbutus unedo L. were com- pared with those of same age sprout leaves in... more
A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2007 at Main Research Station, UAS Hebbal, Bangalore to study cob growth pattern in maize using empirical models under different weed management practices. Quadratic and linear models were... more
A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2007 at the Main Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore, under irrigated conditions to know the pattern of dry matter production in maize using empirical... more
To produce large volumes of biomass for implementing its green energy policy, the Government of Indonesia has issued a short rotation energy plantation program for a number of tree species including Calliandra calothyrsus (Meissn.).... more
Weeds compete with rice for sunlight, nutrients and water, and may reduce the yield. However, in traditional rice farming systems farmers utilize many kinds of weeds for food, forage or household purposes. Rice weeds are also utilized to... more
Plant-water relationships, leaf morphology and concentrations of pigments, proline, soluble sugars, anthocyans and nutrients of after wildfire resprout leaves of Arbutus unedo L. were compared with those of same age sprout leaves in... more
Chloroplast DNA restriction-site comparisons were made among 24 species of the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Argyroxiphium, Dubautia, and Wilkesia) and 7 species of North American perennial tarweeds in Adenothamnus, Madia, Raillardella,... more
The increased pressure to maintain high level of rice output for consumption has resulted in increased use of pesticides on rice fields in Malaysia. This study attempts to analyze the pesticide use on human health and on the environment.... more
The genus Mangifera L. belongs to the family Anacardiaceae, order Sapindales (Litz & Hormaza, 2020). Kostermans & Bompard (1993) recognizes 69 species of Mangifera based on flower morphology. Most of these are included in two subgenera... more
Plant surface areas were measured from samples of two common submersed aquatics with widely diverging morphologies: Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) and water stargrass (Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) MacM.). Measures for the... more
The characters of Quercus robur and Q. petraea leaves are of main taxonomic value and the adult trees of both species can be distinguished on them. However, young individuals, mostly seedlings but also saplings, are told to be... more
Pinnate compound leaves have laminae called leaflets distributed at intervals along an axis, the rachis, whereas simple leaves have a single lamina. In simple- and compound-leaved species, the PHANTASTICA (PHAN) gene is required for... more
Polyploidy has the utmost importance in horticulture for the development of new ornamental varieties with desirable morphological traits referring to plant size and vigor, leaf thickness, larger flowers with thicker petals, intense color... more
Polyploidy has the utmost importance in horticulture for the development of new ornamental varieties with desirable morphological traits referring to plant size and vigor, leaf thickness, larger flowers with thicker petals, intense color... more
The regal pelargonium, cv. Dubonnet, was transformed using the disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains LBA4404 or EHA105 containing the binary vector pLN70. This plasmid carries on its T-DNA the rolC gene from Agrobacterium rhizogenes... more