The problem and the aim of the study. The problem of teacher turnover has always been one of the important challenges faced by the private education system. The universality of the research problem and the importance of the research... more
Welcome to our website, your gateway to a world of free books and insightful summaries! Whether you're a fan of thrilling novels, inspiring biographies, or
Welcome to our website, your gateway to a world of free books and insightful summaries! Whether you're a fan of thrilling novels, inspiring biographies, or
Abstract In his book, The Republic, Plato, 2500 years ago, posited what seemed to him an ideal way to train political leaders, those that would become philosopher kings and rule the human polity with wisdom and dispassionate interests.... more
Despite extensive research on talent management, its direct effects on employee commitment and well-being are often overlooked, particularly in the construction industry. This study addresses this gap by exploring the relationships... more
This study examines the phenomenon of power relations in mentoring novice teachers, through the prism of Clutterbuck’s developmental mentoring model. Novice teachers are those who are in their first five years of professional teaching.... more
Over the past years, beverages with excessive sugar, caffeine and sodium were consumed more. Today, consumers have been more educated, prefer healthier options, and growing trend of healthy lifestyle have led to an increase demand for... more
Kľúčové slová / Key Words communication mix, microbreweries, cluster method, tools of marketing communications, groups of communication mix komunikační mix, minipivovary, cluster metoda, nástroje marketingové komunikace, skupiny... more
Donald Trump’s recent election victory for a second term as US President raises concerns about the future of American foreign policy and its implications for the world order. The “America First” approach that Trump adopted in his first... more
Donald Trump’s recent election victory for a second term as US President raises concerns about the future of American foreign policy and its implications for the world order. The “America First” approach that Trump adopted in his first... more
Achieving academic excellence and promoting Nigeria's economic development by offering topnotch education are the main objectives of the university's establishment. Collaborative leadership, high-quality instruction and learning, staff... more
The new normal of supply chain has evolved due to the emergencies that were created by the pandemic of COVID 19. Major disruptions were seen from local, national, regional and international businesses. As countries fought to save lives,... more
Police researchers have neglected any in-depth study of campus policing. Instead, the writings and practical observations of campus law enforcers have dominated the campus police literature. This paper presents the results of a pilot... more
Improving the quality of teacher training, in order to equip teachers for high-quality education, is an important goal of the educational system in the developed countries of the world. The United States of America, Australia and Finland... more
This case study examines a conflict resolution incident at Solidarity for Afghan Families (SAF), a nongovernmental organization dedicated to empowering Afghan families against various socioeconomic challenges. Following a violent... more
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.-John Quincy Adams [Note to readers: the following is a revised version of Chapter 10 from the book Managing and Leading Software... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Beginning from creation, man has not been stationary but moved from place to place. These movements have had serious impact on the history of the world in general, Nigeria inclusive (Akanji, 2012). Migration is an inevitable part of the... more
Keterbatasan rasio tenaga perawat menyebabkan bagaimana dengan jumlah staf perawat yang terbatas, namun pelayanan keperawatan yang diberikan tetap berkualitas tinggi, salah satu strateginya yaitu dengan pengarahan dan pengawasan yang... more
College as well as Faculty Associate in Dartmouth's Consortium of Studies on Race, Migration, and Sexuality. He is the author of Divine Currency: The Theological Power of Money in the West (2018) and Economy and Modern Christian Thought... more
In this introductory chapter, we first present a brief history of the evolution of campus policing in the United States. Next, we provide an overview of existing and emerging scholarship on campus police. We then conclude with a summary... more
This study aimed to demonstrate the use of a systems theorybased accident analysis technique in health care applications as a more powerful alternative to the chain-of-event accident models currently underpinning root cause analysis... more
Introduction 1.1. Background of the Study In the late 1980s and early 1990s, dissatisfaction with traditional performance measurement systems provided the basis for 'balanced' and 'multidimensional' performance measurements. Organizations... more
An organization must grow and make profits for future development and it must be able to perform the tasks as stated in its objectives. It is necessary for the organization leadership to appreciate that the organization exists because of... more
Elemen Pengambilan Keputusan Keperawatan Yang Tepat Sebagai Salah Satu Tolak Ukur Asuhan Keperawatan
Manajemen keperawatan merupakan suatu bentuk koordinasi dan integrasi sumbersumber keperawatan dengan menerapkan proses manajemen untuk mencapai tujuan dan obyektifitas asuhan keperawatan dan pelayanan keperawatan. Proses manajemen dibagi... more
BackgroundOpen communication between leadership and frontline staff at the unit level is vital in promoting safe hospital culture. Our hospital staff culture survey identified the failure to address safety issues as one of the areas where... more
Leadership and leadership styles are considered as decisive factors to the success and failure of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The objectives of the paper are to identify benefits and drawbacks of applying three major leadership... more
The emergence of the Covid-19 Pandemic unexpectedly put the world in an era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) which made many organizations struggle to maintain their survival and bounce back to gain competitive... more
This study aims to understand the impact of leadership integrity on managerial performance in moderating role of Emotional Intelligence between the two variables. Managerial performance is dependent variable in this study and Leadership... more
Inpatient services at the X Hospital consists of Intensive Care Units and Inpatient Units. In 2014, a nurse at the unit as a whole experienced a shortfall of 66.67% from 9 rooms there. This shortage triggered theincreasing of nurse... more
Leadership is about the ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal. Leader is a lighthouse, steady in the storm, illuminating the path towards a shared goal. Enlighten yourself with 14 essential traits of a leader in this... more
Pelayanan Prima ( excellent service) merupakan upaya meningkatkan pelayanaan yang berkualitas, efisien dan efektif serta berfokus pada kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan baik internal maupun eksternal. Pelayanan yang holistik mencakup... more
Rendahnya kualitas Senior Executive Service (SES) Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) disebabkan proses seleksinya yang sangat politis dan kurang objektif, adil dan transparan. Penerapan merit sistem dalam proses seleksi Senior Executive Service... more
There is a pronounced challenge with the numerical growth of the church in some parts of the world. Accessible studies on church growth from the US and Europe give credibility to the opinion (Paas, 2017; Jordan, 2019; Burdick,2018;... more
Kepemimpinan klinis dalam keperawatan gawat darurat sangat penting untuk penyampaian layanan berkualitas tinggi secara efisien dalam situasi kacau. Bertindak sebagai kunci utama, pemimpin klinis menyediakan struktur, memandu pengambilan... more
Poses pengambilan keputusan adalah hal yang tidak dapat dihindari untuk dilakukan dalam memberikan suatu asuhan keperawatan. Seorang perawat dituntut agar bisa memberikan suatu asuhan keperawatan yang bersifat efektif sesuai kebutuhan... more
Research on transformational leadership (TL) and human resource management (HRM) typically include looking at how leaders can create a more engaged, productive workforce, and how to manage employee relationships more effectively. This... more
This research paper delves into the challenges and strategies employed by international managers navigating multicultural teams. Through semi-structured interviews with four experienced managers from diverse backgrounds, the study... more
Young people with permanent hearing loss need to transition into adult services and engagement with the transition process is required to achieve this. Although there are clear national recommendations about the transition process and... more
Management in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment-School of Engineering management. I hereby declare that this minor dissertation submitted for the Magister Philosophiae degree to the University of Johannesburg, apart... more
Background: The Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a health emergency that has caused a humanitarian crisis in most countries worldwide. The steps to prevent and protect Indonesian community members from COVID-19 are by implementing... more
Penjadwalan secara manual pada ruang ICU ini dapat mengakibatkan ketentuan ataupun aturan yang ada dalam ruangan tersebut tidak terpenuhi serta tidak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan ataupun diharapkan oleh perawat untuk beban kerja yang... more
Bahan ajar pengenalan jabatan membahas mengenai jenis-jenis jabatan (jabatan pimpinan tinggi, jabatan administasi, dan jabatan fungsional), tugas dan fungsi masing-masing jabatan, level kompetensi masing-masing jabatan dan kedudukan... more
Background of this research was regarding the problem of the development of management in educational institutions in the aspect of learning management. Teacher creativity was an essential problem that often faced by many educational... more