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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipSpiritual Leadership
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      NeuroscienceNeuropsychologyLearning and the BrainLeadership
Part from the dissertation submitted to the university of Northampton (UK) for the award of Master of Business Administration degree (MBA)
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      LeadershipOrganizational LeadershipComplexity Leadership TheoryLeadership Theory
This paper outlines an experiential learning exercise designed to improve business students' ability to apply flexible leadership. The exercise is a two-step process for which students complete a simulation and then write a... more
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      LeadershipHigher Education StudiesLeadership TheoryBusiness and management education
Absztrakt A tanulmányban részleteiben elemzem Lewin egy vezetési stílusát (demokrata), majd azt egy a 2018. évben végzett „survey” felmérés eredményeivel vetem össze. A kutatás során a forráskritika, az analízis és szintézis dialektikus... more
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      PoliceLeadership TheorySurveyLeadership styles
In order to optimize knowledge management and innovation processes through efficiency in the use of resources and efficiency in response capacity, this research is presented where a mixed model is applied, consisting of a documentary... more
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      Leadership TheoryTechnological changeGrowthGestión del Conocimiento
This chapter describes the significance of the Universal House of Justice for the development of the Bahá’í community as well as for the well-being of humanity as a whole. To understand the singular role of this global institution, the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
Dr. Kovács István Vezetői státusz, és kommunikáció a parancsuralmi rendszerben, különös tekintettel a Rendőri Hivatás Etikai Kódexére, valamint a vezetési stílusokra a Lasswell modell alapján. A személyes kapcsolatok a résztvevők... more
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      CommunicationLeadership TheoryPolice EthicsLeadership styles
Objective. Analyze the relationships between the variables of employee surveillance, supervisor support, organizational cynicism, and time pressure. Methodology.The sample group of the study consists of 417 white-collar employees in... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
"This study gathers and interprets the earliest extant references to architects in ancient Greek philosophy, as found in select works of Plato and Aristotle. Throughout this review, Plato and Aristotle [are] shown to consistently present... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPolitical PhilosophyAristophanes
This study examined the factor structure of the School Counselor Leadership Survey (SCLS). Survey development was a threefold process that resulted in a 39-item survey of 801 school counselors and school counselor supervisors. The... more
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      EducationEducational LeadershipTeacher EducationCounseling Psychology
Leaders inspire confidence and builds trust among people to attain objectives. In an organization, leadership is required at all levels to lead the team members towards organizational development. However, leadership alone cannot attain... more
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      LeadershipTransformational LeadershipOrganizational LeadershipGlobal Leadership
While practitioners and historians have long noted the importance of leadership in war, the scholarship on military effectiveness has generally ignored the role of leadership. This essay uses the scholarship on strategy, leadership, and... more
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      Military HistoryLeadershipAmerican Military HistoryKorean War
Abstract: This study explores the leadership actions-oriented behavior of school principals in Finland. Actions-orientated behavior enables the leader to appropriately articulate relations and task orientation to meet the immediate... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Purpose -This paper aims to examine how to further embed CSR thinking and practice into corporations, particularly in emerging markets, by reviewing and drawing similarities between key issues faced by all senior managers, namely ethics,... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsEthicsFree Will, Moral Responsibility
Understanding what it means and how it looks like to lead from the heart has never been made so clear. Leading from the heart is much more than a poetic metaphor. A commonly misunderstood idea, that reports great benefits for creative... more
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      HumanitiesCreativityLeadershipSpiritual Leadership
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      LeadershipGlobal LeadershipLeadership (Political Science)Leadership Theory
: In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) argued that thanks to improving technological capabilities in the areas of stand-off precision weapons, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR),... more
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      Military HistoryNaval HistoryRisk and VulnerabilityLeadership Theory
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      Leadership TheoryChristian LeadershipMissional Church TheologyKenotic Theology
What defines a leader? The trait-based approach to leadership tries to answer this question by defining the characteristics an individual needs to be a leader. This essay will discuss how the trait approach helps to gain a better... more
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      Leadership (Political Science)Leadership TheoryTraits in Leadership
Slide presentation in PDF format about an educational intervention proposal to foster a collaborative culture for inclusive special education in a junior highschool. The intervention is modelled after the Community of Inquiry framework,... more
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      Special EducationEducational LeadershipLeadership TheoryFollowership
Leadership roles in an organization
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      ManagementCommunicationLeadershipLeadership Theory
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      LeadershipTransformational LeadershipLeadership TheoryTransactional Leadership
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEconomics
This study aimed at determining the relationship of leadership trait theory on the profitability of Nigeria Bottling Company, in Benin City. Descriptive survey design was used. The target population consisted of all the eighty four (84)... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologyLeadershipHuman Resource Management
Leadership and the numerous concepts on leadership styles have been subjects of both study and debate for years. Every leader approaches challenges differently, and his or her personality traits and life experiences greatly influence his... more
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      Organizational LeadershipLeadership and EthicsLeadership TheoryLeadership and Organizational Change
Kunci untuk efektivitas kepemimpinan dipandang oleh sebagian besar varian Teori Kontingensi dengan memilih gaya yang benar dari pemimpin. Gaya ini tergantung pada interaksi faktor internal dan eksternal dengan organisasi. Pendekatan... more
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    • Leadership Theory
ABSTRACT İnsanlar ilişkilerinde iki konumda olabilir: yönlendirilen ya da yönlendiren. Lider terimi, en yalın haliyle küçük ya da büyük bir grup içerisinde yönlendiren konumunda olan kişilere gönderme yapar. Ne var ki, yönlendirici olmak... more
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipLeadership and Mentoring
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      LeadershipLeadership TheoryHumanistics
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      EntrepreneurshipHistory of Science and TechnologyInformation TechnologyPhilosophy of Technology
For decades, feminism has been a concept associated with women‟s freedom from patriarchy, and this movement started in 1848 in Europe. Several political and social movements have fought on the side of women for gender equality over... more
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      Indigenous StudiesFeminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyIndigenous Politics
Connectivism is a learning theory first proposed by Siemens and Downes (2005, 2009) as a learning theory for the digital age. This theory proposes that learning may occur external to the learner and teacher; it exists in the multiple... more
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      Digital Media & LearningLeadership TheoryChristian LeadershipConnectivism
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      Leadership TheoryBehavioral Theory of the Firm
Purpose – This paper aims to examine how to further embed CSR thinking and practice into corporations, particularly in emerging markets, by reviewing and drawing similarities between key issues faced by all senior managers, namely ethics,... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsEthicsCorporate Social Responsibility
This is my PhD dissertation, which was published in 2010.
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityDeconstructionComplexity
This thesis codifies a leadership paradigm that was born out of my experience as a naval officer, a corporate manager, and a director in a non-profit program and is informed by my study of leadership over the last 30 years-culminating in... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementOrganizational ChangeOrganizational Learning
Butuh banyak koreksi, sebelum selasa depan ;)
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      ManagementLeadership Theory
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      ManagementLeadershipTransformational LeadershipLeadership Development
This paper highlights the leadership actions that I would take as a new senior manager in an organisation to effectively lead 57 employees and extract 100% productivity. It is critical to first acknowledge that an organisation has many... more
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      Leadership TheoryBusiness ManagementStrategic Management and Leadership
This thesis codifies a leadership paradigm that was born out of my experience as a naval officer, a corporate manager, and a director in a non-profit program and is informed by my study of leadership over the last 30 years-culminating in... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychologyOrganizational ChangeOrganizational Learning
The aim of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is to restore one of the most critical resources for businesses’ sustainability: trust. However, the current practice of CSR begs the question whether CSR initiatives restore trust or... more
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      LeadershipTrustTrust Theory (Evolution of cooperation)Organizational Leadership
The aim of this chapter is to elaborate on humanistic leadership as an emerging construct invested with a strong potential to promote more humane, compassionate and values-based organizations. Humanistic leadership is primarily rooted in... more
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      Humanistic-ExistentialHumanismNeo-Confucian PhilosophyLeadership Theory
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      EthologyAdult EducationHigher EducationTransformational Leadership
Strategic leadership plays a crucial role in organizations operating in dynamic business environment. This paper examines the wide-ranging characteristics for an individual to be an effective strategic leader with evidence from a... more
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      ManagementLeadership DevelopmentLeadership TheoryStrategic Management and Leadership
Purpose -This paper aims to offer a dynamic theory of leadership development. Design/methodology/approach -The paper examines selected leadership literature through the lens of theory building-blocks. It identifies the role of the ideal... more
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      LeadershipTransformational LeadershipOrganizational LeadershipLeadership Development
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    • Leadership Theory
The reason for the study was to investigate the role of leadership and its impact on employee performance at Company X. It was important to undertake the study as a means to get a better understanding of how leadership at Company X... more
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      ManagementLeadershipOrganisational Performance MeasurementLeadership Theory
In this commentary we lay out what to us appear as perils of authentic leadership theory (ALT) in a modest effort to help weed out one theory that has gone amiss to pave the way for new ideas. We have made a detailed argument against... more
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      Critical TheoryLeadershipAuthenticityAuthentic Learning
Leadership is a critical input for effective and efficient running of public health organizations. Unfortunately, public health systems around the world face a serious problem of workforce deficits, especially the shortage of competent... more
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      Leadership TheoryHealth workforceHealthcare LeadershipPublic Health Leadership
A szerző a tanulmányában a klasszikus vezetési funkciók közül az ellenőrzés vezetési funkciójával foglalkozik. A tanulmányban olyan tudományos módszerek falhasználása mellett kaphatunk részletes tájékoztatást a rendőrségi ellenőrzésekről,... more
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      ControlLeadership TheoryDigital Worldvezetéselmélet