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      Business and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
Global competition, new production techniques, and rapid technological change have placed a premium on creativity and innovation. Although many variables influence creativity and innovation in organizational settings, there is reason to... more
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      Technological changeBusiness and ManagementTheory and PracticeLeadership Quarterly
Using a sample of 285 matched pairs of employees and supervisors, we explore the extent to which congruence in leader and follower ratings of LMX quality is related to follower job performance and work attitudes. An original conceptual... more
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      Business and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
This paper proposes a definition and a descriptive model of destructive leadership behaviour. Destructive leadership behaviour is defined as the systematic and repeated behaviour by a leader, supervisor or manager that violates the... more
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      Job SatisfactionBusiness and ManagementConceptual ModelLeadership Quarterly
The business model that looks likely to dominate the future in the wake of the convergence between Internet and traditional economies is the ''bricks and clicks'' organization. We conducted an in-depth study of the top executives of a... more
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      Decision MakingBusiness and ManagementLearning OrganizationBusiness Model
A field study of 209 leader–follower dyads from 12 different organizations was conducted to test the moderating effects of job enrichment and goal difficulty on the relationship between transformational leadership and three follower... more
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      Organizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorPerformanceTransformational Leadership
Integrative public leadership is a process of developing partnerships across organizational, sectoral and/or jurisdictional boundaries that create public value. This paper explores the concept in the context of the literature and... more
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      CatalystsBusiness and ManagementNorth CarolinaIntegration
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBusiness and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
This study adopts a qualitative approach to deconstruct the meaning of followership. Interviews were conducted with employees in various industries to examine how individuals socially construct their roles as followers and to explore... more
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      LeadershipConflictSocial CognitionQualitative Research
Multilevel data-analytic techniques are rarely simultaneously employed and directly contrasted with each other. In this special issue of The Leadership Quarterly, hierarchical linear models (HLM), within-and-between analysis (WABA), and... more
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      Business and ManagementData CollectionLeadership QuarterlyHierarchical Linear Model
This paper explores the role that entrepreneurial leadership vision plays in the entrepreneurial process of nonprofit and for-profit ventures. The results indicate significant differences in the meaning of vision articulated for each type... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipBusiness and ManagementLeadership QuarterlyNonprofit Organization
Despite increased attention given to the attitude of organizational cynicism, few studies have examined the impact of leader cynicism in organizations. The present study sought to investigate relationships between leader cynicism about... more
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      Organizational ChangeOrganizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorTransformational Leadership
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      Business and ManagementPredictive ValidityPsychometric PropertiesMultifactor leadership questionnaire
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      Business and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
Leadership research to date has mainly focused on leaders' subjective effects. In this study, we examine the effect of different leadership styles on two financial measures of organizational performance and three measures of... more
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      Organizational ClimateBusiness and ManagementLeadership StyleOrganizational Performance
We examine the multidimensionality and level of analysis issues of the leader skill political construct and test its effect on leader effectiveness ratings using administrative personnel from a public school district. Using a target... more
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      Business and ManagementSocial SkillLeadership QuarterlyTwo Dimensions
Traditional models see leadership as a form of zero-sum game in which leader agency is achieved at the expense of follower agency and vice versa. Against this view, the present paper argues that leadership is a vehicle for social... more
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      Social ChangeSocial IdentityBusiness and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
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      Business and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
To date, the dominant approach to leadership research assumes that all aspects of the leadership role within a team are embodied by a single individual. In the real world, however, this is rarely the case. Rather, multiple individuals... more
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      LeadershipNetworkBusiness and ManagementUtilization
This study tested the recent path-goal leadership theory prediction [House, R.J., 1996. Path-goal theory of leadership: Lessons, legacy, and a reformulated theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 7, 323-352] that leader contingent reward... more
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      Job SatisfactionTransformational LeadershipBusiness and ManagementSocial Services
This article focuses heavily on overviewing and analyzing the seven articles in this special issue on emotions and leadership. The articles are discussed in terms of four key leadership issues. The first issue concerns the traits... more
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      Emotional intelligenceBusiness and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
We report the findings from two studies that examine the association between emotional intelligence and leadership emergence in small groups. In both studies, members of groups completed measures of emotional intelligence and other... more
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      EmotionEmotional intelligenceLeadershipBusiness and Management
While the phenomenon of leadership is widely considered to be universal across cultures, the way in which it is operationalized is usually viewed as culturally specific. Conflicting viewpoints exist in the leadership literature concerning... more
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      Business and ManagementNorth AmericaLeadership QuarterlyConfirmatory factor analyses
Recently researchers have introduced a new leadership construct, referred to as authentic leadership. There has been considerable interest in this new area of study. Scholars conducting work on authentic leadership believe that the recent... more
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      EthicsLeadershipLeadership DevelopmentBusiness and Management
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of imagery in a leader's speech on listeners' perceptions of the leader's charisma. A former US president's inaugural address was rewritten to create low and high imagery... more
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      PoliticsAffectBusiness and ManagementLeader
Departing from the functional leadership model, we propose a team leadership training model as a way to improve the performance of leadership functions and foster team effectiveness. Based on a longitudinal quasi-experimental study... more
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      LeadershipTraining and DevelopmentLeadership DevelopmentBusiness and Management
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      Organizational BehaviorLeadershipBusiness and ManagementInteractions
Given the relevance of leadership in organizational life, we designed an exploratory study to assess the neural mechanisms involved in memories of interactions with resonant and dissonant leaders (a follower-centric study). Subjects in... more
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      Business and ManagementMirror Neuron SystemPositive AffectParietal Lobe
that communication found in high-quality LMX relationships can become too time consuming or too open (e.g., too personal). Also, recognizing the importance of the nature of a subordinate's LMX relationships on other members of the... more
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      TeamworkBusiness and ManagementPublic health systems and services researchLeadership Quarterly
Using leadership theory we examined whether transformational leadership mediates the link between the emotional intelligence of team leaders and three outcomes as perceived by followers: leader effectiveness, team effectiveness, and... more
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      Emotional intelligenceTransformational LeadershipBusiness and ManagementTeam Effectiveness
Constructive-developmental theory is a stage theory of adult development that focuses on the growth and elaboration of a person's ways of understanding the self and the world. In this article we review how the constructive-developmental... more
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      Social TheoryHuman DevelopmentLeadership DevelopmentBusiness and Management
In recent years corporate social responsibility (CSR) has received increased attention in both academic and practitioner realms. The authors agree that corporate leaders play a key role in formulating and implementing CSR initiatives, but... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocially-responsible InvestingBusiness and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
While superior-subordinate relationships are expected to have a salient impact on individual work outcomes, the extant research has primarily focused on individuals working in a traditional work mode. Given the increasing popularity of... more
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      Organizational CommitmentJob SatisfactionBusiness and ManagementVirtual Work
Every 10 years or so a new management innovation comes along that generates much enthusiasm in organizations. Three hundred and sixty degree feedback has perhaps been the most notable management innovation of the 1990's. Literally... more
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      PsychologyBusiness and ManagementSelectionKepimpinan Instruksional
This study tested a model of the interactive effects of perceived job characteristics and potentially destructive leader traits on the physical and psychological strain of their subordinates and their job attitudes and commitment to the... more
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      Organizational CommitmentJob SatisfactionNegative AffectBusiness and Management
This study examines the impact of transformational leader behaviors on organizational citizenship behaviors, and the potential mediating role played by subordinates' trust and satisfaction in that process. Measures of six transformational... more
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      Organizational BehaviorLeadershipOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorBusiness and Management
This article examines whether the emotions of frustration and optimism mediate, fully or partially, the relationship between leadership style and subordinate performance in the context of structural equation modeling. The findings show... more
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      ManagementTransformational LeadershipTransactional LeadershipPerspective
The current study investigated the relative influence of vertical versus shared leadership within new venture top management teams on the performance of startups using two different samples. Vertical leadership stems from an appointed or... more
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      Business and ManagementRegression AnalysisTop Management TeamLeadership Quarterly
Edwin Locke contributed a chapter to the critique section of Craig Pearce and Jay Conger's (2003a) edited book, Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership, published by Sage. In this letter exchange, they continue their... more
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      Business and ManagementLeadership QuarterlyTop Down
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      Reflective PracticeBusiness and ManagementEthical LeadershipLeadership Quarterly
Recently, increasing numbers of scholars have argued that emotional intelligence (EI) is a core variable that affects the performance of leaders. In this study, we develop a psychometrically sound and practically short EI measure that can... more
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      Emotional intelligenceOrganizational CommitmentJob SatisfactionEmotion Regulation
This paper explores the role that entrepreneurial leadership vision plays in the entrepreneurial process of nonprofit and for-profit ventures. The results indicate significant differences in the meaning of vision articulated for each type... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipVisionBusiness and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
Leadership coaching reflects an evolving dynamic between the client and coach that is qualitatively different from most approaches to leadership development and therefore holds particular challenges for evaluation. Based on reviews of... more
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      Leadership DevelopmentBusiness and ManagementEvaluation MethodologyLeadership Quarterly
Much of the literature linking leadership style to foreign policy decision making has focused on American presidents. This article explores with what success such literature can be generalized to the study of prime ministers in... more
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      Decision MakingForeign PolicyBusiness and ManagementLeadership Style
It has been argued that political skill is one of the most important competencies leaders can possess, contributing to effectiveness in organizations. However, little empirical research has been conducted to date to test notions... more
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      Job SatisfactionBusiness and ManagementEmpirical ResearchPerceived organizational support
The contingency model of leadership effectiveness (Fiedler, 1978) has been the basis for an extensive body of research. During the last three decades, numerous studies have supported its propositions (Peters, Hartke, & Pohlmann, 1985;... more
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      Training and DevelopmentBusiness and ManagementLeadership Quarterly
Understanding how leaders develop, adapt, and perform over time is central to many theories of leadership. However, for a variety of conceptual and methodological reasons, such longitudinal research remains uncommon in the leadership... more
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      Longitudinal ResearchBusiness and ManagementLongitudinal data analysisMissing Data
This field experimental study examined the role that positive leadership plays in producing effective leader and follower outcomes. Specifically, a sample of engineers (N = 106) from a very large aerospace firm were randomly assigned to... more
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      Business and ManagementExperimental StudyLeadership Quarterly
Integrity is frequently used in the management literature as a normative descriptor, especially with regard to leadership. The study of integrity and leadership, though, suffers from a lack of a well-specified theoretical base. This paper... more
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      Business and ManagementConceptual FrameworkEthical LeadershipLeadership Quarterly
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      CreativityLeadershipComplexity TheoryBusiness and Management