Anyone approaching the study of the English law of trusts comes across “the rule in Saunders v Vautier”, named after the 1841 decision of the Court of Chancery in which it is currently assumed that it was laid down. In its narrowest form,... more
Whether payments made to contractors after automatic crystallisation of floating charge had been triggered could be recovered on grounds that they were unlawful preferences.
This article explores the evolving landscape of family provision claims in Australia and the intricate balance between testamentary freedom and familial moral obligations, particularly where bequests to charitable beneficiaries are... more
The concept of trusts, absent from the classical writings of Marx and Weber on capitalism, was introduced by Frederic Maitland and John Locke as an explanatory framework for the central institutions of capitalism. While these two... more
This article serves as an introduction to the new journal Endowment Studies ( ends ). Besides laying out the scope and goals of the periodical, it also charts the broader arc of historical scholarship on endowments. More specifically, the... more
This paper critically examines the legal doctrine of trusts, exploring its origins, development, and multifaceted role within English and Ugandan legal systems. Rooted in medieval England, the trust emerged as a legal innovation that... more
> Time Limit to File Probate.
> Clan Meeting.
> Clan Meeting.
Gli scandali finanziari del 2000, che hanno avuto il loro apice con i "Panama Papers" del 2016, ovvero l'uso improprio di veicoli societari a fini di riciclaggio di denaro, frode fiscale e finanziamento al terrorismo internazionale, sono... more
In Siu Yin Kwan v Eastern Insurance, Lord Lloyd addressed the question of whether assignment can appropriately be analogised with undisclosed agency. His Lordship considered it could not. Although scholars have impliedly (and correctly)... more
Príspevok predstavuje analýzu navrhovanej právnej úpravy inštitútu odkazu vo zverejnených pracovných verziách rekodifikovaného súkromného práva. Autor sa v príspevku venuje vymedzeniu pojmu odkaz z historickej perspektívy, konkrétne... more
Oktawian August udzielił ochrony fideikomisom uniwersalnym, to znaczy pozwolił fideikomisariuszom dochodzić spadków, które zostały już przyjęte przez dziedziców. Niewątpliwym osiągnięciem senatus consultum Pegasianum było stworzenie... more
The paper deals with the position of consumer protection rights as a part of both the system of private law and the systematic legal regulation in civil code from the point of view of the solution to this situation in Czech private law,... more
(Turfl oop Campus). He holds an LLM and LLB from the University of Venda (Univen). His LLD is in view at NorthWest University. He is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa. He has authored a book entitled Socioeconomic Rights and... more
Land Ltd, a property developer from the State of Victoria, took out a loan with the ANZ Banking Group secured by a floating charge over its assets. The bank subsequently called in the loan, an event that triggered the automatic... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Russia. – 2. Ukraine. – 3. Lithuania. – 4. Georgia. – 5. Romania. – 6. Czech Republic. – 7. Hungary. – 8. Comparison. – 8.1. Legal structure. – 8.2. Establishment. – 8.3. Registration of the trust . – 8.4. Requirements of the... more
Le percentuali minime per accedere sono in linea con le previsioni del PNRR e con i princìpi dettati dalla direttiva (UE) 2019/1023? .
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. Forme legali e prassi contrattuali di fronte al diritto penale.-2. Breve inquadramento dell'istituto fiduciario di scopo.-2.1. Alla ricerca della causa.-3. L'istituto del trust e la "tiepida" accoglienza... more
The trustee problem with unknown beneficiaries Subscribers in the USA will be well familiar with the magnificent 21 volume treatise Bogert Trusts & Trustees (Revised Second Edition, West Publishing Co): § 814 of which deals with an... more
Titles in the Core Text series take the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing focused, concise, and reliable guides for students at all levels. A trust is fully set up, or constituted, only when the property is in the... more
The scope of decision of the United Kingdom Supreme Court in AIB Group v Mark Redler & Co will only be understood in view of its treatment in subsequent decisions, but it is submitted it is frail authority for the view that a beneficiary... more
The research team also extend their thanks to public trustee staff for the considerable in kind support involved in this data collection.
TO: all recorders, clerks, property managers, and consulates to post on Public Notice. From: moor circle 7 temple Reference number: mc7t000000047 Mail: Documents or requests for copies can be submitted to: Email :... more
Environmental Fund Management (EFM) is a government effort to optimize EEI (Environmental Economic Instruments), to preserve the functions of the ecosystem. Based on regulation, EFM is entrusted to the Indonesian Environmental Fund... more
Religion is construed widely by the courts and religion and has been defined in law as (Church of the New Faith v Commissioner of Payroll Tax (Vic) (1983) 154 CLR 120 at 136): ...the criteria of religion are twofold: first, belief in a... more
While the doctrine of the presumption of advancement and its applicability have been the subject of much judicial and academic criticism, this article reviews judicial approaches from Australasia and Canada and argues that the doctrine is... more
Regarding the temple worship in Kerala, there have been certain controversies existing from the formation of the Devaswom Department or some years before its formation. Through historic struggles, the Hindu population of Kerala gained... more
Temples in Kerala have been all the time, amazing factors in the society for their uniqueness in tradition, customs, rituals, festivals, art, architecture, mural paintings, etc. It is believed that most of the ancient Hindu temples in... more
Temples in Kerala are centres of spirituality, but now a days, their administration faces several grave issues. The temples were once the wealthiest institutions in the society, now struggle for their day to day affairs. After the... more
Temples in Kerala have been all the time, amazing factors for their uniqueness in structure, art, rituals, tradition, customs, festivals, architecture, mural paintings etc. Regarding temple administration, there have been certain... more
The paper is devoted to the new Czech Civil Code, thanks to which the Czech private law has experienced its greatest legislative change in the last fifty years representing its ultimate diversion from the socialist law principle. The... more
This study provides a diachronic comparative overview of how the law of debt has been applied by certain institutions in Italy. Specifically, it offers historical and comparative insights into the public performance of sanctions for... more
This chapter explains the reasons why a trust must be completely constituted in order to be valid and discusses the steps that must be taken in order to constitute a trust. Constitution matters because the beneficiaries of an incompletely... more
Titles in the Casebook on series provide readers with a comprehensive selection of case law extracts for their studies. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes... more
Titles in the Casebook on series provide readers with a comprehensive selection of case law extracts for their studies. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes... more
The question for the United Kingdom Supreme Court was whether a bribe or secret commission received by an agent could be held by the agent on trust for his principle, or whether the principle merely had a claim in equitable compensation... more