Law of Investigation

9 papers
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The Law of Investigation refers to the legal principles and regulations governing the methods and procedures used by law enforcement and investigative agencies to gather evidence, conduct inquiries, and ensure compliance with constitutional rights, thereby balancing the need for effective law enforcement with the protection of individual liberties.
The relevance of the issue under research is due to the fact that the investigation of certain types of crimes is not possible without studying documents that contain information that may constitute medical secrecy. That is why, the... more
artykuł poświęcono badaniu proceduralnych zasad gromadzenia dowodów w postępowaniu karnym poprzez bezpośredni dostęp śledczego do zautomatyzowanych systemów informacyjnych i referencyjnych, rejestrów i banków danych (dalej razem i każdy... more
Despite the active use of the term «examination of evidence» in the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the scientific literature lacks a common position on the content and significance of this component of the evidence process,... more
Every state needs a special prosecutor’s office dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of identity theft/financial fraud, which is often a multi-jurisdictional crime. This would facilitate a robust investigation and prosecution of... more
В предлагаемой статье предпринята попытка определения тактики и технологии психолога (педагога-психолога) в ситуации привлечения его в качестве специалиста при проведении следственных и судебно правовых действий в отношении... more
Sometimes termed “PSYCHIC ATTACK” - a survey of the underlying motivation, symptomatology, investigative approaches, remediation via practical metaphysical and hypnotherapeutic treatments. A nine part package of 15,000 words to assist the... more
This paper contains the Law of Investigation with text and judicial precedents and tries to explains the aims and objects of investigation and the role with its limitations.