Law and Legal Studies

11,383 papers
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Law and Legal Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the nature, development, and application of laws and legal systems. It encompasses the analysis of legal principles, institutions, and practices, as well as the social, political, and economic contexts in which law operates.
While previous studies have shown that policing is not class neutral, for youth from low socioeconomic classes and neighborhoods, intense and disproportionate policing strategies have been implemented that exclusively focus on them. This... more
The European mouflon (Ovis musimon, but see below) inhabited the Mediterranean islands from 9000 years B.C. before the introduction to the mainland [e.g., 1]. Reazei et al. [2] suggested that the European mouflon should be considered as... more
The European mouflon (Ovis musimon, but see below) inhabited the Mediterranean islands from 9000 years B.C. before the introduction to the mainland [e.g., 1]. Reazei et al. [2] suggested that the European mouflon should be considered as... more
The reliance on digital means for information access and dissemination has given rise to a fiercely competitive landscape among news outlets. The main challenge they are now facing in order to secure success extends beyond retaining their... more
The twentieth century has seen a sea change in the concentration of ownership of U.S. corporations. Early in the century Berle and Means identified the divorce of ownership from control as the central corporate governance problem, but... more
Population: The Iberian Peninsula, which covers 582,860 km 2 , is a crucial part of the Mediterranean space and it has played a decisive role in the peopling of Europe. It is separated (14 km) from Africa by the Strait of Gibraltar, and... more
Today is the age of globalization and business is considering as the leading global factor for social and economic development. It is said that, Accounting is the language of business but it is another gigantic thought that Auditing is... more
Research Question/IssueIn this study, we explore the relationship between the use of nonfinancial performance measures in Chief Executive Officer (CEO) bonus plans and CEO power, moderated by compensation committee monitoring.... more
Transitional justice discourse is generally accepted as having its foundations located in the theoretical, policy and practical implications of dealing with past human rights violations in societies that have experienced either repressive... more
La revue Cahiers de civilisation médiévale est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution -Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale -Pas de Modification 4.0 International.
Feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes (Britannica, 2025). Feminist activism has led to research and acceptance of Domestic Violence as a concept and a phenomenon leading to understanding a range of... more
This article examines intimate partnership violence as a question of criminal justice policy in Finland, and contributes to criminological discussions regarding oft-stated connections between the politicization of the victim, the... more
This paper argues that key differences between the UK and the US in the importance ascribed to a company's social responsibilities (CSR) reflect differences in the corporate governance arrangements in these two countries. Specifically, we... more
This study explores the magnitude of shareholders' say-on-pay (SOP) votes and its impact on CEO compensation. This study draws its sample from US Russell 3000 companies, the largest US companies, from 2011 to 2019. By creating a dummy... more
The purpose of UbiPOL project is to develop a ubiquitous platform that allows citizens be involved in Policy Making Processes (PMPs) regardless of their current locations and time. However, literature highlights one of the foremost... more
In the 1990s, concerns with response fragmentation for intimate partner violence (IPV) led to the promotion of coordinated community responses (CCRs) to prevent and control IPV. Evaluation of CCRs has been limited. A previous evaluation... more
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health implemented the Collaborative for Abuse Prevention in Racial and Ethnic Communities (CARE) project in two Latino communities, in the city of Chelsea and in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. One... more
This study examined housing problems and homelessness after separation in a sample of 110 women who had experienced domestic violence. Of the sample, 38% reported homelessness. Similar percentages reported housing problems (e.g., late... more
In Hobbes, freedom of choice requires nonfrustration: the option you prefer must be accessible. In Berlin, it requires noninterference: every option, preferred or unpreferred, must be accessible-every door must be open. But Berlin's... more
The objective of this study is to show compatible data with the idea that men who commit intimate partner violence are uninhibited about the moral consequences of their behaviors, probably because they feel certainty about the rightness... more
Constitutional review usually focuses on the positive actions of lawmakers in relation to enacted legislation. However, can constitutional violations arise out of the negative actions of the lawmakers? This situation may be called... more
Argentina is a country characterized by successive discontinuities and heavily conditioned by a troubled politicalinstitutional history. This article will argue that only the interaction and coherence between training and management... more
This article evaluates the current practice of digital government in large municipalities worldwide. The study assesses 84 cities from around the world that use a five-stage e-government framework. Our research and methodology goes beyond... more
Ευρισκόμεθα στις αρχές του έτους 1961 και οι εφημερίδες επί μέρες ασχολούνται με έγκλημα που έγινε στην Κρήτη: Στο Ηράκλειο, μέσα σε καφενείο, ένας «λεβέντης» διέπραξε τον υπ'αριθμό 17 φόνο του. Λίγο μετά τη σύλληψή του αποκαλύφθηκε ότι ο... more
Exploring the appointment of directors of different professional backgrounds, levels of independence, age, gender and ethnicity, this paper develops a taxonomy describing what is meant by diversity on the board and its implications for... more
I discuss some observations in the forensic accounting-based fraud literature, and identify the recent advances and other important issues in the literature that are worth noting. The main message in this commentary article is that fraud... more
This paper presents a discussion about financial inclusion washing. It was argued that financial inclusion washing is the deliberate or unintentional use of exaggerated claims or misleading claims to describe an entity's commitment to... more
Cases C-293/12 (Digital Rights Ireland) and C-594/12 (Kärntner Landesregierung), on the validity of the Data Retention Directive.
This paper explores the possibility of computer assistance for the interpretation of wills and testaments. It draws from experience with legal expert systems developed for the interpretation of laws and other legal norms.
Nigeria as a country has over the years depended so much on various traditional forms of Know Your Customer (KYC) and various identity verification techniques such as the use of National Identity Card, Driver's License, Voters Cards and... more
The present study examined associations between child sexual abuse (CSA), adult sexual victimization, and emotion regulation difficulties in a sample of 168 incarcerated women. Approximately 50 % of the sample reported CSA, 54% reported... more
Beyond the autopoietic enclaves in university law schools, one hears that autopoietic, or systems theory (we shall be using these interchangeably) and the discourse surrounding it, is highly abstracted, and in consequence has little to... more
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the prevailing cc-by-nc license at the time of publication.
To date, the most important institution in the movement to harmonize international accounting and reporting practices, both in terms of the range of issues addressed and the number of states and firms affected, is the International... more
In this article, the affiliation details for the author were incorrectly given as 'Department of Humanities, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar' but should have been 'History Program,
In a landmark 1994 case, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that individuals had the right to ask for Internet links that contained certain information about them to be delisted by search engines. This came to be known as... more
ve Nidhi Trehan'ın editörlüklerini yaptıkları Romani Communities and Transformative Change [Roman Toplulukları ve Dönüşümsel Değişim] (2021), Roman Çalışmaları alanında Avrupa eksenindeki güncel tartışmaları eleştirel bir kavrayışla ele... more
Researchers at a midsized public northeastern university evaluated the efficacy of a poster campaign to determine if students increase their knowledge of prosocial bystander behaviors and willingness to intervene in instances of sexual... more
Research Question/Issue: What were the reasons for poor risk management on the board level before and during the financial crisis? Were there systemic information processing problems that an alternative board design could alleviate?... more
Pendidikan merupakan bukti suatu uasaha setiap bangsa untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia, sehingga membantu mempelancarkan pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional Indoneisa dan sebagai hak asasi yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap... more
Intimate partner violence (IPV) routine screening is widely implemented, yet the evidence for pathways to impact remains unclear. Of the 32 abused women interviewed 16 weeks after antenatal IPV screening, 24 reported positive impact, six... more
Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating role of e-trust and e-satisfaction in the relationship between e-service quality and e-loyalty in the context of e-government services. Design/methodology/approach –... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of legislative initiatives to combat domestic violence in different cultural contexts. The study covered 10 countries: five European (Germany, France, the United Kingdom,... more