The lattice Boltzmann method has proven to be a promising method to simulate flow in porous media. Its practical application often relies on parallel computation because of the demand for a large domain and fine grid resolution to... more
In this paper we continue our previous investigation about the use of stress function in the flow of generalized Newtonian fluids through conduits of circular and noncircular (or/and multiply connected) cross sections where we inspect the... more
One form of numerical simulation of flow and particle capture by air filter media sees gases as continuous fluids, influenced by the macro-properties viscosity, density, and pressure. The alternate approach treats gases as atoms or... more
In this paper, we propose a lattice Boltzmann model for coupled Burgers equations (CBEs). With a proper time-space scale and the Chapman-Enskog expansion, the governing equations are recovered successfully from the lattice Boltzmann... more
Nuclear engineering requires computationally efficient methods to simulate different components and systems of plants. The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), a numerical method with a mesoscopic approach to Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)... more
The effects of ice accretion on the aerodynamic performance of a naca0012 airfoil are investigated numerically using a Two-dimensional unsteady compressible Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The ice shape is obtained from an empirical model... more
The three-dimensional thermal lattice Boltzmann-BGK model is developed to simulate the pressure-driven rarefied gaseous flow within a circular channel with constant-temperature-wall in the transition regime (0.1 <Kn<1). The D3Q15 model... more
Granular column collapses show a significant size effect with respect to run-out distances and phase transitions; • The size effect can be further associated with the strong force networks and earlystage characteristic length scales; • We... more
Friction is a fundamental force that governs interactions across diverse physical systems, influencing motion, energy transfer, and material behavior. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the various types of friction-static,... more
Les equations de Navier-Stockes en leur forme complete sont tres compliquees du fait de la presence des termes non lineaires. La resolution de ces equations exige des hypotheses specifiques pour chaque situation. Dans cette contribution,... more
The finite element method is applied to the one-dimensional neutron transport equation. Piecewise bilinear or trilinear polynomials that are continuous in the space-angle phase space are utilized in an even-parity functional for the... more
Simulation technologies are applied extensively in casting industries to understand the heat transfer and fluid transport phenomena and their relationships to the microstructure and the formation of defects. It is critical to have... more
Transport de contaminant dans un milieu poreux -- Les équations de base -- Solution numérique -- Schéma non oscillatoire avec évaluation exacte du front -- Étude numérique des transferts bidimensionnels dans la zone non saturée,... more
A time-domain method for acoustic propagation and its application to tone noise radiated from rigid-wall fan inlets are presented. The noise propagation phenomena are modeled by the nonlinear time-dependent Euler equations written in... more
A Rayleigh Bénard instability study using the energy conserving dissipative particle dynamics method is presented here for the first time. The simulation is performed on an ideal dissipative particle dynamics fluid in a three dimensional... more
Mixed convection heat and mass transfer of a hybrid nanofluid in a lid-driven irregular hexagon cavity is numerically studied in this paper. The nanofluid is composed of the multi-walled carbon nanotube and the magnesium oxide (MgO)... more
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during... more
Nuclear engineering requires computationally efficient methods to simulate different components and systems of plants. The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), a numerical method with a mesoscopic approach to Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)... more
In this article, we present a predictive model for the amplitude of impulse waves generated by the collapse of a granular column into a water layer. The model, which combines the spreading dynamics of the grains and the wave hydrodynamics... more
The overall aim intended of the present work is to simulate an incompressible laminar flow and thermal transfer in a constricted channel. A double multiple relaxation time (DMRT) thermal lattice Boltzmann method is carried out on this... more
We study the effect of adsorbed surfactant on drop deformation in linear flows by means of analytical solutions for small perturbations of the drop shape and surfactant distribution, and by numerical simulations for large distortions. We... more
The Meshless Lattice Boltzmann Method (MLBM) is a numerical tool that relieves the standard Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) from regular lattices and, at the same time, decouples space and velocity discretizations. In this study, we... more
Le phénomène connu sous le nom de "tuyau chantant" concerne l'émission acoustique de tuyaux qui peuvent se mettre à siffler lorsqu'ils sont soumis à un écoulement interne de gaz. Ce sifflement trouve son origine dans la géométrie... more
A butterfly with broad wings, flapping at a small frequency, flies an erratic trajectory at an inconstant speed. A large variation of speed within a cycle is observed in the forward flight of a butterfly. A self-propulsion model to... more
This paper investigates forced convection of water/Al 2 O 3 nanofluid flow in a microchannel with inclined cross-flow injection on the lower wall. There are a number of injecting holes on its lower wall. Other walls are insulated. The... more
In this study, forced convection heat transfer of water/alumina Nano fluid in a rectangular microchannel with cross-flow injection is studied. The Nano fluid enters the microchannel with a temperature of 293 K and cools its walls. The... more
Application of the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to solve the energy equations of conduction-radiation problems is extended on non-uniform lattices. In the LBM on non-uniform lattices, the single relaxation time based on the minimum... more
Application of the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to solve the energy equations of conduction-radiation problems is extended on non-uniform lattices. In the LBM on non-uniform lattices, the single relaxation time based on the minimum... more
In this paper, a finite volume lattice Boltzmann method (FVLBM) based on cell-center unstructured girds is presented and full studied to simulate the incompressible laminar flows, which is simple modified from the cell-vertex unstructured... more
In this study, the heat transfer and laminar flow of Water/Al 2 O 3 nanofluid in a T-shaped enclosure with lid-driven under the influence of applying magnetic field have been numerically investigated. The numerical solving domain has been... more
Suspensions of micron size particles form a large class of multi-physics problems and find applications in, e.g., microfluidic devices [1], additive manufacturing [2] and pharmaceutical industry [3]. In this work, we study such... more
In this work, minimal kinetic theories based on unconventional entropy functions, H ∼ lnf (Burg entropy) for 2D and H ∼ f 1− 2 n (Tsallis entropy) for nD with n 3, are studied. These entropy functions were originally derived by Boghosian... more
Une étude numérique tridimensionnelle a été menée pour déterminer les effets du rapport de forme transverse, A y , sur la structure générale de l'écoulement au sein d'une cavité entraînée. La méthode numérique est basée sur une... more
La mécanique des fluides décrit des phénomènes physiques des fluides qui sont souvent gouvernés par des équations de type dérivées partielles à savoir l'équation de continuité et l'équation de Navier-Stokes. La résolution de ces équations... more
In this work we explore the possibility of learning from data collision operators for the Lattice Boltzmann Method using a deep learning approach. We compare a hierarchy of designs of the neural network (NN) collision operator and... more
A new solver for second-order elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) based on the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and the multigrid (MG) technique is presented. Several benchmark elliptic equations are solved numerically with the... more
Certainly, here is the corrected version with spelling and grammar errors addressed: "A numerical simulation of heat transfer and pressure loss analysis is presented for variously shaped turbulators inserted into a rectangular channel. A... more
Given a planar potential V, we look for families of orbits f(x,y)=c% (determined by their slope function gamma=f_{y}/f_{x}), traced by a material point of unit mass under the action of that potential. The second-order equation which... more
In many earth science and environmental problems, the fluid-structure interactions can affect the hydrodynamics properties of the porous medium via the spatial evolution of its solid matrix. A significant insight into these properties can... more
Les equations de Navier-Stockes en leur forme complete sont tres compliquees du fait de la presence des termes non lineaires. La resolution de ces equations exige des hypotheses specifiques pour chaque situation. Dans cette contribution,... more
We study the influence of a low frequency vibration on a long-wave Marangoni convection in a layer of a binary mixture with the Soret effect. A linear stability analysis is performed numerically by means of the Floquet theory; several... more
Generalized finite difference methods require that a properly posed set of nodes exists around each node in the mesh, so that the solution for the corresponding multivariate interpolation problem be unique. In this paper we first show... more
A two dimensional (2D) cellular automaton (CA) - lattice Boltzmann (LB) model is presented to investigate the effects of forced melt convection on the solutal dendritic growth. In the model, the CA approach of simulating the dendritic... more
A two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann-cellular automaton model is coupled with the CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) method for simulating dendritic growth during ternary alloy solidification with convection. In the model, the... more
In this study, we present a numerical simulation of MWCNT-Fe 3 O 4 /water hybrid nanofluid forced convection heat transfer over the forward-and backward-facing steps channel having a baffle fixed on its top wall. A FORTRAN's homemade code... more
The present study focuses on the analysis of the fluid dynamics associated with the flapping motion of finite-thickness wings. A two-dimensional numerical model for one and two-winged "clap and fling" stroke has been developed to probe... more
The aim of the present study is to characterize the flow patterns, propulsion efficiency and power requirements associated with a self-propelled-heaving thin flat plate in a quiescent medium. In this regard, a numerical model using a... more