Latina/o immigration
Recent papers in Latina/o immigration
"The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences explores these competing narratives and the consequences of criminalizing immigration in the United States and abroad. It examines the impact of national, state, and local... more
Though the drive to border U.S. citizenship often takes shape through the symbolic and material exclusion of “aliens,” immigrants engage in rhetorical struggles over the limits of the U.S. civic imaginary. This essay examines one such... more
Governmentality, Immigration, illegality. This book frames the study of immigration within the Michel Foucault inspired theories of governmentality. Specifically, it focuses on the government of migrant illegality. It is concerned, on the... more
In one of the first volumes to address social work practice with this emergent and often marginalized population, practitioners and scholars specializing in transnational issues develop a framework for transnational social work practice.... more
In this article, the authors contribute to the ongoing discussions of integration by articulating a theoretical framework that attends to the complex and dynamic relationship between immigrant and non-immigrant populations as they... more
An undocumented immigrant from the Mexican state of Jalisco sits in the back of a police car after being arrested on the Tohono O'odham reservation in Arizona.
When Glo ria, a long-time domes tic work er from El Sal vador liv ing in the San Fran cisco Bay Area, com plained about the depres sion and night sweats she had been expe rienc ing since quit ting her job, it was for a pecu liar rea son.... more
As baby boomers begin to retire, the U.S. economy will become even more dependent on immigrant labor-illegal or not. Amid the current immigration debate, one U.S. community decided to hold public hearings to explore how residents viewed... more
How do marginalized ethnic communities assert their presence in the American urban space? This article examines maps and location descriptions found in 'Rock Angelino' concert flyers, lyrics of songs, and spoken word multimedia pieces as... more
In this article, the authors contribute to the ongoing discussions of integration by articulating a theoretical framework that attends to the complex and dynamic relationship between immigrant and non-immigrant populations as they... more
More than 200,000 of the 2.5 million Cubans scattered around the world, can not enter the island, nor is there a public complaints procedure for those who have been denied entry by the Cuban Government.
This essay analyzes the campaign for California Proposition 227, a 1997 ballot initiative outlawing bilingual education, in the discourse of the movement’s Republican organizer Ron Unz. Unlike previous Republican campaigns which were... more
Through the inspiring stories of 16 students—from seniors in high school to graduate students—William Perez gives voice to the estimated 2.4 million undocumented students in the United States, and draws attention to their plight. These... more
Latino Heritage in Southeast Seattle Narrative Report & Annotated Bibliography By Irene Sanchez El Centro de la Raza 2011 Prepared for: City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Program... more
Americans by Heart examines the plight of undocumented Latino students as they navigate the educational and legal tightrope presented by their immigration status. Many of these students are accepted to attend some of our best colleges and... more