Två elegier på svenska verser, med kritisk respektfull kommentar till Ingvar Björkeson (1992)
Preocupările folclorice ale lui B. P. Hasdeu încep de timpuriu. Primul imbold i-a venit din însăşi familia lui. Bunicul său, Tadeu Hasdeu, e arătat a se fi interesat de culegerea legendelor populare moldoveneşti, notînd în limba polonă... more
The contribution aims to trace in Tibullus’ elegies possible reminiscences of Naevius, showing how these echoes, coming mainly from the tragic and comic production of the archaic poet, are variously exploited by Tibullus with the main... more
Quae iam licet considant. The argumentative declination of an adynaton in the De Provinciis Consularibus of Cicero The purpose of this contribution is to conduct the analysis of a passage from Cicero’s De provinciis consularibus (prov.... more
The article aims to analyse an intertextual link in the ambiguous use of faveo between Tib. 2.1.1 and Prop. 4.6.1, both elegies classifiable as 'mimetic' hymns and both 'thresholds' of the respective two books of elegies. It is intended... more
One needs someone on a grand scale, of reputation, someone written with capital letters, indeed SOMEONE, style requires a PERSON, and this person must induce noise, exactly, you want a PERSON with NOISE, applauded by the people, whose... more
A selection of Catullus' Carmina translated for a contemporary, multilingual South African audience.
I should like to take this opportunity to thank the librarian, M. Grozay, and the staff of the Bibliothèque Municipale, Carcassonne, for their kindness and for making readily available to me the Chenier family papers and the poet's... more
Conventionally identifying the rite described in Tib. 2,1 in the private Ambarvalia, this article analyses the dual role of poeta and sacerdos played in this elegy by Tibullus who, following the Callimachean model of the “mimetic” hymn,... more
Ovid's Poems from Exile The Creation of a Myth and the Triumph of Poetry* The question of the interpretation of Ovid's poetry of exile is complex. Ovidian research has been much affected by the «historicist approach» 1. Controversy has... more
Within the framework defined by the components of contemporary elegy, the communication focuses on the hermeneutical approach of the embodied experiences of loss and the intermedial/interartistic nature of words that articulate them.... more
Come è stato rilevato da Dimundo 2016, 185, nella successione di exempla, più che di «intensificazione progressiva» (Gazich 1995, 83), si dovrebbe parlare di «dilatazione graduale del l'exemplum», in quanto viene sviluppato a coppie il... more
The journal Trends in Classics and the accompanying Supplementary Volumes publish innovative, interdisciplinary work which brings to the study of Greek and Latin texts the insights and methods of related disciplines, such as narratology,... more
Μπορεί η βιογραφία ως λογοτεχνικό είδος να μην συγκινεί πλέον ιδιαίτερα το αναγνωστικό κοινό, ωστόσο η φιγούρα του Αννίβα, του ατρόμητου Καρχηδόνιου στρατηγού που με ελέφαντες διέσχισε τις Άλπεις για να φτάσει απειλητικός λίγο έξω από τα... more
L’articolo approfondisce il rapporto tra la letteratura latina e il principato augusteo con attenzione alle elegie romane di Properzio. Vengono prese in esame le trasformazioni del suo genere letterario nel IV libro, ricco di nuovi temi... more
Σύντομη περιγραφή και σχόλιο της ποιητικής του έργου, καθώς και της μετάφρασής του από την Λ. Ζαφειροπούλου.
Nel presente articolo si analizzano i primi sei componimenti del terzo libro del Corpus Tibullianum, noti, nel complesso, con la denominazione convenzionale di ‘ciclo di Ligdamo’, la cui attribuzione è tutt’ora incerta e oggetto di... more
Esta edición recupera una de las primeras obras de poesía hispano-latina, las odas a la Virgen impresas por el alemán Jacobo Cromberger en Sevilla en 1504 junto a otras composiciones religiosas de Antonio Carrión, y precedidas de un... more
This remains a draft because it does not incorporate the conclusions in Ryan (2017). This study uses a generative metrics framework to analyze rhythmic constraints on Latin elegiac couplets. The corpus examined includes 1,116 couplets... more
Albius Tibullus și autorii Corpusului tibulian.
Tibullus, Sulpicia, Lygdamus
Tibullus, Sulpicia, Lygdamus
As Betty Rose Nagle has remarked, Ovid's exile poetry deploys proper names within a kind of economy: ‘Ovid immortalises his own name by publicising it and exhorting his friends and readers to keep it alive, and he rewards his friends... more
Schwindt, Jürgen Paul. “Der Karneval des Properz. Zur Objektepistemologie der augusteischen Dichtung”. Objektepistemologien. Zur Vermessung eines transdisziplinären Forschungsraums. Eds. Markus Hilgert, Kerstin P. Hofmann, and Henrike... more
Contaminations between the ideal matrona and the elegiac puella Este trabajo se propone identificar y analizar diversos loci de la literatura latina en los que se trata la figura de la matrona ideal: el arquetipo griego es, sin duda... more
This article examines the interplay between legal language and poetic discourse within Ovid’s Heroides 4. As a knowledgeable reader of previous authors, as well as an expert in love poetry and Roman and divine law, the Ovidian Phaedra... more
În româneşte, cu un studiu introductiv şi note de Teodor Naum.
Ilustraţii de Vasile Kazar.
Ilustraţii de Vasile Kazar.
Elegy is the term we now associate with poems of mourning, composed in response to a death or to be performed at a funeral. In the sixteenth century, however, the genre was a complex palimpsest, encompassing the lament, dirge, or... more
In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Postgraduate degree from the University of Saskatchewan, I agree that the Libraries of this University may make it freely available for inspection. I further agree... more
The text is an analysis of the story of Dido as shown in Virgil’s Aeneid. The author presents pre-Virgiliansources of the history of the Phoenician queen, recounts the three principal versions of Dido’s biography andsets the Virgil’s... more
Ovid's attempts to receive absolution from Augustus sublimated into literary letters, displaying some precise details that can be read in connection to ancient epistolography. The three defining human elements of a letterauthor, addressee... more
Stan badań nad połączeniami spółgłosek muta cum liquida w poszczególnych księgach i stopach metrycznych przedstawia się następująco.
Abstract. The two couplets of Prop. 2, 34, 91-92 and Ov. amor. 3, 9, 63-64 can be read as important testimonies in the complex debate on the Virgilian laudes Galli. At the end of the Georgics. Both are related to the death of Gallus and... more
Διατηρούμε όλα τα δικαιώματα, συγγραφικά και εκδοτικά, αυτού του βιβλίου. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή του παρόντος έργου στο σύνολό του ή τμημάτων του με οποιαδήποτε μορφή και με οποιοδήποτε μέσο, σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις... more
People are strange, when you're a stranger, faces look ugly when you're alone.
This article is a solitude-focused interpretation of the later works of Publius Ovidius Naso (43 BCE-AD 17/18): Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto. A celebrated poet in his heyday, in AD 8 Ovid was exiled from Rome by Augustus, never to... more
The Medicamina Faciei Femineae is a didactic elegy that showcases an early example of Ovid's trademark combination of poetic instruction and trivial subject matter. Exploring female beauty and cosmeceuticals, with particular emphasis... more
This paper is a translation, and reworking, of an excerpt from my article entitled “Le quatrième livre de Properce, ou le Prince contre le Poète”, RBPh 79 (2001), pp. 69-118, where I propose to see in Prop. 4.7 and 4.8 the barely... more
The elegiac poet and the tormented love with Delia, because the imperial law (Leges de maritandis ordinibus) prohibited a marriage between peoples of different class.
This article comments upon the episode of the dialogue between the Mytileneans and Pompey in Lucan's De Bello Civili (8,109-158) and its multiple poetic purposes are investigated. I argue that the episode in question has a significant... more
The Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto are crucial for understanding Ovid’s use of myth, as he repeatedly uses mythological exempla to illustrate his own condition in exile and to characterise the authorial mask which he adopts in the exilic... more
The objective of this paper is to analyze the occurrences of the name Phyllis in the Latin literature. In the Augustan age, a very important cultural period, Phyllis is mentioned by several authors. She is the author of one of the letters... more
Review(s) of: Le secret du voltigeur d'amour ou le mystere de la relegation d'Ovide, by Raoul Verdiere, Brussels: Collection Latomu, 21 8, 1992. pp. 168. ISBN 2-8703 1- 158-3. BF400.
Although various aspects of Ovid’s emotional reactions to exile have been researched, there has so far been no extended practical study that places the emotional content of his works into a new political context. In this respect Ovid’s... more
After achieving an extraordinarily successful career as an elegiac poet in the midst of the power, glory and creativity of ancient Rome during the start of the Augustan era, Ovid was abruptly separated from the stimulating community in... more
The author gathers and scrutinizes the cases in which Jan Kochanowski, the most prominent poet of the Polish Renaissance, mentions Naples or Campania, one of his destinations while travelling through Italy in 1555. One of the designations... more
Κριτική στο: Ναπολέων Λαπαθιώτης, Ξεδιάλεγμα. Ποιήματα, στοχασμοί, αφηγήματα, συνεντεύξεις, ανθολόγηση: Τάκης Σπετσιώτης, Τύρφη, Θεσσαλονίκη 2021... more