Late Neolithic

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The Late Neolithic refers to the final phase of the Neolithic period, characterized by the development of complex societies, advancements in agriculture, pottery, and architecture, and the emergence of trade networks. It typically spans from approximately 4500 to 2000 BCE, varying by region, marking a transition to the Bronze Age.
This is the introduction to the edited volume "Warfare in Bronze Age society" published by Cambridge University Press. The introduction present the premise of the volume, an overview of past and current research, and introduces the... more
The paper is set out to present current evidence about the timing of cultural change from the Late Neolithic (henceforth LN) to the Copper Age (henceforth CA) in the northern and central Balkans. It also discusses the character of this... more
This paper investigates to what extent the significant material changes observable at the end of the Neolithic reflect transformations of the underlying social dynamics. Answering this question will help us to understand the formation of... more
Barrows, as burial markers, are ubiquitous throughout North-Western Europe. In some regions dense concentrations of monuments form peculiar configurations such as long alignments while in others they are spread out extensively, dotting... more
Relationships between local and micro-regional phenomena of the Late Neolithic and Copper Age are studied on the basis of archaeological research related to the natural environment at the site of Polgár-Csőszhalom in the Upper Tisza... more
Peter M.M.G. Akkermans (2010). In: Diane Bolger and Louise C. Maguire (Eds.). 2010. The development of pre-state communities in the ancient Near East : studies in honour of Edgar Peltenburg. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 22-28.
The Corded Ware Culture (c. 2900–2300 BC) is found in a large area, from Russia to the Netherlands and from Scandinavia to Switzerland. Supra-regional elements include beakers decorated with cord and/or spatula imprints, battle-axes, and... more
In this working paper, I present a unique assemblage of 43 figurines and 11 miniature tool models discovered at the Late Vinca culture site at Crkvine, Stubline in Serbia. The distinctiveness of this find is that it was discovered in it... more
In 1992, the member states of the Council of Europe co-signed the European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage in Valletta (Malta) This has led to the development-led archaeology in many countries, also in the... more
Promachon-Topolnica a Neolithic settlement in the Balkans, situated on the border between Greece and Bulgaria (Balkans). The settlement was studied in two sectors: the sector in years 1980-1991 Topolnica (Bulgaria) is a sector in the... more
Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain is an era of prehistory permeated by notions of elaborate funerary rituals, exotic artefactual evidence, and immigrant invaders – at least to the untrained archaeological mind. However, such a... more
Reconsideration of some previous archaeological interpretations of gender may offer much more variability and freedom to our current understanding of gender identity. The perception of gender in archaeological interpretations commonly... more
H. Meller/N. Nicklisch/J. Orschiedt/K. W. Alt, Rituelle Zweikämpfe schnurkeramischer Krieger? In: H. Meller/M. Schefzik (Hrsg.), Krieg – eine archäologische Spurensuche. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung im Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte... more
In this article I discuss Late Neolithic culture change in the Netherlands. Traditionally this period is analysed on the basis of funerary remains. The present publication incorporates settlement data, and tries to sketch a more nuanced... more
In the late Neolithic, at the end of the VI century BC. In the region of Middle and Lower Struma/Strimon establish culture Topolnica-Akropotamos. Its appearance changes radically the appearance of the area and structure of Neolithic... more
In this paper, analyzing results of geomagnetic mapping and excavation results, I consider the organization of space in a large flat Late Vinča culture settlement at the site Crkvine-Stubline. Densely packed houses (in rows and clusters)... more
chapter 11 the sou thern levant (cisjordan) during the neolithic period a. nigel goring-morris and anna belfer-cohen 11/
"The final period of Neolithic Vinca culture, which occupied wide areas in the Balkans, is characterised by large settlements, which were built, judging by the most recent investigations according to premeditated plan. What was their... more
This article discusses the way in which economic theory has influenced human sciences such as history and social anthropology with particular interest in prehistoric archaeology and, especially, Greek Neolithic archaeology. The seeking... more
The site Crkvine is situated in the vicinity of the village Stubline in the borough of Obrenovac around 40 km to the southwest of Belgrade (Serbia). In the first section of this work we present the comprehensive report about the... more
Contact across long distances is evident in the Neolithic of the Near East, whether driven by social networks, exchange links, or movement of individuals or populations. Movement of material, such as obsidian, can elucidate these... more
Between 1969 and 1973, excavations were undertaken at Hijken, the Netherlands. An area of 3 hectares within a cultural landscape replete with barrows and Celtic field banks was opened-up and yielded Late Neolithic graves, a Bronze Age... more
In this thesis diet and health of people who lived in southern Sweden 2300-1100 BCE is studied. The study is based on bioarchaeological analyses of human remains from 46 localities in the areas of Uppland, Närke, Östergötland,... more
Climate change is often cited as a major factor in social change. The so-called 8.2 ka event was one of the most pronounced and abrupt Holocene cold and arid events. The 9.2 ka event was similar, albeit of a smaller magnitude. Both events... more
The rondel enclosure at Pömmelte-Zackmünde, Salzlandkreis, consisting of several concentric circles, dates to the transition from the Final Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Its signif- icance as a sacred site and as a place for the... more
Peter M.M.G. Akkermans (2013). In: Nieuwenhuijse O.P, Bernbeck R, Akkermans P.M.M.G & Rogash J. (Eds.). Interpreting the Late Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 63-75.
2 RCC Perspectives Volume Editors Michaela Harbeck studied biology, forensic medicine, and biochemistry at the University of Kiel. She received a doctorate in physical anthropology from LMU Munich, where she then worked as an assistant... more
Megalithic sanctuaries ritualized landscapes and sacred paths in Malta between the 4th and 3rd millennium Bc: the Tas-Silg case. From the 5th to 3rd millennium Bc, the creation of symbolic landmarks, such as rock art, stelae statues,... more
R. Madgwick, A. L. Lamb, H. Sloane, A. J. Nederbragt, U. Albarella, M. Parker Pearson, J. A. Evans, Multi-isotope analysis reveals that feasts in the Stonehenge environs and across Wessex drew people and animals from throughout Britain.... more
Bretagne, tumulus, mégalithisme, tombe individuelle, Néolithique final, Campaniforme, Âge du Bronze ancien, jadéitite, brassard d'archer, flèches, poignards, cuivre arsénié, chaînes de spirales, or, argent, relations atlantiques. RésuMé.... more
Complex evaluation of a two-storey building positioned in the centrum of the Csőszhalom tell, in thhe lowermost building horizon. The analysis comprises of an extended background analysis of different related phenomena (including for... more
Recent archaeological investigations carried out in the frame of several dam projects on the Euphrates and the Tigris Rivers revealed valuable data on Upper Mesopotamian prehistory, the cradle of civilizations. The new data obtained from... more
We chose the burials of the Polgár-Csőszhalom settlement complex as the subject of our study written in honour of Alasdair Whittle. Described in the following are four burials uncovered in four different locations of the site, which... more
The coastal sites of the UAE and the Sultanate of Oman in the sixth-fifth millennia BCE share a number of features in their material culture. In addition to lithic techniques, the populations shared particular technologies, such as... more
This paper presents a first approach to the ivory assemblage of the Montelirio tholos (Castilleja de Guzmán, Seville), a burial structure belonging to the Copper Age settlement of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville). Valencina is one of... more
Excavated in 2009, the barrow from Kruszyn (the Kujawy region) is related to a small regional group of the Corded Ware culture. Noteworthy is a fairly good state of its preservation and a remarkably numerous assemblage of tools made of... more