Late Neolithic

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The Late Neolithic refers to the final phase of the Neolithic period, characterized by the development of complex societies, advancements in agriculture, pottery, and architecture, and the emergence of trade networks. It typically spans from approximately 4500 to 2000 BCE, varying by region, marking a transition to the Bronze Age.
This paper presents the results of new research on two sarsen stones, known as the Cuckoo Stone and Tor Stone, both former standing stones that lie on opposite banks of the River Avon and straddle the eastern border of the Stonehenge and... more
H. Meller, 300! Des Herrschers Gefolgschaft. In: H. Meller/K. Gärtner (Hrsg.), Schönheit, Macht und Tod II. 275 Funde aus dem Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Halle [Saale] 2023) 252–255.
H. Meller, Goldene Locken für harte Kerle – die Haartracht als Statusanzeiger. In: H. Meller/K. Gärtner (Hrsg.), Schönheit, Macht und Tod II. 275 Funde aus dem Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Halle [Saale] 2023) 248–249.
H. Meller, Blutige Zweikämpfe zur Vermeidung von Krieg? In: H. Meller/K. Gärtner (Hrsg.), Schönheit, Macht und Tod II. 275 Funde aus dem Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Halle [Saale] 2023) 196–197.
H. Meller/R. Schwarz, Die steinerne Axt als Waffe und Symbol. In: H. Meller/K. Gärtner (Hrsg.), Schönheit, Macht und Tod II. 275 Funde aus dem Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Halle [Saale] 2023) 194–195.
Drawing on modelling of age at death in skeletal remains, this article unveils hitherto unrecognized demographic patterns in the Nordic Corded Ware complex. This population formed part of the European Corded Ware complex that has been... more
Globalisation is characterised not only by long-distance exchange by commodities and people, but also by a microbial unification of the world (une unification microbienne du monde), as was described by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie in the... more
The southeastern Caspian Sea, which archaeologists call the coastal zone, like many other areas of the Fertile Crescent, experienced significant changes in the structure of human societies on the cusp of the Neolithic Revolution in the... more
The building tradition in southern Scandinavia underwent a dramatic change in the centuries from the middle of the Late Neolithic (LN) to the end of the Early Nordic Bronze Age (NBA). This development is particularly evident in the... more
A dezena de sítios conhecidos na Plataforma do Mondego (Fig. ) distribui-se, deste modo, entre quatro sítios de habitat abertos (Folhadal, Outeiro dos Castelos de Beijós, Quinta da Assentada e Quinta das Rosas), duas ofi cinas de talhe... more
The article deals about the rescue archaeological excavation in Trmice by Ústí nad Labem in the north-western Bohemia, especially about two sunken objects (the workshop or cottage and the grain pit) both dated to the Culture of Globular... more
The fossils are associated with a coarse-grained biocalcarenite ("Tuffeau jaunâtre à Thecidea papillata"-bed), part of the (Late Maastrichtian) Jauche Formation (Bless et al. 1990).
During the last decade, the early prehistory (Paleolithic and Mesolithic) of the island of Crete and other Aegean islands has received serious study due to new data that has revised the traditional narrative of the development of these... more
Vala comum é qualquer lugar, sem referência como local de inumação, no qual corpo(s) de pessoa(s) sem identificação são enterrados juntos em uma cova ou vala. Estes lugares podem ter dimensões variadas e frequentemente serem utilizados... more
search A 20. századi magyar régészet kiemelkedő alakja, aki elsősorban az i. e. 6-5. évezred, az újkőkor és a rézkor időrendjével, társadalmi viszonyaival kapcsolatban alkotott maradandót, de ösztönző szerepe volt a régészet és a... more
Biological migration found out by the analysis of Sr in dental enamel and in the bones of the skeletons was compared with the migration found out by means of petrographical analysis of Neolithic pottery, and by distinguishing the... more
The figurines of four dwarf discovered in an excavation that followed an illegal research in the area of Vasiloudi in Thessaloniki and the peculiarity of their form gave rise to an exploration of the relations between the peoples of the... more
The discovery contexts, primarily limited to long-used and perturbed collective burials, the lack of clear evidence from settlement sites, and the limited number of radiocarbon dates make the interpretation of the Bell Beaker phenomenon... more
This article comprises a brief report on the 2023 excavations of an extensive Eneolithic cemetery undertaken as a UCL collaboration with colleagues from the Muzeul Județean Satu Mare. The site represents the largest cemetery of the Middle... more
The present study was part of the interdisciplinary research project entitled “Bevölkerungsgeschichte des Karpatenbeckens in der Jungsteinzeit und ihr Einfluss auf die Besiedlung Mitteleuropas”, funded by the DFG from 2010 to 2014. The... more
This study focuses on the coroplastic production of ancient Demetrias during the Hellenistic period. The material under study, coming from the old excavations of Arvanitopoulos (1906-1920) and from more recent investigations, is abundant... more
This paper addresses the importance of interregional communication and exchange networks, for the sustainability of the neolithic communities of the Ionian Islands. Geochemical analysis on a diverse array of stone artefacts (e.g., ground... more
This article presents a series of recommendations for the publication of archaeological data, to improve their usability. These 12 recommendations were formulated by archaeological data experts who mined thousands of publications for... more
J.-H. Bunnefeld, Zweischneidig. Die verzierte kupferne Doppelaxt von Zabitz. In: H. Meller/K. Gärtner (Hrsg.), Schönheit, Macht und Tod II. 275 Funde aus dem Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Halle [Saale] 2023) 228–229.
In the light of discussions surrounding the social changes attributed to the arrival of the Corded Ware culture in central Europe, here we investigate the economic strategies of one of the cultural complexes of the immediately preceding... more
Rapportserien innefattar rapporter inom länsmuseets verksamhetsområden arkeologi, bebyggelsehistoria, byggnadsvård, kulturmiljövård, etnologi, konst-och kulturhistoria. Du kan själv ladda hem rapporter i PDF-format från länsmuseets... more
Rapportserien innefattar rapporter inom länsmuseets verksamhetsområden arkeologi, bebyggelsehistoria, byggnadsvård, kulturmiljövård, etnologi, konst-och kulturhistoria. Du kan själv ladda hem rapporter i PDF-format från länsmuseets... more
The source base for the Eneolithic of the forest steppe Volga region includes Eneolithic burial grounds and campsites. The data from the study of ceramics, stone, bone, metal tools, anthropological and archeozoological materials,... more
This article deals with a systematic analysis of the process of transition to the New Stone Age in two adjacent regions. The characteristics of natural and climatic conditions and flint complexes of the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic... more
This study examines settlement evidence from southeastern Norway during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age, revealing unique aspects of regional architectural and social organization. Notably, smaller and uniform house sizes suggest a... more
As part of a new research project and a local history research project, a team of the Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University and Archeovertex Ltd excavated a Roman village in the territory of Pilisszentiván.... more
With the “Kammerhof” development area near Bad Doberan, Rostock district, a large new residential development area has been developed in recent years. A large number of archaeological remains came to light. This also includes a Bronze Age... more
The article presents the results of a study of the Taskuduk site in 2023, located in the Kharabalinsky district of the Astrakhan region. These investigations were a continuation of the 2022 research. An aim of excavations was the clarify... more
The goal of this paper is to report results of research of the influence that economic specifics of the Epipalaeolithic sites in the Elbrus region had on the composition of lithic industry. The traceological analysis made it possible to... more
Bohusläns museum och Kontoret för Keramiska Studier presenterar här en genomgång av keramik från Bohuslän. Närmare 40 000 skärvor från över 80 förhistoriska fyndplatser har registrerats. För första gången presenteras en samlad bild över... more
H. Meller, Codiertes Wissen damals und heute – Eine Einführung. In: H. Meller/M. Schefzik (Hrsg.), Die Welt der Himmelsscheibe von Nebra – Neue Horizonte. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung im Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale)... more
Szegvár-Tűzköves is an outstanding site of the Hungarian Neolithic – one of the most important centres of the Late Neolithic Tisza culture. We present here the evaluation of anthracological and carpological material, studied to... more
Poster presentation presented at the 8th Postgraduate ZooArchaeology Forum, Yerevan, Armenia, 21-23 June 2019
ACTA ARCHAEOLOGICA LUNDENSIASERIES ALTERA IN 8°, No 54 Mesolitiska Möten. Strandvägen, en senmesolitisk boplats vid Motala ström Tom Carlsson Under åren 2000-2003 utfördes arkeologiska undersökningar på den mesolitiska boplatsen... more
Da im vorliegenden Material zumeist nicht mehr nachvollziehbar war, ob aus den einzelnen Fundnummern die Reste eines oder mehrerer Eier vorlagen, wurde pro Komplex lediglich ein gut erhaltenes Fragment für die Vermessung ausgewählt.... more
We present a comprehensive genetic investigation of Late Neolithic (LN) and Early 45 Copper Age (ECA) populations living in the Carpathian Basin, leveraging whole genome 46 data from 125 previously unreported individuals. Using population... more