Late Medieval Archaeology
Recent papers in Late Medieval Archaeology
During the excavations conducted by the Soprintendenza of Agrigento near the Castello Nuovo of Sciacca, it was been found a dump into a pit, around a meter wide, which was filled with a considerable quantity of carbon, animal bones,... more
In 1448 the inhabitants of the Widmer Quarter-one of the four districts of late medieval Vienna and including areas within and without the city walls-were listed for tax purposes. Unusually, this list, now in the Austrian National... more
Археологические исследования на территории Орловской крепости проводились регулярно, начиная с 1902 г., краеведами и археологами краеведческого музея, составляя основу для разного рода научных, а часто и околонаучных дискуссий вокруг... more
Wechselvolle Geschichte eines ehemals eingemotteten spätmittelalterlichen Turms im Frankfurter Westend
Reinout Rutte met medewerking van Ko Visser en Wim Boerefïjn
de Cartuja, también llamado «del moro», es un gran depósito de agua localizado en la parte más alta del actual Campus universitario de Cartuja. Los trabajos de campo, consistentes en la excavación manual estratigráfica de tres sondeos, se... more
The pictures in this presentation may be under copyright. Thus, any use is not allowed.
Late Medieval and Modern Period Ceramic Vessel Burials of Children: A Case Study of the Find at Wyszatyce (Gmina District of Żurawica, Powiat District of Przemyśl)
With the second volume of the "Archaeology of the border", in 1999 the Società Friulana di Archeologia (Friulian Society of Archaeology) publishes the proceedings of the study day held in Udine in 1996 on the theme "Ceramics from the Late... more
This summary of work draws attention to the richness of archaeological remains in one part of the Antrim plateau. Late Bronze Age and later medieval remains were found and recorded.
this is the presentation of a lecture given at the university La Sapienza in Rome. Some of the pictures are under copyright licence. Therefore, any other use, but for academic purposes is not allowed.
A feltételezhetőleg Tüzes Gáborhoz köthető mozsárbomba-töredék kapcsolata a várban található nagy kiterjedésű átégett rétegekkel. Az állatfejes zabla pontos eredete és esetleges párhuzamai. A II. régió 5. szelvényének legalsó rétegében... more
In July 2010 an excavation was undertaken in the car park of the Masonic hall at Bawtry, South Yorkshire as part of a field school run by the Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, with support from Wessex Archaeology... more
Although the spectacular castles and palaces of some late medieval kings and lords are comparatively well known, the more humble noble dwellings – especially of the first half of the 14th century – still deserves a thorough study in... more
Archeological and historical site „Meraja“ is situated about 500 m west of today's urban center of Vinkovci. The Gothic church of St. Elias is the oldest preserved freestanding facility in Vinkovci. It was built probably in late 13th or... more
Resumen: Los trabajos de restauración acometidos en el castillo de Cornatel a mediados de la pasada década dieron lugar a dos intervenciones arqueológicas entre los años 2004 y 2005. En el transcurso de la segunda se recuperaron una serie... more
A 12th-13th-century A.D. ceramic assemblage from Alexander’s Hill at Sagalassos in southwestern Turkey provides new evidence for the typo-chronological study of Byzantine pottery. A functional analysis of the assemblage, along with... more
Resumen La ciudad de Guadix tiene un significativo pasado islámico, llegando a convertirse en una medina de pequeño tamaño a finales de la Edad Media desde su pasado romano. Ante el avance castellano Guadix, dado su creciente papel... more
The castle of contemporary Methoni occupies the area of a small promontory at the south west coast of Peloponnese. Due to its geographic position, it constituted for centuries an important crossroad in the naval streets of the... more
‘This attractively-presented book is a careful and scholarly account of Rye which will prove to be the authoritative history of the town for the foreseeable future’. Professor Caroline Barron, Royal Holloway, University of London.... more
Il XII secolo segna l’avvio nella Campagna Romana di un fenomeno che influirà notevolmente sull’aspetto di tale territorio fino ai nostri giorni: l’Incasalamento. Lo studio di questo fenomeno non è ancora stato sufficientemente... more
BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES G. Simi}, S. Radovanovi}, Protection Methods and Techniques of the Novo Brdo Castle V. Biki}, Pottery from Novo Brdo -View at the pottery technology, use and style in the late Middle Ages 12 | 16 | 24 | 44 | 46 |... more
L’archeologia postclassica propone una ricerca diacronica, sistemica e interdisciplinare dei vari elementi di una storia complessa che, per molti aspetti si estende a prima e dopo il medioevo in un lungo periodo storico che si colloca... more
This paper provides a brief overview of some of the current knowledge concerning medieval fulling mills, drawing on archaeological finds and manuscript evidence from medieval and early modern England, Wales, France, Germany and other... more
Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del Carmen nº 11, localizada en el barrio de San Matías de Granada, desde enero de 2007 a marzo de 2009. Director de la intervención: Luca Mattei.... more
1 seco de lucenA pAredes, Luis: La Granada nazarí del siglo Xv, Granada, 1975. 2 El volumen más importante de las mismas aparece recogido en su inestimable libro: seco de lucenA pAredes, Luis: Documentos arábigos-granadinos/edición... more
Extant medieval sprang textiles are rare. A linen table cloth dated to the 1st half of the 15th century from Switzerland (Swiss National Museum) and a woollen sprang fragment dated to 1450-1500 from London (Metropolitan Museum of Art,... more
La investigación sobre la economía de al-Andalus se ha llevado a cabo en los últimos tiempos teniendo en cuenta esencialmente la agricultura de regadío. Otras prácticas económicas, como los cultivos de secano y la ganadería, incluso el... more
Knjigu arheologa Ante Miloševića , ravnatelja Muzeja Cetinske krajine u Sinju, tiskamo kao drugu u nizu monografija koje znanstveno interpretiraju konzervatorske radove na spomenicima nacionalne baštine. Nije slučajno da se ova... more
The book was published in Prague in 1957 * Abstract: The third part contains a list of findings thaler coins from the period (1519-1900) and a Czech, Moravian and Silesian findings undefinable coins. The volume is reattached clear map... more
En esta tesis se presenta el estudio de un proceso de larga duración, el de la génesis y evolución del cementerio medieval en Cantabria entre los siglos V y XV. El objetivo principal era ordenar, sistematizar y realizar un análisis... more
vijest o crkvi Sv. Spasa na vrelu Cetine uokolo koje je oko 300 monumentalnih, nezgrapnih i grubo klesanih nadgrobnih spomenika, ponekad ukrašenih križevima i različitim oružjem 18 . Šezdesete godine 19. stoljeća označavaju stvarni... more
La scelta artistica di un capitano di ventura: il ciclo arturiano di Frugarolo 25 Marianna Cuomo I plinti affrescati nella Campania altomedievale. La pittura decorativa tra VI e XI secolo 41 Serena Franzon Indossare la fede. Gioielli... more
Die deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar
Commodity and symbol. The underpants (braies) from the vault at Lengberg Castle, East Tyrol. This article examines two of the extant garments found at Lengberg Castle in 2008. It offers a detailed description of the completely preserved... more
2 Contributions to the recent Essays in Honour of Brian Spencer refl ect the breadth of research on pilgrim souvenirs made possible by the documentation and interpretation undertaken by Spencer and others: see Blick 2007, with a... more
Results of the long-term study of the 15th century Crimean ceramics are presented in this book. They are based on the analysis of large volumes of archaeological materials. The author proposes detailed classification, typology, and... more
Quaderni di Archeologia del Piemonte, 2, 2018; Province di Biella e Novara: F. RUBAT BOREL, S. LEARDI, Candelo (BI), piazza Castello e via Mazzini. Strutture murarie medievali individuate nel corso dello sdoppiamento della linea... more
A successful campaign led by the Grand Vizier Gedik Ahmed Pasha to the Crimea in 1475 brought new territories to the Ottoman Empire — the Southern Taurica and the eastern edge of the Kerch Peninsula, which previously belonged to the... more
Les fouilles archéologiques portant sur la période des XIe - XVIe siècles menées en Provence livrent de très nombreux accessoires métalliques du costume et de la parure de corps. Ce sont des éléments de fixation prenant la forme... more