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In this paper I investigate the diachronic development of the "fratris me pudet" (Ter. Ad. 391) construction type in Late Latin, with a view to exploring the factors that played a significant role in the analogical process that lead this... more
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      Syntactic ChangeArgument StructureLatin linguisticsLate Latin
Een vraag die men zich bij de nieuwe eindtermen voor het klassieke talenonderwijs in de tweede graad zou kunnen stellen, is hoe we onze leerlingen niet-klassieke teksten kunnen voorschotelen op een moment waarop velen van hen zelfs de... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)ClassicsLanguage EducationLanguages and Linguistics
Completely replaced by
Romanian and the Italian dialects II.
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      History of Latin LanguageItalian philologyRomanian LanguageItalian (Languages And Linguistics)
Gli agiotoponimi friulani San(t) Andrat e San Tomat e i veneti Santandrà, Sandrà, San Tomà conservano traccia della flessione nominale latina in -ās/āti- che integrava nel sistema tardo-latino elementi allotri, in particolare gli... more
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      Historical MorphologyRomance philologyOnomasticsToponomastics
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      Early Medieval HistoryEarly RomanceLate LatinLangobards, Italy
The early chronology for St Patrick (c. 351-c. 428): some new ideas and possibilities Introduction: 'ego Patricius peccator'
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      Irish StudiesCeltic StudiesEarly ChristianityIrish History
En este trabajo, primero se explica el sistema vocálico del latín, para luego estudiar la evolución de las vocales átonas al español desde el punto de vista fonológico. Se presenta el análisis vocálico de segmentos átonas y tónicas,... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsLatin linguistics
Ciascun volume della Collana è preventivamente sottoposto a una procedura di peer review.
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      Late LatinVerbal MorphologyVerbal Inflectional Morphology
The course language will be English Fees 80 € for PhD Students & Postdocs 60 € for BA & MA Students as well as for high-school teachers Certificates of Completion Certificates of completion will be delivered to participants upon request
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      Latin EpigraphyLatin linguisticsVulgar LatinLate Latin
This paper examines a species of Latin technical terms formulated and employed in the late Roman army, some directly attested in Late Latin sources, others witnessed only as transliterations or loanwords in Greek. The cognates sculca... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
ABSTRACT: The continued use of Latin as the official Heeressprache of the East Roman Empire up to the 630s supplies the context for an examination of a text virtually unknown to classical scholarship. Mediceo-Laurentianus graecus LV-4... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)Greek Literature
This paper examines the number, sources, etymology and chronology of Germanic loanwords in Roman military vocabulary with a view to establishing what these lexical influences can reveal about intercultural contact in this sphere during... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryClassicsLate Latin Literature
Estudio sobre las obras gramaticales de Isidoro de Sevilla: Differentiae, Synonima y Etymologiae, desde la perspectiva de la información que ofrecen sobre la lengua latina hablada y escrita en tiempos de Isidoro de Sevilla. La segunda... more
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      Latin LiteratureMedieval StudiesLate AntiquityLexicography
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      History of Latin LanguageNoam ChomskyLatin linguisticsLate Latin
è particolarmente grata l'opportunità offertami dai curatori di questa miscellanea di rendere omaggio ad un maestro come Giuseppe Scarpat, cui mi legano profonde ragioni di riconoscenza. Se non avessi casualmente incontrato sulla mia... more
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      Late Latin LiteratureLate LatinRoman and Late Antique Pottery
The article provides the first critical edition of ch. 11 (περὶ φύσεως ἀνθρωπίνης) of the late antique Latin-Greek glossary of the so-called Hermeneumata Celtis (Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, suppl. gr. 43, ff. 22v-23v). A... more
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
The se vivo fecit formula (or any variants of it) occurs almost 1400 times in the Latin epigraphic corpus. This fact attracts our attention, because, according to the rules of the classical grammar , the expression should be seen as... more
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      Historical LinguisticsLatin EpigraphyVulgar LatinLate Latin
The prose and poetry of Ennodius show that he is a careful reader of classical authors and in the last years critics have clearly demonstrated this aspect of the culture of the bishop of Pavia. The present study aims to illustrate the... more
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      Late Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityOvidLatin poetry
(1a) Dumnorix… Heluetiis erat amicus quod ex ea ciuitate Orgetorigis filiam in matrimonium duxerat ("Dumnórix…era aliado de los helvecios por haberse casado con la hija de Orgetórix que era de aquel país", Caes. Gall. 1,9,3) (1b) uxor me... more
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      ClassicsHistorical LinguisticsLatin Language and LiteratureLatin Language
Etymology of Romanian ”rece” - cold. Although there is an abundant scholarship around Lat. recens and its family (recentatus, recentarius) it lacks in rigor. We try to argument that the word belongs to an already dialectalized Late... more
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      Romance philologyRomanian LanguageRomance LinguisticsVulgar Latin
De coniunctione: Donatus and the grammar tradition. In the ars grammatica the definition of conjunction reflects the Greek heritage and the evolution of the Latin linguistic reflection. In this gradual process a relevant figure is... more
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      Latin LanguageGreek and Roman School and EducationLate LatinAncient Latin Grammarians
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      Late Latin LiteratureLatin linguisticsLatin poetryVulgar Latin
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      Early RomanceLate LatinHistory of Southern ItalyLegal Latin
The 105 Latin notarial documents of the 9th century stored in the Archive of the Badia della Trinità of Cava de’ Tirreni represent a fundamental source for the history of the Langobardia minor. The language of these documents is also... more
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      Formulaic LanguageMedieval LatinLate Latin
EDITOR 0 SMENOS SMENOS PUBLICATIONS [email protected] an Irish imprint of A catalogue record for chis tide is available from the British Library.
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      Book of DanielPatristic ExegesisLate LatinRoman Liturgy
This study aims to examine some more significant texts of the Latin historiographical tradition of the imperial age to identify the features and possibilities of the short form of writing in prose. In fact, the short form is not imposed... more
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      Roman HistoriographyLate Latin LiteratureSenecaLate Antiquity
Thomae Hamlet:
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      ClassicsLatin Language and LiteratureFunctional GrammarLatin linguistics
Quello che vediamo quando guardiamo un qualunque testo latino a noi trasmesso è la facciata grafica che nasconde dietro a sé la lingua "reale", la lingua parlata all'epoca. Alcuni dei fenomeni anomali percepiti in quella facciata derivano... more
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      History of Latin LanguageClassical philologyLate Latin
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      Language Variation and ChangeOld FrenchLate LatinNegation
The study deals with the problem of the availability in the network of instruments to access the Latin texts of late antiquity. It illustrates the existing databases and their characteristics. Then moves to the illustration of the project... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureDigital Humanities
This study traces the textual history of the Old Latin, or Vetus Latina, version of the Book of Daniel and its additions (Sus-Dn-Bel), from the turn of the third century in North Africa to AD 360. The work focuses on the patristic... more
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      Book of DanielLatin linguisticsVulgateVulgar Latin
This paper aims to present some observations on the methods used to assemble and organise collections of texts, i.e. the corpora of what are wrongly known as the dead languages. Although more technical aspects such as how to format or... more
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      EffectivenessCorpus LinguisticsLate LatinRepresentativeness
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval French LiteraturePhonetics and PhonologyVulgar Latin
This paper is a contribution to the theory and history of the notion of "vulgarism". Starting from a critical reflection on the concepts of Volkssprache, Umgangssprache, Vulgärsprache, gesprochene Sprache, and the analysis of the semantic... more
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      Historical sociolinguisticsLatin linguisticsLate LatinVulgar Latin Spoken
Il poema dell'Heptateuchos. Itinera philologica tra tardoantico e alto medioevo, Litterae Press, Catania 2016 (Biblioteca di Commentaria Classica 1), 212 pp. ISBN 9788894227109. ISBN 9788894227130 (e-book).
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      Latin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityClassical philology
У овом прилогу реч је о једном латинском поздраву који се јавља у сцени погубљења вероучитеља Сатура у Мучеништву Перпетуином и Филикитатином, гл. 21. Аутор подсећа да је поздравна формула ту искоришћена сасвим необично, јер уместо... more
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      Early ChristianityRoman Baths (Archaeology)Late LatinMulti Word Expression
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      Late LatinLatin Grammar
The gerund and the present participle from Late Latin to Old French iii This dissertation is the result of a long and intense journey. It started the first of July 2015 in Ghent, a few days before obtaining my Master's degree in Latin and... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Corpus LinguisticsLatin Language and LiteratureOld French
Dans le carm. 1,1 H. (= 245 V.: Itinerarium Brigantionis castelli) Ennode décrit les moments marquants d’un voyage comme d’un chemin formatif. En particulier, la représentation du dépassement des Alpes à travers le col de Montgenèvre... more
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      ClassicsLate Latin LiteratureEarly ChristianityLate Antiquity
In the Justinianic Novellae, repeated occurrences of the phrase πάτριος φωνή, meaning the Latin language, are generally believed to be indicative of Justinian' s favourable stance towards Latin culture, Roman tradition, and his own roots.... more
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      Balkan HistoryLanguage Planning and PolicyVulgar LatinLate Latin
The paper considers the problem of the importance of the lost Disciplinae of Varro for Augustine’s intellectual formation and above all for his own project of composing an encyclopaedia with the same title, by first setting it within the... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
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      History of Latin LanguageLatin LanguageLatin linguisticsVulgar Latin
Nell’ambito delle attività relative alla collana “Nuova Biblioteca di Cultura Romanobarbarica” – SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, il Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione dell’Università di Sassari e il Dipartimento di... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureIntertextualityLate Antiquity
Northwest Africa was a part of the Roman Empire and the Roman World between the 3rd century B.C. and 7th century A.D. Many cities and cultural resorts were built or developed between Tripoli, in Libya, and Volubilis in Morocco. In spite... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsRomance philologyAl-AndalusLatin Language and Literature
A research about some rare latin and semitic names, mainy toponyms, from De situ terrae santae (6th century A.D.).
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      Late Latin LiteratureHistorical LinguisticsLatin Language and LiteratureLate Latin
Some Romance outcomes of Latin proparoxytona such as íntĕgrum > intéro can be explained, according to Timpanaro (1965), by a late Latin heterosyllabism of the sequence muta cum liquida (C+R). The rising of this pattern cannot be traced... more
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      Greek and Latin prosody and metricsRomance LinguisticsLatin linguisticsLate Latin
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      Late LatinParticiplesItalian Syntax
This paper analyzes the poem In refectorio (CPL 1087) by Martin of Braga (c. 515-579 AD) from a philological, literary and aesthetic point of view. This short piece has a striking peculiarity: almost 8 of its 10 verses are taken unchanged... more
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      Latin LiteratureIntertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityLate Antiquity
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
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