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Rock art in the precontact Andes was frequently associated with venerated, pacarina water spring features. As nodes in the cultural landscape, pacarina were, and still are, considered critical access points to the primordial underworld... more
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      Late Intermediate PeriodChimuLandscape and Rock ArtArchaeology Anthropology History Andes
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      Latin American StudiesArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySurvey Methodology
Lista de participantes del taller "La montaña tropical sur-central y las zonas adyacentes: Desarrollos políticos regionales, intercambio interregional e interacción cultural" (julio del 2013, Sucre-Bolivia). Evento auspiciado por la... more
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      Late Intermediate PeriodArqueología InkaLa PazSouth Central Andes
Præhistoria Andina II: The Wamalli occupation at Lauricocha, Vizcarra, and High Marañon river basins, Huanuco In 1999–2002, research carried out at Lauricocha, Vizcarra, and High Marañon river basins (Huanuco, Central Andes)... more
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    • Late Intermediate Period
Resumen: Recientes excavaciones en Huaca Naranjal han permitido registrar la recurrencia de grandes contextos de fragmentería cerámica los cuales han sido reconocidos como desechos de producción alfarera. El análisis de los contextos... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCeramic TechnologyLate Intermediate Period
This article presents an analysis of the archaeological research conducted in the Alto Marañon region related to the Wamalí tradition. The author reviews information from other scholars as well as his own fieldwork in the area, paying... more
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      PeruLate Intermediate Period
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      Inca ArchaeologyCuzco ArchaeologyLate Intermediate PeriodMiddle Horizon
El presente reporte muestra los resultados de prospección llevados a cabo en la cuenca del Río Vilcanota, Cusco que tuvo como fin ampliar el registro arqueológico de materiales, técnicas y distribución de estilos arquitectónicos usados en... more
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      Ancient Technology (Archaeology)Archaeological surveyAncient QuarriesInka Archaeology
This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "Betty Jane Meggers (December 5, 1921-July 2, 2012)" by Monica Barnes; "Reminiscences of a Stalwart Adversary" by Robert L. Carneiro; Betty Meggers: Her later... more
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      Chilean and Andean ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyHunter-Gatherer ArchaeologyAncient Metallurgy
This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "John Victor Murra (August 24, 1916 - October 16, 2006): An Interpretative Biography" by Monica Barnes with a "Bibliography of Works by and about John Victor... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyClimate ChangeAndean ArchaeologyTextiles
This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "Earl Henry Lubensky (March 31, 1921 - May 1, 2009)" by Deborah M. Pearsall; "Juan (Hans) Santiago Rene Schobinger (February 18, 1928 - July 11, 2009)" by... more
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      Chilean and Andean ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyAlpine ArchaeologyHistory of Accounting Thought
En este trabajo nos proponemos realizar una primera exploración sobre el lugar que ocuparon las chullpas en la sociedad de Lípez, desde su surgimiento en el siglo XIII hasta el siglo XVI, cuando la invasión europea parece haber puesto fin... more
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      ChullpasLate Intermediate PeriodHuman-Nonhuman relationsSouthern Andes archaeology
This article is mainly concerned with two subjects resulting from a lenghty study on the textile material of Arica. On one hand we define the archaeological "chuspa" of the Late Intermediate Period (1000-1470) found in funerary contexts... more
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      Textile ArchaeologyChilean and Andean ArchaeologyArchaeological textilesLate Intermediate Period
A new look at Choqek'iraw (Choque Quira). An Inca site in the heart of the Vilcabamba Cordillera, Peru Situated in the heart of the Vilcabamba cordillera in Peru, some 150 km northwest of Cuzco, the ancient Inca state capital,... more
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      AnthropologyEthnoarchaeologyLandscape ArchitectureDigital Signal Processing
El fenómeno político Lambayeque es uno de los ejemplos más complejos del ejercicio del poder en la costa norte del Perú durante la época prehispánica. El amplio espectro de edificios monumentales localizados en puntos estratégicos de los... more
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      Development of complex societiesLate Intermediate PeriodLambayeque/Sican
This paper presents textile pieces from archaeological sites in Northern Chile that were made by using the tie-dying technique. They first appear at the end of the Archaic and beginnings of the Formative periods (ca. 1500-1000 BC), their... more
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      ChileArchaic PeriodArchaeological textilesFormative Period
Informe final del proyecto arqueológico "Alto Tacna" - Temporada 2015 con la presentación de los trabajos de prospecciones y de excavaciones que se desarrollaron entre octubre y diciembre 2015 en la precordillera de Tacna en los... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyWar StudiesCeramics (Archaeology)Arqueología
El reciente reconocimiento de la cultura Copiapó (Niemeyer y Cervellino 1998) como una entidad arqueológica independiente de la cultura Diaguita, ha abierto muchas interrogantes acerca de este grupo cultural del Intermedio Tardío. La... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Late Intermediate PeriodSouth Central AndesCopiapó
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El presente trabajo plantea una propuesta metodológica para poder identificar los territorios de dos grupos étnicos previos al Tawantinsuyu, asentados en la puna de Junín y los valles de Tarma durante el periodo de Desarrollos Regionales... more
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      Archaeology of ethnicityEthnicityFunerary structuresLate Intermediate Period
This paper is set within the outlines of the research project “Cultural history and materiality in the archaeology of Late Intermediate and Late periods of San Pedro de Atacama and its relation with the Loa basin” which aims to analyze... more
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      Material Culture StudiesTextile ArchaeologyChileArchaeological textiles
This article explores temporality at the village of Jecosh (Ancash, Peru) using a place and social memory framework. Through excavations and materials analysis of domestic and mortuary contexts, we consider the memory work involved in... more
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      Social MemoryHousehold ArchaeologyAndesMortuary archaeology
The paper summarizes the contribution of UAV to the documentation of a vast group of late Prehispanic agrarian elements (fields, irrigation canals) in the arid Atacama area (northern Chile). Taking advantage of the extraordinary... more
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      Aerial ArchaeologyRemote Sensing (Archaeology)Archaeological FieldworkArchaeological survey
The Atacama Desert is among the driest places on Earth, yet ancient agricultural systems are present in the region. Here, we present a study of terraced agricultural soils in the high‐altitude eastern margin of the Atacama Desert in... more
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      GeographyEarth SciencesGeoarchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
Mortuary remains within an archaeological context can illuminate the social and political aspects not only of the individual(s) buried, but also of the living who interred them. Although this is so, a consensus has not been reached in... more
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      RitualFunerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Inca Archaeology
de lA pUKArA Al chUllperío: evAlUANdo lA ArticUlAcióN de coMUNidAdes iMAgiNAdAs eN el cArANgAs preiNKAico Juan villanueva criales 1
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Imagined CommunitiesArchaeology of deathLate Intermediate Period
Summary of PhD thesis about the conflicts within multiethnic areas in the south-central Andes, during the Late Intermediate Period (1100 - 1450 AD J.C.).
Romuald HOUSSE - Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
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      Andean ArchaeologyAmérica PrehispánicaAncient Weapons and WarfarePre-Columbian, Inca, Andes, Peru, South America, Archaeology, Anthropology
Resumen: En este capítulo, presentamos los resultados de nuestras excavaciones al sitio de Rapayán hechas en el 2005. Estas excavaciones perseguían esencialmente dilucidar la cronología del sitio así como la función de algunas estructuras... more
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      Archaeological StratigraphyFunerary ArchaeologyHousehold ArchaeologyInca Archaeology
The Project of Archaeological Research « Alto Tacna » did archaeological prospections and excavations in the mountains of Tacna, between the districts of Sitajara and Tarata in the upper basin of the Sama River. This allowed us to... more
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      Settlement PatternsAndesInca ArchaeologyFortified Settlements (Archaeology)
Metallurgical production has been considered in much archaeological literature concerned with the Andes, as the work of full time specialists and craftsmen. In this paper we discuss based on findings made at the site Juella, Quebrada de... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
A total of 147 inkuñas originating from cemeteries in the Azapa Valley (Azapa-3, Azapa-6, Azapa-8, Azapa-71, Azapa-75 and Azapa-140), and those of the coast of Arica (Playa Miller-2, Playa Miller-3, Playa Miller-4, Playa Miller-8, Playa... more
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      IconographyChileArchaeological textilesStyle
Presentación de los resultados preliminares del PIA Alto Tacna. III CNA - Lima.
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      ArchaeologyPeace and Conflict StudiesInca ArchaeologyFortifications
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      Pottery (Archaeology)PersonhoodLate Intermediate PeriodSouth Central Andes
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      Domestic SpaceHousehold ArchaeologyMicroartifact AnalysisLate Intermediate Period
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      Maritime ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyNavigation
This work gives the results of the first studies carried out in mining camp Chu-2, with evidence of copper exploitation activities previous to Inca rule. This site is the first of its kind in the Chuquicamata-Tomic area, and was occupied... more
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      ChileSettlementsLate Intermediate PeriodAtacama
In this paper we describe a new system for the recording of archaeological sites based on an autonomous UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) that has recently been employed in the framework of the Nasca-Palpa Archaeological Project on the south... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyDigital Photogrammetry applied to ArchaeologyUAVsLate Intermediate Period
Entre los años 2015 y 2017 se excavó una amplia área funeraria en el sitio El Olivar, en el marco de la construcción de la doble vía (Ruta 5) entre las ciudades de La Serena y Vallenar. A partir de una caracterización de las sepulturas... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyChilean and Andean ArchaeologyLongitudinal ResearchAndean studies
The potential of an "internodal archaeology" is illustrated through research conducted in three internodal areas along the "Andes of Capricorn" (Figure 1), to wit, the Coastal Range and Intermediate Depression of the Atacama Desert... more
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      Late Intermediate PeriodSouthern AndesInternodal ArchaeologyArchaeology of Caravans
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyGeometric Morphometrics
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)AndesAndean Culture
Prehispanic South American pastoralism has a long and rich, though often understudied, trajectory. In this paper, we analyze the transition from a generalized to a specialized pastoralism at two geographical locations in the Andes:... more
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      GeographyAndean ArchaeologyPolitical EcologyArgentina
The Late Intermediate period in the south-central Andes is known for the widespread use of open sepulchres called chullpas by descent-based ayllus to claim rights to resources and express idealized notions of how society should be... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mortuary archaeology
Comparative study of fortified settlements in Peru, and spatial analysis for understanding the settlement pattern, in the Jauja Région. Nature and functions of Pucaras in the Late Intermediate Period in the Centrales Andes, and reality or... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyArchaeological GISPeru
This paper describes the 3D modelling of Pinchango Alto, Peru, based on a combination of image and range data. Digital photogrammetry and laser scanning allow archaeological sites to be recorded efficiently and in detail even under... more
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      Andean Archaeology3D Modelling (Architecture)Digital Photogrammetry applied to Archaeology3D Laser Scanning (Archaeology)
En este trabajo nos centramos en el sitio arqueológico de Viejo Sangayaico [SAN1] que data del Intermedio Tardío (1000 – 1480 d.C.), el Horizonte Tardío (1480 – 1532 d.C.) con una fuerte ocupación Inca, antes de pasar al control Colonial... more
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      Inca ArchaeologyLate Intermediate Period
This paper ilustrate what coM have been the prehispanic occupation of the southeastern area of Potosi since the Preceramic period unfil the Spanish Conquest. After descnbing some of the previws worhs dedicated to this area by ofher... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyBolivian studiesBolivia
Comparative study of fortified settlements in Peru, and spatial analysis for understanding the settlement pattern, in the Jauja Région. Nature and functions of Pucaras in the Late Intermediate Period in the Centrales Andes, and reality or... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyArchaeological GISPeru
The Late Intermediate Period (LIP) (AD 1000 – 1450) in the Andes was a time of turbulent political and social change as two major states, Wari and Tiwanaku, lost power. Increased rates of skeletal trauma in parts of Peru and Chile for... more
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      ViolenceBioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPaleopathology
We investigate the function of seven small bird bone tubes of an archaeological collection of the Antofagasta Region, Chile, dated on the Late Intermediate Period. Three functionaL hypotheses are contrasted: 1) they were used as snuffing... more
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      ShamanismHallucinogensPuna de AtacamaLate Intermediate Period