Late Biblical Hebrew

112 papers
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Late Biblical Hebrew refers to the stage of the Hebrew language used in the final books of the Hebrew Bible, primarily from the post-exilic period (5th century BCE onwards). It is characterized by linguistic features that distinguish it from earlier forms of Biblical Hebrew, reflecting changes in syntax, vocabulary, and style.
XḤev/Se 6 is a liturgical document that was committed to writing around 100 CE and bears significant resemblance, in form and content, to rabbinic benedictions. It stands out among other contemporary Judaean Desert documents (circa 70–135... more
Daniel 9.24-27 is addressed as a 'case study' for testing a widely accepted list of formal criteria for diagnosing where the passage gravitates toward within the prose/poetry continuum. A close reading of the passage reveals a dense... more
This linguistic study of the Hebrew play Tzahut Bdichuta DeKiddushin (A Comedy of Betrothal) by Yehuda Sommo (1527–1592) reveals his innovative use of Biblical, Rabbinic, and medieval Hebrew to create a “spoken” theatrical language.... more
We discuss the evolution of the distributive double noun (quivis) in biblical Hebrew. This construction developed from an asyndeton in Classical Biblical Hebrew into a syndeton in Late Biblical Hebrew, a process that makes it an important... more
Аннотация. В мае 2017 г. на очередном пленарном заседании Академии языка иврит было принято решение о серьёзной реформе в орфографии иврита и введении новых правил безогласовочной орфографии. В статье приводится краткий обзор двух систем... more
The use of lamed to introduce the object of a transitive verb in Biblical Hebrew is commonly accounted for as an Aramaic influence. This article will compare how lamed is used in Aramaic and in Biblical Hebrew. According to Maksim Kalinin... more
The common view among scholars of 1 Maccabees is that the Greek version we have is a translation of a lost Hebrew original. This paper presents several examples of reconstructing the Hebrew Vorlage of the book, based on phrases documented... more
The linguistic variants מַמְלָכָה and מַלְכוּת ("kingdom") have long been cited as a prime example of the development of Biblical Hebrew from Classical Biblical Hebrew to Late Biblical Hebrew, with מַמְלָכָה appearing mainly in books... more
Битнер К. А., Фомичева С. В. Таргумы // Православная энциклопедия. Том 67. М., 2022. С. 456—470.
This is an encyclopedic overview article on the main issues of the Slavonic Bible textual study, more precisely Church Slavonic and Old Ruthenian thereof. The article embraces scholarly literature and publications up to 2022, and by... more
Битнер К. А., Петров А. Е., Антыпко М. И.  Софония // Православная энциклопедия. Том 65. М., 2022. С. 271-282.
Discrepancies between the versions of the Book of Proverbs in the Masoretic Text (MT) and Septuagint (LXX) have occupied scholars for centuries. Some solutions are briefly outlined in this article, together with a new proposal for... more
Grammaticalization is generally viewed as a diachronic process of: lexical > grammatical and grammatical > more grammatical (Meillet 1912; Kuriłowicz 1965/1975). This paper deals with the grammaticalization of bipartite reciprocal markers... more
This is the pre-print version of a paper of the same title that is to appear in Textus. For copyright reasons I cannot publish the paper itself, but I you are interested I can send it privately. Syntactic-stylistic analysis points to... more
La médecine vétérinaire dans le Proche-Orient antique est peu documentée par nos sources. Outre quelques textes akkadiens, quatre tablettes en langue ougaritique témoignent d’un bref traité vétérinaire en circulation à Ougarit (Ras... more
Over recent decades it has become clear that the Hebrew biblical texts kept growing and developing to a remarkable extent even in relatively late times. A better understanding of this process is crucial in interpreting the texts. In this... more
The use of the word דגל in the Song of Songs 5:10 has caused considerable confusion among commentators. Most occurrences of the word in the Song are thought to be related to an army or host carrying banners, except in 5:10, where this... more
In this article, I discuss three statistical tools that have proven pivotal in linguistic research, particularly those studies that seek to evaluate large datasets. These tools are the Gaussian Curve, significance tests, and hierarchical... more
The purpose of this paper is to identify and re-interpret the hitherto misinterpreted term bēn bayît in ancient Hebrew. The term occurs twice in the Bible (Gen 15:3; Qoh 2:7), and several dozens times in Rabbinical sources. In both... more
In most cases, the directive he suffix in Biblical Hebrew indicates objective movement toward a physical goal. However, Hebraists have also identified a substantial number of examples in which the directive he is not associated with... more
The language of Qoheleth is characterized by an awkward style and an unusual vocabulary. Past studies have assigned these peculiarities to linguistic factors, assuming that the book reflects an underrepresented dialect or register. The... more
The article examines the works of the modern German biblical scholar Erhard Blum, devoted to the analysis of the history and contemporary state of the documentary hypothesis of the origin of the Pentateuch, which is still dominant in... more
This paper discusses the stem variance of the root ḥbq in the Bible, suggesting that its inconsistent conjugation does not reflect the original Biblical Hebrew, but rather results from an anachronistic pronunciation created by the... more
Аннотация. В мае 2017 г. на очередном пленарном заседании Академии языка иврит было принято решение о серьёзной реформе в орфографии иврита и введении новых правил безогласовочной орфографии. В статье приводится краткий обзор двух систем... more
This paper proposes a new linguistic method for dating the Book of Qohelet. While linguistic methods employed in previous studies of Qohelet led to the conclusion that it is a post-exilic book, they could not yield a more accurate dating.... more
המאמר בוחן את דמותו וכתביו של ד"ר אריאל בן-ציון לאור חזון פואטי רדיקלי שפירסם בשנת 1912. בניגוד לסופרים המזרחים בני דורו, ובראשם יהודה בורלא ויצחק שמי, שכתבו את יצירותיהם על פי דגמים צורניים מערביים שהיו מקובלים בא"י בזמנם, קרא בן-ציון... more
В статье даётся обзор корпуса текстов на испанском языке, вобравшего в себя личные письма, частные и официальные документы, созданные на территории современного Уругвая с 1726 по 1904 гг. Тексты, изданные в виде двухтомника, а... more
במסמך מוצגת רשימת מילים בש׳׳ין שנייה
This paper identifies a hitherto unknown particle in Biblical Hebrew: The copulative-appositional lamed. This lamed denotes equality or equivalence between (1) a noun phrase and its appositional and attributive modifiers; and (2) a noun... more
Битнер К. А. Рукописи Мертвого моря.: Тексты Премудрости // Православная энциклопедия. Том 60. М., 2020. С. 378-384. Статья является частью большой статьи: Бабкина С. В., Селезнев М. Г., Киреева Н. М., Лявданский А. К., Битнер К. А.,... more
4Q249 ‫המגילה‬ ‫בשרידי‬ ‫קדום‬ ‫הלכה‬ ‫מדרש‬ ‫בן-דב‬ ‫יונתן‬ 3 ‫משה'‬ ‫'מדרש‬ ‫החוכמה‬ ‫בחיבור‬ ‫קטעים‬ ‫וצירופי‬ ‫חדשות‬ ‫קריאות‬ ‫גייער‬ ‫אסף‬ 21 ‫למבין'‬ ‫'מוסר‬ ‫ז‬ ‫דמשק‬ ‫ברית‬ ‫של‬ ‫חדש‬ ‫קטע‬ :4QD i -4Q273a ‫טיכלאר‬ ‫אייברט‬ 45 4... more
Until about three decades ago, the historical evidence from the southern administrative unit in the land of Israel, ‘Idumea’, was relatively limited. The discovery of about 2,000 ostraca from this administrative unit in the late twentieth... more
by Robert Rezetko and 
1 more
The intuition of established scholars often holds them back from appreciating revolutionary advances in the understanding of how biblical texts evolved and how to view their language in that context. Kuhn's theory of paradigm shifts helps... more
The paper implements an interdisciplinary approach to the historical characterization of the Hebrew language during the Persian period by investigating three morpho-syntactic constructions – the Infinitive Construct, the Infinitive... more
This paper examines the widespread classification of ʾt before the nominative as a trademark of Late Biblical Hebrew. The paper begins by defining the nature and scope of this syntactic usage and reviewing its possible explanations. Next,... more