Last Judgment

210 papers
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The Last Judgment refers to a theological concept in various religious traditions, particularly Christianity, signifying the final assessment of humanity by a divine authority. It is characterized by the resurrection of the dead, the evaluation of individual lives, and the ultimate determination of eternal fate, often depicted as a moment of divine justice.
W trakcie wykładu będzie można dowiedzieć o znaczeniu symboliki religijnej „Sądu Ostatecznego” ukazanej przez Hansa Memlinga. Objaśnione zostaną też wątki eschatologiczne, czyli odnoszące się do ostatecznego przeznaczenia świata,... more
The article is dedicated to the iconography, development and symbolism of the “Rolling up the Sky” scene – a fragment of the complex multi-scene composition of “The Last Judgment” icons. The study based on selected icons of “The Last... more
In the nowadays ruined church of Archangel Michael in village Shilkovtsi, near the town of Elena, the striking composition of the Last Judgement once occupied the eastern wall of the narthex. Today, the mural has been transferred to the... more
Szanowni Państwo Centrum Badań Memlingowskich UG oraz Instytut Kultury Miejskiej w Gdańsku serdecznie zapraszają 27marca (czwartek) , o godzinie 18. 00 na trzeci w 2025 r. wykład w ramach popularno-naukowego cyklu zatytułowanego „Wokół... more
Catholic Servant (December 2024): 1, 5. Many Christians focus on the aspect of preparation for celebrating the past event of Christ's Nativity. The Christian tradition, however, is to prepare oneself also for Christ's coming in the... more
This paper discusses the origins of the concept of hell and the Lake of Fire, tracing it from the Old Testament through the Book of Enoch to the New Testament. The idea of hell as a fiery place of judgment is not fully developed in the... more
(A tanulmány magyar verziója is hamarosan elérhető lesz) The interesting thing about the visions of St. Bridget of Sweden is that her descriptions could be applied to our contemporary society almost entirely. The vision chosen for my... more
continuation of the translation of my study of new Soterilological Model of father Jogn Romanides
Art historians have paid a lot of attention to the historical development of the Last Judgment plot, particularly in Ukrainian art. However, the approach to the topic is to some extent conservative: the attention of researchers has mainly... more
Narrative cycles of St. Stephen, proto-martyr, are common, frequently found on ecclesiastical monuments of thirteenth-century France. The cathedrals of Bourges, Chartres, and Paris, to name only a few, support visual imagery inspired by... more
Everyone (but me) agrees that the woman next to Jesus in the center of the <Last Judgement> fresco in the Sistine Chapel is Mary his mother. In this essay culled from the book I summon to account several issues that make this certain... more
Diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento, totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. I curatori hanno scrupolosamente verifi cato i diritti delle riproduzioni... more
Kerstin Brandes Refreshingly Different – Ines Doujak’s Friends 1-3 (2008) Although women are said to get along swimmingly, to enjoy themselves, and to feel at ease with each other, today the non-gendered term “friends” carries particular... more
O artigo propõe o aprofundamento dos conceitos de “julgamento” e “justiça” na transição da estética medieval para o renascentismo através da análise dos afrescos de Giotto di Bondone e Michelangelo Buonarroti, ambos nominados como “Il... more
Il volume è stato finanziato con i fondi del Dottorato di Ricerca in Storia dell'arte della Sapienza Università di Roma, coordinatrice prof.ssa Manuela Gianandrea. Il testo ha superato la procedura di accettazione per la pubblicazione... more
is a Teaching Fellow in Classics at Trinity College Dublin. Her research interests focus on early Greek conceptions of time, Presocratic philosophy and anthropological approaches to Classics. Her most recent publication is 'Chance,... more I testi proposti per la pubblicazione dovranno essere redatti secondo le norme adottate nella rivista e consultabili nel suo sito. Essi dovranno essere inviati, completi di corredo illustrativo (immagini in .tif o... more
El estudio de las estampas y sus usos como modelos para la pintura de la temprana modernidad en el cruce con la circulación global de las imágenes ha permitido reconstruir extensas redes de imágenes a partir de la apropiación de los... more
During the second half of the 18th century and throughout the 19th century, the composition of the Last Judgement was enriched with additional themes and contents. Among the striking contents are the three so-called apocalyptic scenes... more
The Last Judgment in Medieval Georgian Art
(X-XIII centuries)
The paper is dedicated to the iconographic analysis of several compositions illustrating the text of The Ladder of Divine Ascent (Scala Paradisi) of John Climacus. The sources of the iconography of Holy Convicts from the 5th homily of the... more
This is the second article by the author dedicated to the eschatological concept of H. U. von Balthasar. In this article, the author examines the response to the criticism of the concept of Balthasar by the adherents of universalist and... more
Молинь Валентина Дмитрівна кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент, завідувач кафедри образотворчого мистецтва та академічних дисциплін Косівський інститут прикладного та декоративного мистецтва Львівської національної академії мистецтв... more
Молинь Валентина Дмитрівна кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент, завідувач кафедри образотворчого мистецтва та академічних дисциплін Косівський інститут прикладного та декоративного мистецтва Львівської національної академії мистецтв... more
, not long before people's movement through the world came to a halt, a session at the Forum Kunst des Mittelalters conference in Bern explored medieval artworks as "Bridges to Transcendence". Covering a wide range of topics-prayers... more
La capacità di inventare mostri è da sempre considerata tra le più alte espressioni dell’immaginazione umana come ben si evince da questo volume, arricchito di un suggestivo apparato di illustrazioni. L’atto creativo accomuna l’artista a... more
Modern languages and literary traditions developed in medieval and modern Europe in continuity with Latin and its written transmission. This is particularly evident in texts until at least the end of the fifteenth century. The relation of... more
Видання присвячене дослідженню великоформатної ікони «Вигнання Адама і Єви з раю. Страшний суд» з с. Усть-Путила на Буковині, яка наразі є найбільшим і найдавнішим з-поміж точно датованих творів іконопису в колекції Чернівецького... more
in The Smiling Walls. Dante and the Visual Arts, ed. by R. Arqués, S. Maddalo, L. Pasquini, Brepols, 2023, pp. 424-434
in The Smiling Walls. Dante e le arti figurative, ed. by R. Arqués, S. Maddalo, L. Pasquini, Brepols, 2023, pp. 193-216 Nell’opera di Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, il Giudizio universale è secondo solo all’Annunciazione quale soggetto... more
Among the six known paintings depicting the Last Judgment with citations from the Garden of Earthly Delights (Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado) by Jheronimus Bosch (c. 1450-1516) is the Last Judgment Triptych kept at the Wawel Royal... more
Sònia GROS I LLADÓS (UNED) Um grupo de especialistas de distintas áreas de conhecimento nos oferece, nesta obra, uma série de trabalhos voltados para o conceito de Humanismo nas letras catalãs, concepção essa, como bem assinala o título,... more
Eschatology in the Indo-Iranian Traditions traces the roots of the belief in life after death from the earliest religious beliefs of the Indo-European people, through its first textual emergence among the Indo-Iranians. Tracing the... more
Comment, après l'animal raisonnable et le bipède sans plumes, Jacob et Israël, l'étoile du soir et l'étoile du matin, Deleuze a introduit la différence du boeuf mort ou vif. Et comment cela conduit via Husserl à Hintikka sur le cubisme.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Resumo: O manual demonológico Compendium Maleficarum, publicado em 1608, foi escrito por Francesco Maria Guazzo, um frade da Ordem de Santo Ambrósio de Milão, durante seus serviços prestados ao Duque John Williams de Cleves. A obra trata... more
Resumo: O manual demonológico Compendium Maleficarum, publicado em 1608, foi escrito por Francesco Maria Guazzo, um frade da Ordem de Santo Ambrósio de Milão, durante seus serviços prestados ao Duque John Williams de Cleves. A obra trata... more
Vrubel à Igreja de São Cirilo, do século XII, em Kiev, onde este último havia restaurado e recriado um grande número de afrescos em 1884. Em frente ao seu mural da Lamentação do Anjos [Figura 1], Vrubel comentou que "em essência, este é o... more
Introduction: This manuscript presents an unprecedented hypothesis that the Flayed Man [Taoula. I. del Lib. II] by Gaspar Becerra (1520-1570), published in the classic study on the Historia de la composicion del cuerpo humano (1556) by... more
Sulla parete della navata di sinistra della Chiesa Matrice di Corato (Ba), vi è un affresco del XVI secolo di un pittore a cui gli è stato attribuito il nome ZT, che in una recente ipotesi è stato identificato col nome di Zorzi Teutonico.... more
Ołtarz Sądu Ostatecznego z Wiednia uważany jest obecnie przez członków Bosch Research and Conservation Project za dzieło Jheronimusa Boscha (ok. 1450-1516) i jego warsztatu. Reminiscencje oraz aluzje do grzechów nieczystości uobecniają... more
Ołtarz Sądu Ostatecznego z Wiednia uważany jest obecnie przez członków Bosch Research and Conservation Project za dzieło Jheronimusa Boscha (ok. 1450-1516) i jego warsztatu. Reminiscencje oraz aluzje do grzechów nieczystości uobecniają... more
In the Vienna Last Judgment by Jheronimus Bosch, both angels and demons are shown with brass instruments. Such a distribution of the trumpets, traditionally associated with the former, proves Bosch’s creative approach to the Last Judgment... more
Il lavoro, frutto delle ricerche condotte per la tesi di laurea triennale, si propone di analizzare un ciclo di affreschi raffigurante il Giudizio Universale conservato nella navata destra della chiesa di San Francesco a Brescia. La... more
El estudio de las estampas y sus usos como modelos para la pintura de la temprana modernidad en el cruce con la circulación global de las imágenes ha permitido reconstruir extensas redes de imágenes a partir de la apropiación de los... more